
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 2

Just two of them as the waiter takes them to a table in the corner of the restaurant with the waiter asking them both what will they be drinking for today david say dr.pepper for him with tony saying he'll take pepsi to drink as the waiter hands them each a menu of the restaurant saying he will be right back with there drinks saying take your time to look over the menu as david and tony look at the menu the waiter goes into the kitchen instead walking past the room he goes down a few step of stairs reaching the bottom face to face a metal door he knocks on it three time's before someone inside calls out to him saying come in as the waiter enter through the door seeing his boss telling him he has two special guest sitting down in the lobby currently trying out his food he wanted to let him know since they was looking for the eight leader's location while grabbing a bite to eat first the restaurant owner hides in the shadows say so they finally started making there move so early after the major incident the cause back in houston land thinking just cause they beaten a weak warlord like speck and his group like nothing it will be easy with him they have no idea.

What true power in this new world is tapping his fingers against the wooden desk he senses the two warriors on top energy signature with them not knowing about it saying they are strong but real weak compared to him as he tell the waiter to please give them this piece of paper to them to see if they would take the bait or not as the waiter leaves the room he runs up the stairs heading through the kitchen with him then getting there drinks ready while holding on to the paper from his boss as he places the beverages and paper in front of the two guest the boss sees this with his eye's closed saying time to show them a good time for their wait and confident to think they would do something to him or his seven other comrades currently in the hawaii land hidden within the few spread out eight island's out there as he get up from his office chair grabbing his nearby chef robe putting it on he as he walks out the room with the metal door he closes it behind him walking up the few step of stairs heading through the kitchen waving good afternoon to his employee's saying keep up the good work as the waiter comes back to the kitchen seeing his boss out.

In the open like this before heading to the lobby room where the two warrior's david and tony are seen discussing with one another about the note they gotten from the waiter who left out of nowhere reading it to say wait here if you want to fight a member of the leader's eight as they wait patiently the boss opens the kitchen door slowly revealing himself a caucasian skin color orange curly hair gentleman dress up nicely with his chef robe and his clean chef pants saying who are the two warrior's who wanted to have a chat with him as the same waiter comes out pointing to the duo teenager's who faces are shock to find out that they was so lucky to find one of the member's of the leader eight in this cool looking restaurant they just happen to find in the middle of nowhere as they both stand up walking up to leader eight member who name is still unknown to them with david and tony introducing themselves first while putting there hand forward as the curly hair gentleman see this he shakes both of there hands at the same time while introducing himself saying just call him the orange chef from the leader eight group for now he has heard from.

His employee here that they want to fight him for the chance to earned a medal to get the chance to challenged the other seven member's is that right david say yep with tony then saying he wants to go first saying dibs outloud with david saying awed damn it he was so slow in calling his spot with him giving up his chance to fight first orange chef leads the way to the backside of the restaurant to a huge open looking area looking like a battlefield arena telling his customers that if they want they can watch his fight or go back to sitting down in there table as few take the chance to see a member of leader eight fight at full power with orange chef saying please enter the arena young man tony as he goes to his side a small robot appear out the middle scanning both warrior's while taking a picture to show on the screen with him acting as the battle referee for today match as he says scan is complete he places both taken picture's on the tv screen while recording on live time for those who are tempted to watch from their table as the robot start the countdown saying few rules are no killing each other or hidden weapons are not allowed.

Or no cheating only fair and square from here on out both orange chef and tony stare at one another while david is seen sipping from his straw drinking his dr.pepper from the outside porch saying get him little brother tony says really embarrassing me in front of unknown stranger's as the robot say start letting a loud horn ring to let them know start the match as both are seen crashing in the middle with such impact that sends both warrior's back with there feet dragging across the ground with tony saying lightning wave slamming his palm on to the ground sending his attack through the floor toward orange chef who just smile from this saying not bad but not good enough pulling out a kitchen knife from his back pocket cutting down the lightning attack into pieces before he charges toward tony fast landing a strong side kick across his opponent but tony blocks the incoming kick with his arm's getting pushed back instead though doing his best to not be on the defensive for long he jumps toward the sky putting his right hand forward firing a lightning beam attack toward the opponent who just stares in amazement saying come on tony show me.

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