
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a boy named david aztlan who was once a human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the fullest by going on many fun adventures and quests with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization call the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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821 Chs

Chapter 29

Seeing cuchillo pour all his energy to the attack taking this chance to go over his limit saying full power darken fire hell cannon as the attack grows in size and power driving through the enemy cannon with ease reaching him completely in a matter of second he screams in defeat saying no no no no nnnnnooooooo the full might of the attack overtaking him for good causing a huge explosion to appear color red with darker black watching this adam says he won before turning off his aztlan force form to his base form falling on his back monica runs to him side hugging him saying he did it he won but adam is seen out cold unconscious even not able to talk or move anymore machete gets up from his chair and monica father arrives by his side saying that was a amazing battle but is cuchillo actually dead nope say machete adam wanted to knock out him out thats all so he will find his way back home after he falls back to earth now what to do with adam who's unable to do anything monica stands up protection adam with her arm spread out machete throws a punch at monica face but he get blocked by adam using his head to take the attack instead of her with shock expression on their faces.

Monica tell him to stop he has done enough for her she can defend herself adam whisper lighty saying he knows but can't let no one touch her machete says we'll we'll we'll he is really something fine deal's a deal you can take monica back with you but do come back to take them out in a couple day's they will start using force on the city so be ready to fight in a gang war that he was personally invited monica takes adam on her shoulder but not before a fire circle opens below them taking them away leaving machete and her father confused on what just happen but they ignored them for now telling all his men to gathered every men and women in their gang tell them it's about to start the biggest gang war with robert the traitor who has stolen something from them all the soldier's leave the mansion immediately but not monica father machete tells him robert you will have to go against your own family and friends will that be any problem no say robert who kneels in front of him saying to machete so what's to do about his right hand man position machete say he don't need one for now he will wait for cuchillo to crash back home to him robert say okay boss he will keep an eye on cuchillo landing or crashing back to the earth leaving out the mansion with the rest of the soldier's who are awaiting further order.

Machete sits back on his throne while taking a sip of his red wine watching his own men leave his home machete pulls out his phone from his pocket calling the other gang leader's trio telling them to start the assault and barricade all the city for a lockdown no one will leave or come in to locos cholos they will captured both major target's first robert and second adam plus niel plus his son rj rascal say that's good they can't be making a fool outta him any longer he will send his men all over the border along with his own men gang leader lista ask both of her comrades to let her hunt down target number two and she will bring back his son safe and sound along with the two pains of there ass so give them there punishment for interfering in there little gang war rascal ask lista why does she want to personally hunt down two children when she could be hunting down the man who stole there lucky demon power granter robert that coward he will pay for his crimes machete says enough they can't be arguing like little children first rascal and him will be patrolling all over the border up city with there soldier's for any clues to find target number one giving them there location second request is granted lista.

She can hunt down the second targets but be careful the little child name adam might be badly wounded right now but he's a real fighter who won't back down plus he has gotten stronger than the last time they fought couple minutes and they have few information about the other child but his name is niel and he has an older brother who they managed to captured thanks to cuchillo but thanks to adam he will not be able to participate on the assault since he has lose the battle against adam himself so he has no right hand man but he's has men to back him up they will meet up tomorrow morning in the middle of the city to talk about there job's saying goodnight hanging up the phone watching the night sky overtake the sunlight getting out his throne before sending a final message about barricading the whole city to let no one leave or enter there city for the whole week plus to send guard's all over the city to look for robert and the two delinquents now as the soldier's get the message all getting there equipment and weapons ready half getting on vehicles or the other half walking spending most of the night searching or barricading.

Back with a wounded near death adam after he was save by monica and niel quick thinking being able to save him from sudden death in the medical room inside the junkyard base as they all watch over adam seeing him relax and not be close to death door niel ask monica what happen over there why was adam so beat up and burn up to the point where he has missing skin flesh all over his body monica sits down explaining that adam made a deal with the right-hand man of machete when he barged into his mansion home along with his huge army of men who we're waiting patiently around the backyard and front yard like they knew he was coming rj comes into the conversation asking monica so the rumors was true machete did have loyal right-hand man but he kept him hidden from any prying eye's so they wouldn't bother him niel say coming back to the topic in hand what happen next after adam arrived he told machete that he should let go of her but he said nope it ain't his time to shine but his man cuchillo who has been wanting to get his revenge on him from fighting on the hospital so they made a deal if adam wins he get her back but if cuchillo win he gets both rj and cult leader back.

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