
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

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912 Chs

Chapter 22

As david sees this he gets caught off guard as he raises his hand toward the massive energy ball that heading his way as he gets push back little by little he uses his rage trying to push back the sphere telling paros that he will find a way to beat him to a pulp and save alexa no matter who gets in his way he will fight them paros smiles telling himself that they both think alike sacrificing themselves for the other person he thinks back to an old flashback where he was speaking to his daughter after many years of the elementary school event where he fought david telling her that david had died in an accident after fighting some type of monster from his hunting job alexa gets on her knee crying saying she should've stay with him and not leave him behind he would've been still alive and well paros put his hand on his daughter shoulder telling her that his grandpa made his choice for him there we're nothing that he could've done for him in this case alexa turns back around to look at her father with a determined look telling him that she will find a way to bring him back even if it's cost her own life while saying this alexa tell her father that she will spend her time training with her own mother and will only visit the weekends.

Paros gets back to reality remembering that he's still fighting david his opponent as he looks down at him he see him still struggling trying to push back the energy ball with all his might but it's not enough he's getting overpowered by the sphere full of energy paros tells him to give up and he will survive david yells out he'll no smiling saying he will push himself to his limit and break thru it unlocking a new power that would help him go against him for this match paros says he wants to see this new power he taking about unleashing a bit of his haki toward the sphere making it bigger than usual making him get overtaken by the blast but david barely alive manages to hold on for his dear life paros claps his hand together showing respect to his opponent for not giving up in the face of death david says he's not gonna die yet unless he has become the strongest in the universe and had many more adventure with his friend's he tries his best to lift the ball so he can push it back to him but he's looses all his energy he had left being overtaken by the huge blast blowing up half of the arena leaving only a huge crater also eliminating david along with it.

As the crowds gasp in suspense from witnessing what just happen to warrior david after being overtaken up by the massive energy ball leaving nothing just a huge crater full of dust and no sign of david still being alive the announcer looks a bit worry not being able to decide if paros is the winner or he's disqualified from the tournament for killing his opponent as wilson looks over the railing worry for his friend he tell the announcer to not count him out yet he's still alive he just has to come out from where he is hiding as the announcer looks over at his phone receiving a message from his boss looking at the huge mirror behind him he nods his head picking back up the mic saying he will give mr.david couple minutes to show himself before they decide paros as the winner of this tournament wilson yells out david telling him to get up and fight he hasn't loss yet he has to win for his family and friends there relying on him to brind the trophy home so they can stop the president and his henchmen after he stop taking the whole arena begins to move people confusing it for a earthquake but wilson knows it his friend coming back after hearing him call out to him.

As everything begins to shake harder and harder the crowd stand up cheering loudly calling out to him as paros sees this he feels david energy around him he smiles to himself saying he's a lucky son of a bitch to be able to survive that huge energy blast at close range and live as the spot where david was standing before the blast hit him in the arena it's start to glow a bright orange light shooting up to the ceiling as they all look over there own seat they see a familiar dark figure begin to appear out of the light having a smile on his face hiding it he raises his head to look over his shoulder opening his eye's slowly toward wilson having his orange pupil he gives him a thumb up telling him to show the world what he can really do as paros compliments david for being able to survive the blast like he did he tell him that the real battle is about to begin but before he can finish his sentence david teleports right in front of him delivering a punch to the face sending him crashing to the wall behind him as the entire crowd gasp in surprise to see that be managed to land a blow to the impenetrable armor that protects him.

As paros gets up he looks over to see if he's still there but it too late david lands a kick to his back before appearing in front of him with a uppercut sending him flying to the ceiling hitting his head but he doesn't give up at all changing forward toward david who's looking calm and focus while they fight paros worries for his safety also because he knows david is a master at adapting during each battle he fought so the longer they fight the lower the chances to finish the battle quickly closes for him he raises his power level a bit higher making sure he can surpass him while he still adapting from his last battle with him as they continue fighting against one another david seems to be getting faster at getting the hang of his new power up from the blast as paros throws a palm blast at him he dodges it with ease teleporting above him landing a spin kick to the side of his face sending him crashing hard on his back but paros stands back up again smirking telling david that he will be a force to be reckon with in the near future but right now he's has tons of stuff still to learn before he can be ready fight in the bigger leagues with everyone else who has power over the world order.