
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 19

David says he is so sorry for taking so long to find one another over the year's alexa ask david so what has he done david explains that he became a hunter at a young age training every day with his asshole dad and uncle along with his two grandpas so he can be the best as this happened he went to school but he never took it serious only focusing on hunting and strength but he tell alexa that she has to remembered that he did loose his past memory not knowing her at all just a blank spot in his memory so he focus on helping people all over the region with his newly form crew and he was dating someone in the meantime a female classmate name steffy that he dated for a bit before breaking up with her after revealing his secret life to her but they lost contact to one another after the incident in the holy castle kingdom when they was portrayed as traitors to the world order by jester himself and sent clone soldier's and captains to hunt them down to be killed for their treason and for being part of there father and uncle orchestrated assassin attempt on the lives of the world order and dark order leader going according to jester plan to have all this going on live for people all over the world.

To witness this and get the necessary approval to make the new order leading over the whole world through light and darkness so he has been training with her dad to be more powerful physically and mentally alexa ask so about this girl name steffy so does he still have feelings for her david says no but it kind of hurts to think that there relationship ended cause he was dangerous to be with in that time and still now alexa put her hand on his face saying this isn't his fault it's jester david says that sweet of her to say grabbing her hand off his face and holding onto it saying ever since he was changed into a aztlanian race by his grandpa jester had place target on his back since knowing there's more of his kind a crew size of them in hiding and that he hasn't killed them all just his grandpa yango who try to protect him and his dead mom alexa looks shock asking if she actually die by jester hand no says david he sent his captain to do it for him so it would break him but it was a mistake on his part dying by his hand from the uncontrabble rage building up inside him after that jester came in looking for them after his captain demise but he managed to escape thanks to yango.

Who knew that he would die for them being transported to there new secret location to train and gather new companion to beat the injustice order for two whole year's before reuniting once again alexa say that she is so sorry for his lost mom and grandpa but david say he was still struggling with the death of them but knows that they are in a better place and he will have his revenge on jester and this mess up order alexa say he don't have to kill them to get revenge david looks up in confusion saying no he wants to put them away for a long-time so they can suffer knowing they lost alexa say oh okay that makes so much sense david calls her out saying she has killed people before hasn't she he don't mean a few he means alot that she is we'll known for his kill count alexa say yeah she has killed alot for the safety of there island and territory alike david say see she is killing for good but from other people point of view she is a bad women right alexa say so what's his point david say that no matter if they fight for good or evil they will always see one another as the bad guy in the story and jester is the one who has manipulated everyone to his view hurting one another for his gain.

Like making the two powerful orders into his own single order vision alexa say yes he is right but he is kind of doing his best for now but they have to see and wait getting there drinks and ordering there meals eating while still talking david is ask by alexa so what is his goal in the long term he says that he will take down the bad people down like he has always been doing from the beggining not for money or loot just to give people hope that's all alexa say is she in her future david chuckles saying he don't know maybe she is or not depends on her alexa points her fork at david saying she is going to be in his future no matter what david say okay glad to have her in his life eating the order that came fast thanks to the waiter eating the burger with a big bite along with alexa who grabs the burger with her hand and bites on it to savor it's flavor alexa say to david how's the burger does he like this joint david say yeah this is a rare burger he has ever tried before taking another bite of it smiling noticing a ketchup stain on alexa lip david lean across the table licking his thumb and removing the ketchup stain before placing the finger on his mouth licking his thumb asking alexa now she is clean.

But alexa blushes red all over her face saying why did he do that without telling her about it and just doing it himself david say he is sorry for the close contact touch but she kiss him in the arena yesterday so she started it alexa say she was just caught off guard by him revealing who he really is to her and she wanted to show him a good memory before passing out david say it was a good memory eating his burger alexa say to david if he want to train with her today in her personal training gym that no one will bother them but before david can respond with her own answer alexa say gym is after the whole

tourism is done as they finish eating david tell alexa to leave pay for the meal and leave a good tip alexa talk in her head saying david has become strong will telling herself that she don't hate it at all following behind david asking so where would he like to go now since they have eaten david ask alexa to take him to her favorite places to visit and he will follow her for the whole day alexa say okay they are going to visit her mother so they can talk about her rank in the crew david says sure she has earned it by the way she had him on his feet while fighting each other in the arena.

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