
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 18

Since they know about already haki, enegy, and ki plus others like magic or mana or aura he thinks yango tell david that he is right about the different name's for energy but there's a huge difference between all of them david ask what that is yango says for training lesson only so they better go to the kitchen room to eat or they won't have energy to keep them awake and full of power until the day is over with as they all three walk side by side david ask yango does he know every fighting techniques there is in the world or even all known energy name's thru out the world yango shakes his head saying yes he has a good amount of knowledge when it comes to fighting or defending both are necessary when in a brawl with an enemy david smiles brightly his eye's shining really bright that they almost blind yango himself he tell david to calm down or he won't learn today from him making him stay calm and quiet thru out the walk reaching the kitchen room getting in the line david orders a huge stack of pankaces plus a plate full of bacon as the machine prepares the big order he just made yango gies to the second machine asking only for two scramble eggs and toast with orange juice.

He has to eat light from now on or he won't hold on as yango takes a seat david is still waiting for his order soon other member's of the crew start making there way to the kitchen room and start ordering there breakfast to eat after five crew brother's get in line and leave with there delicious food david hears the robot tell him his breakfast is ready as david carries the two huge plates full of pancakes and bacon as he takes a seat in front of his grandpa he ask him why can't they ask for help from the least likely person for the job on monday yango takes the bait asking who is he referring too david gives him that look like he knows who it is yango then gets who he is talking about his twin brother yino and little brother blitz david says he was only asking for yino but if blitz can help then more the merrier he says smiling proudly for this great idea he had but yango says no to asking help from his brother's he don't want to bother them with there meaningless problem they can handle it alone david slam his fist on the table catching the other member's attention asking what's going on davjd let's them know that he got a little heated that's all nothing to worry about sitting back down.

He ask yango calmly now why can't they rely on there own family for help when they need it the most yango say they are busy with there own stuff and they shouldn't bother them cause there subordinates might think they are helping the world order instead of there own david ask what is he doing or what is he to be unable to help them yango says that people like him are we'll acquainted with the dark order and also the underworld where they do some dark shit away from the public eye's david sigh saying it was a dumb idea to ask other family member's for help yango pat his shoulders saying he has good intention in mind but they can only rely on there own crew strength plus his own self as david finishes eating his huge breakfast along with some crew member's they follow yango to the training room asking neo to please wake up the rest of the crew member's who aren't awake yet so they can hurry to the simulation room right this minute as neo does so hearing some people complain from the alarm clock being too loud for them forcing them to wake up and get ready to leave for another say in training as yango transports with david and crew who we're on the kitchen room enjoying a nice breakfast.

To eat as they make it to the simulation room yango calls on neo telling him to get the area around them ready for there lesson plan david ask yango up close if he has a good plan b for incase they get in trouble yango smiles saying of course he does he wouldn't be very smart of him if he sent his own blood family marching to there death next monday david goes back in line with the other's waiting for the remaining members to get in line for today lesson as couple minutes passes the rest of the crew member's arrive telling yango there sorry for not waking up in time but he just tells them to form up they will once again break up into there groups from yesterday and he will ask neo to make a couple clones of himself so he can send them to there group and each will get the same amount of lesson training for today as david meet up with yuri, daniel, michael once again asking how they slept yesterday after there training they all say we'll enough but they felt a bit more exhausted from yesterday lesson trying to condensed a huge amount of energy into a single point.

To do great amount of damage compared to making there attack bigger david says he did feel a bit tired today as a clone of his grandpa walk up to there group telling the member's that they will begin to learn about other name of energy manipulation like haki, ki, chi and even mana everyone say so they can used there own power for more than just the basic stuffs now they used other type of known energy forms but yuri says isn't haki spiritual energy a little different to other known forms yango says that is true but he has to realize that every name out there in the world for referring energy all are the same thing either power from within yourself like physical body also there's spiritual energy that some of y'all are aware of and can used to some extent like david here he has learned from him and other's alike david say to his group member's that they can get started with haki practice and other enemy named techniques michael say how strong will they be if they learn the other techniques cause him and daniel know some part about haki but they are just in the beginning level yuri raises his hand saying he has much too learn from them as the three group member smile they all go around him.

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