
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 10

Speck say don't worry everything will be okay as speck turns to the raiders telling them what they waiting for go and get the truck ready and load the people up already as they run out the base starting to get the necessary stuff ready for rust lord client report wasting no time with X-lord watching from afar seeing rust lord worry about this whole thing collapsing so early like this but he leaves his alone saying they will not let the boss down no matter what as the time reaches seven pm the raiders leave the base heading to the client home location to get the special guest ready as that is happening bill in his normal car along with his normal clothes arrive pulling up in front of the apartment gate seeing david waiting outside for him as he get inside the vehicle both not saying anything with bill saying is this clue really real with david saying of course he wouldn't lie about someone life in the line they have to hurry since it's going to be a long drive from here to there good thing he got here early than he had told him as they drive off into the road as couple minutes has pass both team's have arrived at the client mansion home at the same time seeing it's out in an open field.

With so much room to do what they pleased with no worries with the law's or peeking eye's as both bill and david stay we'll hidden inside the car besides some tall tree's that mask there hiding spot bill uses the binoculars he borrow from his armory station while david uses his own eye's to see from far away smiling at his advantage saying to bill what's taking him so long with bill groaning in annoyance saying focus already as they both watch the raiders bring in there huge truck round back with box freight truck full of capture prisoner's the client order to be used for tonight party with them talking to the bodyguards that the client have order to keep a watchful eye on anything suspicious as the raiders open the box freight revealing twenty playthings to be used in this fine meet up telling the guard's that they are now there business making the twenty prisoner's get off the box freight giving them one more push by pulling out guns on them to move it along scaring them they begin to line up for the bodyguards who watch in silence saying to the raiders remember to come around ten pm to pick up the prisoner's and.

To help clean up the bloody mess that they will cause as the raiders leave driving away in there truck heading back to the base to tell their boss about the success drop off as the guard's pull out there guns aiming at the special guest telling the twenty prisoner's to move it and go down to the basement to be plane in one of the few open room's with david and bill still watching go down both getting angry at the thought a human can do that to another human with no remorse for their lives they are ruining by helping a bad men as the guard's and prisoner's walk down the stairs reaching the basement metal door opening it up to reveal a torture chamber to be used for today last event as the guard's place down on the ground most of the prisoner's with some few already being tied up to the prison room wall to begin torturing them when a sudden footstep can be heard coming down from the kitchen stairs revealing the client wearing his nice tux with a red wine in his glass in hand taking a small sip before acknowledging the guest telling them he has purchase their service for today so please do keep their voices down and make it enjoyable for their.

High class friends or else he will show them true he'll in many ways he can think of as the prisoner's quiet down in fear with the client telling the main bodyguard to keep half of his team outside and the other half here in case they get any funny idea smiling happily he takes his leave walking back up the stairs into the kitchen watching his personal chef cook up a delicious feast and make elegant drinks for the guest with the client taking small taste test to see if the guest will love them saying they are exquisite before leaving heading to his study room waiting for the time to start around eight with the main bodyguard telling his men about the plan for tonight he split the two teams and tell them where they go for tonight spot location all saying yes sir with them then leaving the boss decides to go keep an eye on the outside he goes with team one making sure no one unexpected arrives here with out an invitation in hand as couple minutes passes by with the two investigators are seen still watching from afar seeing a whole bunch of limo cars coming into sight now heading toward the mansion their own butler's park each of the limo on the side.

With them then opening up the door for the bosses telling them to have fun at the party as the guest start arriving one by one with each person taking out a invitation to show to the bodyguards sent by none other the client from before who soon comes out of his study room to visit each of the guest by offering them a good time giving them food or drinks to enjoy while they stay for the end of event plan he has setup for them below the basement as the client and everyone invited start to have fun blasting loud music and going on a rampage with bill and david seeing this happen from afar with stealth on their side so they won't get caught the main bodyguard looks around telling his men he will check out the perimeter for any disturbance they might have david senses this fellow guard he has sensing skills so they have to back up far away to be on the safe side as bill drives backwards to make sure to not get spotted by the main guard who's walking the perimeter of the mansion home as they get a good far away distance bill tell david so what's the plan now criminal who turns to see him with a shock face expression on his face saying did you really have.

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