
Omniversal Nerd Will Dominate The Girls of all who would bully him.

PLEASE READ NEW SYNOPSIS!!! This is the story of Henrik Constance. A prince of a fictional Kingdom called the United Kingdom of the North. Young Henrik was always bullied in school and at home by he's slutty twin sister Anastasia. After sleeping with he's personal attendant Isabella, whose a Goddess in disguise, he unlocks the most over powered system ever. Join him as he fights through bullies, school, having to become king before he's ready and soon as he traverses the never ending omniverse filled with worlds we all know and love. Want to see him enter Hogwarts, own a TARDIS blow up some Daleks? Come and join the adventure and witness what happens when an overpowered nerd enters all the worlds he loves. Dark themes involved. You've been warned. 1-2 releases a day. Really good from Vol 2 but Vol 1 has all the backstory to undestanding many events of vol 2. 50 Power stones: 1 bonus chapter 100 Power stones: 2 bonus chapters 150 Power stones: 4 bonus chapters Bonus chapters release on the same day as goal is reached or next day if target is matched after 9pm.

Omni_God2000 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

World Tour - America (2) (r18)

'Who wants to goes first? I would but I think it should be one of you 2. While I'm not actively playing I'll just sit here and think about walls.' The president said to which he's wife replied. 'How exactly do we play this Henrik?'

'Well it's very simple we go around the table choosing someone to ask a question or dare them to do something. If you don't want to answer you have to remove an article of clothing. Why don't you start sweet Maria? Chose whoever you want and ask the question.'

'Okay Henrik truth or dare?' She asked hoping so much he'd pick dare.

'Truth. Far too smart to pick a dare as the first one.' Henrik said with a smirk.

'Okay then. Henrik what's your favourite thing to do?' Maria asked with more curiosity then she ever had while getting to know her husband.

'Sex.' Ronald almost chocked on he's wine at this not expecting Henrik to be so direct before he continued 'what man's wouldn't be sex. Sure a few might claim it to be spending time with the one they love but few times do they get asked about the activity. They say this to make their partner happy in the hopes of getting her pussy that night but in truth that's just her falling for he's trap. Me however I'm honest to a fault. My favourite thing about women are their bodies and I love to make her cum over and over again powerless to do anything but enjoy the relentless pleasure that I can give her. Sure spending general bonding time maybe a long walk is nice but nothing beats the satisfaction I get when I see my partners face and make her scream my name as she's cumming for the 10th time before I even take my pants off.' Henrik says without missing a single word no stuttering and a smirk towards Maria. Ronald just burst out laughing 'that's good Henrik 10. Hahahahahaha as if it's possible for a woman to cum more than once. Hahahahahahaha.' Henrik just winked at Maria which only made her want him more.

'Okay since I was chosen last its my turn now. Ronald. Truth or dare?'

'Truth always truth.'

'Okay. What's your favourite thing about Maria? Ooh and be honest.?'

'Simple she's fuckable. Whenever I'm in a room with her people see her with me and I love the jealousy. They want to fuck her but she's mine. That and her bjs are incredible.' At that Maria got up smacked her husband and ran out. 'What did I say?'

With a grin on he's face since everything went exactly as he wanted Henrik telepathically informed Izzy he'd be leaving the white house for a moment and she is to keep Anastasia safe while he's away.

'Maria wait wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. I truly thought he'd have said something nice because your such an amazing woman but I miscalculated (yeah right).' Henrik said with a look of regret plastered on he's face.

Maria just rushed towards him and threw herself in he's arms.

'He's always like this. I put up with it because I have no other choice. I put with all that for a fucking 1 pump chump and a few inches and this is how I'm treated.'

'Come on let's go for a ride. I know it's late but I think it best if we get you out of here for a bit. Or better yet, let's go for a walk under the stars. You maybe another man's wife but you deserve to be treated like a queen. And as the only king here I think it my responsibility to uphold that.' Henrik said offering he's hand with a charming smile on he's face.

'Okay a walk sounds lovely. I don't remember the last time a man took me for a walk.'

After Henrik used [Mind magic] to persuade no security to follow them, promising he'd take good care of Maria they existed the white house hand in hand.

After an hour of walking just chatting getting to know one another Henrik started to like this woman. Well not like hes completely void of all emotion except for Anastasia but instead saw how useful she could be for he's future plans so when he ruined America he'd take her with him to use in the future. For he's plans as well. They eventually came across a restaurant and after the front of house realising who they were they was seated in a VIP room for a rest.

After they both ordered and the meal came Henrik decided it was time. He was going to do this in a park but decided after being such nice hosts the restaurant deserved some free publicity. He used [Time magic] a spell called chronostasis maxima and the whole planet was suspended in time save Izzy who didn't interrupt her master. Henrik then bought 2 8k cameras from the system before setting them to record making sure one got their faces and one got their privates. He then hid them both using [Shadow magic] concel object before returning to he's exact position and removing chronostasis maxima.

'So Maria does Ronald usually mistreat you like this.' Henrik inquired with kindness in he's voice.

'I'd rather not talk about that small dicked bastard but I need to get this off my chest.' Henrik traced a hand across her face before tucking some hair behind her ear while assuring the woman 'its okay its just me and you. And you know I would never betray your trust.'

'Henrik your such a good man for one so young. If you were a few years older I'd probably leave Ronald and come with you. Guess you get women throwing themselves at you all the time. Okay. It's just ever since we got married Ronald hasn't cared about me in the slightest. He caught the babe now let's just forget about her unless she's sucking me while I'm forcing interns to strip for me. And that's just a Monday. He's never satisfied me not once but at least before we were married he paid attention to me. I know he's president and he's super busy but your busier and here you are. Sometimes I just want to leave him but he's so fucking racist I know if I do he'll have me deported and I'll never see my babies again.'

'You poor woman.' Henrik said as he grabbed her in a tight hug. Now was perfect but she had to be the one to initiate. If he did the plan wouldn't work. She had to beg for him. Only then would the next phase be possible. 'I know I'm not here most of the time but the white house has my number. If you ever need to talk just tell me. If you don't wanna be with him don't worry incase you can't tell he's scared of me so if he ever keeps you from your kids. I'll I'll storm America and get them for you.' Henrik said with a laugh to lighten the mood which she joined in. Looking up into Henrik's eyes she just gazed for a few minutes before pulling herself up and him down to kiss the young king. Perfect.

'Maria we shouldn't your a married woman. Your beautiful and if you weren't I'd never stop fucking you till you pass out but I can't.'

'Shhh. Forget about that. I need this even if just once. I need a real man to treat me like a woman. Please Henrik fuck me. Don't be gentle or kind just use me as your fuck meat and make me feel what that pathetic piece of shit never could. Please Henrik use me fuck me harder than I can ever imagine.' There it was the next phase was active. Even though Henrik could stop this why would he. There was a smoking hot vulnerable whore right in front of him and he wasn't gonna say no now. What kind of loser do you think this King is?

Straight after this the look of kindness was gone and only a predator remained.

Henrik pushed Maria onto her back before going in for a kiss and ripping her clothes apart. Immediately she stated moaning as Henrik had he's tongue down her throat and was playing with her massive tits like there a toy. This alone was enough to cum violently as she squirted all over the table legs before Henrik moved further down and ripped her panties in half as he started and absolutely tsar her mentality apart with he's tongue. He wouldn't take he's time with her as he just wanted to fuck her brains out. However, he would deliver on the promised 10 orgasms before he even takes he's pants off. He munch on her pussy so much while putting a finger in her pink hole which caused another violent orgasm from her. 'FUUCKK YES KEEP GOING PLEASE. PLEASE DONT STOP.'

Henrik then started to lick, suck, blow, kiss everything as he's assist on this married woman continued more and more she came 2 more times. Screaming violently throughout her intense orgasms while also grabbing Henrik's head and pushing it further into her desperate pussy.

Outside this could be heard and while normally this would result in a ban this was the king of the most powerful nation ever and the 1st lady of America. Instead all the women who were instantly attracted to Henrik was outside the door with their fingers inside themselves fantasising about it being them Henrik is making scream. There was a small hole on the door and they were always fighting about who gets to watch. Henrik being all knowing knew they were watching while he's [Omnipresent] allowed him to return the favour and could even see all their hands inside the pussies as they were moaning with him in their mind. All of them had decided tonight they'd find a guy bf or not and fuck him while thinking about this moment. He didn't see the harm in letting them have a sneak peek at what the world would soon see. The men just tried to pretend nothing was happening or they'd never get over how terrible they all are in comparison.

After 5 more minutes Maria had cum the promised 10 times and now Henrik could actually have some fun. He stood up and dragged Maria by the hair while making her waist level with him. She immediately took off hes pants as he removed he's shirt. When he looked down all be saw was a bitch in heat with drool coming down her mouth.

'That's not possible. It can't be that big can it?'

At the door girl who was peaking dropped her jaw and went speechless. The next one pushed her away and the same happened. And again and again until all that flooded the corridor was a bunch of horny attractive women with dropped jaws at what they saw.

Towering above Maria was a 15 inch majestic member with a girth bigger than any pornstar. She wanted to have this inside her so much but Henrik had other plans.

Getting armored at waiting he grabbed her head and shoved he's dick down her throat showing no consideration in the slightest.

'Gulp gulp gulp gulp.' Is all she could muster as he's dick was forced down her throat.

'Fuck your mouth is so fucking GOOD. Your husband wasn't wrong you are a good cocksucker. Fuck.'

The bj went of foe another 30 minutes yet Henrik wasn't close to cumming. He has fucked her throat so hard that her gag refelx had gone and now only a happy slobbering mess was left. After 35 minutes Henrik allowed her to stop to catch her breath. That long breathing through only your nose can't be good.

'Jesus that's so good. Your cock is befitting for a King. How is it this big?' She asked aa she stroked he's coming with both hands while continuing 'After this How can I go back. Please put this in me. I will hurt but I want it so fucking bad. Please sir fill me with your massive cock. You wanna put your dick inside a married woman. Come on then put it in and show me the power of a real man.' As she got on all 4's and shaked her ass enticing Henrik to fuck her. Any other man would immediately stick he's dick in but this was not any other man.

Henrik slapped her big juicy ass with he's cock a few times before teasing her by rubbing the tip against her pussy lips.

'Beg. I won't let you have it until you beg like the pathetic slut your are. I'll make you feel so good you won't be able to live without my duck but first BEG YOU FUCKING WHORE!'

'Please, please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me. I need it. I need you. Please I'll do anything I'll even let you cum inside me please I want your babies. Make me your queen and I'll give you the best heir possible. Please just m fuckkk me.'

With that Henrik shoved he's 15 inch dick deep inside the sluts wet snatch without mercy. As he started fucking her you could hear the slaps of the flesh as she moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure. 'Oohhhhh FUCK. YESSSSSS I LOVE IT. KEEP GOING. FUCKKKK. YES I WANT YOUR DICK PLEASE HARDER HARDER FUCKK YES. IM GONNA CUM. MAKE ME CUM OVER YOUR COCK. AHHHH AHHH AHHHHHHHHH.'

As she came yet again Henrik grabbed her hair and used it as leverage fuck her harder. He was now going faster then the eye can see not even appearing as a blur as she screamed and came 2 more times before pulling out.

'Turn around I wanna pump you with cum while looking at you.'

Moving quickly to get he's dick back in her as soon as possible she mounted him and he was sitting on he's legs. She wrapped her legs around he's back and immediately guided he's dick back into her wet now we'll used hole.

The fucking continued for another 20 minutes and 15 more orgasms for Maria before Henrik decided he'd had enough. For her dedication Henrik decided to leave her an extra gift.

He thought to himself.

'Activate [Fertility Manipulation and turn both our percentages to 100 leave Anastasia's as is.'

[Altering host and partners Fertility. Alterations complete. WARNING: should you ejaculate inside partner pregnancy guaranteed. Would you like to use [Reality magic] to edit child's appearance?]

'I can do that. Hell how can I possiblily say no to an offer like that? Is it possible do decide the gender of the child or just the overall appearance?'

[While it is possible to decide on gender and sexuality the consumption of mana will be increased. Skills and potentia also editable].

'Well that is offf no consequence to someone who has unlimited mana do it. I want a daughter who will be straight. Make her appearance more like Maria than me to the point she looks almost identical to her. Make her good at persuasion and acting while also making her good at sports and cheerleading. I want her to have an amazing voice while also making her smart. She should be born with a genies mind and a thrst for knowlegde. Finally, give her a curiosity for me which will develop into an incest fetish when she hits puberty.'

[Editing personality and appearance of child. Granting enhanced brain capabilities. Finalising in progress. Overall mana consumption: 20,000,000,000,000. Do you wish to continue].

'Yes. This child will be my unltimate weapon. The tool that stops the coming war.'

While all this was happening Maria was still jumping on Henrik's divine member begging to be drilled on the verge of cumming again.

'Yes Henrik right there ohmmm your making me feel so good with your massive dick. Please. I want yor cum. I want to feel all that hot and sticky baby batter. Breed me Henrik. BREED MEEEEE!'

While this was just the thrill of the moment Henrik meant everyword he was about say.

'I'm gonna cum deep inside your slutty pussy and when I do I'm gonna impregnate you with a daughter. One day you'll come with me and I'll raise my daughter to be every bit the slut her mother is. Then I'll pound mother and daughter at the same time. You ready because from here on out you'll have a reminder of this everyday. I'll pump in and you'll push out. Then we'll be bonded forever. Do you want that? You wanna be my little cum dump?'


Just as she finished so did Henrik. She fell into Henrik's arms as she pased out from the pleasure. Henrik used hes powers to restore her clothes and hes own befre placing her on the ground to rest for a bit before taking her home ready for tomorrow. But while she rested he had other guests to entertain. Others to give lifelong gifts to. Any every single one accepted.

After he had given each of female staff a new family member he escorted the now awake first lady home for the night. Afterall, Henrik was a monste but he wasn't such a monstrosity that he wouldn't escort a woman he just fucked home to her husband.

Just before separating Maria pulled him to a secluded spot for 1 last kiss.

'Henrik thank you so much for tonight. Both for being there for me and well you know. This has been the greatest night of my life and I'll never forget it. My only regret is I can't feel this again. I'll see you tomorrow my love.'

Henrik had no intention of that being the only time he fucked that woman but more on that another time.

With a final kiss they parted ways and went to sleep. Little did Maria know the tool growing within her would both start a war and end it. And little did Henrik know how powerless he was to stop the plan HE had set into motion. A plan that would decide the fate of this world. Of every world.

Henrik didn't get a good or even decent sleep as when he finally asleep a pop up appeared.

[Levels 10, 100, 1000 achieved please select evolution path].

Hi. Omni_God2000 here. Just waned to update you on my release schedule. When I first started writing this book I wanted relase a least 5 chaptes a day however that is no longer a viable option. This is due option due to afte re evaluating my earlier chaters their not at the quality I want. I have prioritised quantity over qauality and that's unacceptable. So from here on out I'll be aiming for 2-3 chapters of a higher quality rather than 5 or more meh chapters. If this changes again I'll let you know however I think this is more than a fair amount in a day. Thank you and I hope you enjoy what I have planned.

Omni_God2000creators' thoughts