
Omniversal Merchant: Death note, Devil fruit, Mark armor for sale

Normal Teenager in the day. A fearsome merchant in the night.

Anezaki_Touya_4708 · Anime & Comics
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4 H3nt41 world: The Ntr'd reincarnator (IV)

Omniversal Merchant

— H3nt41 world: The Ntr'd reincarnator



"Yes, Jun. Why?" she looked at me, confused.

I suddenly hesitated. I felt that I shouldn't say it here. But I'm afraid she will already be with someone the moment I've been freed.

Should I tell her?

"Why Jun? Are you cold? You're trembling."

This is it. Man up Dude, or you will lose her!

"Please, wait for me, seven years from now, and I will tell you that I like you."


Aren't I, confessing already?



I looked at Yuka, who was covering her mouth while quietly giggling. She looked at me with teasing eyes.


This is shameful.

"Then I will wait seven years from now, and also tell you that I like you!" She said, in a weak voice that only I can hear.

I'm stunned. I look at her and she's blushing.

"C-can you repeat that again?" I ask, but she shakes her head.

"In the next seven years, I will tell it to you hundreds of times if you want." I'm shocked.

I'm not dreaming am I?

My mouth unconsciously curled up. I can't hide my joy, that my knees are shaking.

"C'mon don't be like that. I love you." I said truthfully.

I don't know when it all started, but as far as I know, this fuzzy feeling of mine to her has been here for a long, long time that I'm with her.

I just noticed it, when I started living here. Every time she visits, I was over joy. She's consoling me whenever I'm in sorrow. And, even though she can just forget me here, she didn't leave me.

Then, day by day, as time passes, I noticed that I'm always thinking about her. Wanting her to visit, wanting to see her. And this fuzzy feeling of mine, started to grow that I sometimes dream of her.

That, is when I noticed what this fuzzy feeling is, or admitted because I always knew what this was, but ignoring it because I don't want to admit that I'm falling in love with a girl who's younger than me, that she can be considered as my daughter if I have.

"Do you want me to leave? I said I will tell you the next seven years, right?" She said looking at me with daggers.

I gulp. I don't know why, but every time she looks at me like that, I always unconsciously gulp. Maybe I'm afraid of her?

"Ok, ok. I'll stop bugging you about it."

"By the way... How is Mom?" I ask, as gloom started to crept in my heart.

The atmosphere around us, started to get heavy.

"Did you and Karui visited her?" I look at her with gloominess. She looks at me with worry, and hold my hands.

There's a silence before she answers.

"Well... Your Mom is okay. I visited her 2 weeks ago, and she said that I---" She hit me with her fist in my shoulder.

"Hit you, because of those latest novels you made. She said your writing is becoming more, and more wonderful, that made her and her friends cry. Oh, wait! I forgot!" She hit me again once...



Four times...

Fiv--- wait when will she stop?

"Why are you hitting me?"

"Well, Your mother said I should hit you at least a hundred times, for Kosei, Kaori, Shouko, Shouya, and more on Seita, and Setsuko. And for the other characters you made life tragic."

"This is a small pay, for making their life tragic, said your Mom, and I agreed." She said as she continued hitting me.

I want to disagree, and tell her that it's not my fault. But, what can I say? Tell her that I just plagiarized those things in my previous Life? No, She'll think that I'm joking.

Then she suddenly stop hitting me.

"Hmm... Why?" I ask her, because she looks gloomy.

She looks at me with a saddened face, while biting her lower lips.

It just means that she's doubting if she should tell me about something or not. Because she's caring for me.

"Tell me, Why?" I ask. My face turning serious.

She opened her mouth slightly, already to tell me about it, but she closed it again, thinking twice if she should tell it.

"Yuka. Tell me! It's okay!" I assured her.

Then she doubted no longer, and telled me what she knows.

"There's a rumor going around, that your Father..." She stopped, looking at me.

"Is been arrested, for possessing illegal drugs." She continued.

I look at her with doubt.

Father? Drugs? No, No way. He will never do those kinds of things.

My Father is a very serious person. He rarely smiles, he never laughs, you will never see him exposing any of his emotions.

But he's serious on his job of being a Father to us, he always makes sure that we have some family bonding, like going to parks, or going to malls. I have a high respect for him.


I never respected anyone higher than him. He's like, my Captain America in the eyes of those people in Marvel, my Superman, my All-might.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask, because I can't believe it myself. But deep down, if you think it clearly, there's a possibility.

Caughting your wife cheating, Son as a murderer. Damn, there a high possibility. But Yuka's with her, I'm sure he will never do drugs, with Yuka's with her.

"Jun. Don't worry, it's just a rumor. Don't believe it so easily. We know your Father is not that kind of person." Yuka said trying to cheer me.

Yes. Father is not that kind of person, I'm sure it's just a false rumor.

"Karui! What happened to Karui? Is she okay?" I ask, with worry in my voice, as she's with Father.

"About that..." Yuka, cut her words again. Thinking if she should tell me about it again.

Then she sighs.

"Well, I don't know exactly what's happening to her. She's distancing herself to me, and she doesn't want to visit you knor your mother. She just tells me that she hates you, your Mom, and that both of you leave her alone."

"I don't know why, but I think it's because both of you are not with her, for so many years. Maybe she wants to distance herself." I grit my teeth as I hear that.

This will ruin our family more.

"Why is Dad doing nothing?" I ask, as he should be mending this thing, not making it worse. I know he hates Mom for cheating, but please, he shouldn't ruin it.

There's a long silence in our table after that. Then to break the heavy atmosphere, Yuka tried to change the subject, and begin to talk about random subjects, Like, how did she manage to get an invitation to enroll in one of the most prestigious school in our country, how many people reacted to the latest story I write.

I just look at her, listening to everything she tells. But deep in my mind, I'm worrying about Father, and Karui.

Then before the visitation ends, she looks at me, glaring as if I've been added as one of the targets on her hit list.

She looks at me menacing, that I again, unconsciously gulp.

Maybe, gulping is some kind of physical reaction to me, that shows that I'm afraid. Because I only gulp unconsciously, if I'm afraid of something.

Then when she leaves. She never visited me again for almost a month. I should note that I should always keep listening to her when she talks. Or I'm afraid, that one day I will find out, that she never visited me for a year, or much worse, she will never ever will visit me again. Just thinking about it, makes me tremble in fear.

As time went by, I unknowingly became dependent on Yuka, as an emotional support person. She's my light, on this dark prison, and losing her means losing myself.

I'm afraid I will lose myself once something bad happened to her. She's now almost as important as my Family, or maybe greater. I can't lose her.

And after three months after that, I've been sent to a further prison, and started my sentence in prison.

Then, many years have passed...

Yuka still visits me, thrice or twice a month. Father. He rarely visits. Like he just visits me every once in a month. Karui, much worse. maybe five or six times a year.

I can't believe that I manage to remember how much they visit, every once in a while. It's really boring living in a prison cell.

They'll make you clean, work, then send you back to your cell, then repeat. Sometimes we do activities, like dancing, singing, and some kinds of sports like basketball. But, it's rare.

Then as time pass by. I turn 20 in just a blink. Yuka now studies in one of the most prestigious schools in our country.

My sentence has also been lowered to 10 years. Don't ask how, I'm behaving you know, I'm like a chick here living in a Tigers den... But of course I also donated a few donations to the Government. I can't help it I really wanna get free.

So 2 more years and I'll be freed.

Father, also stops visiting me, and so is Karui. Yuka just told me that they sold the house we've been living before and lived further where Yuka doesn't know.

She also lost her contacts with Father, and Karui so she doesn't know where they lived or what happened to them.

Hearing her say that, an unwanted idea suddenly struck in my head.

An idea about Father marrying a new woman again, changing names and cutting all of his ties and contact with us, living somewhere secretly. But I immediately brushed that idea out of my thoughts.

There's Karui, I'm sure even if she hates both me and Mom, she will never accept a new Mother in change of Mom. But there's still a possibility, so I evade that issue for now.

It's not like I can do something when I'm jailed here.

And about them missing. It's not an issue for me, as in living in this modern world where internet exists. It's not that kind of hard finding a person anywhere, like finding a needle in a haystack.

So I didn't mind that thing when Yuka telled me that they'd leave, and lived somewhere in secret. Just 2 more years. What's there in 2 more years? I can immediately find them the moment I've been freed.

But, I didn't expected that in those 2 years many things happened.