
The one

Zion looked at Cerise in shock. 

Just how much does she hate her guild ? 

In this world of hunters, a guild is a second home. The guilds, especially larger ones, will take care of you from birth to death. They have an affiliated hospital where all the players and their families get treated. They have child care facilities that can take care of newborns from the time they are born to the nursery, some even have schools leading up to high school. After all, when a 'player' parent enters the dungeon, the guild will have custody of their child. The guild makes decisions on whether to go for surgery or treat moderately in case of injury. The guild will receive inheritance of the child if a specific will is not made. 

Yes, it calls for a lot of injustices, but most guilds take this part of their job extremely seriously. 

Because once a problem occurs in any of these services, a mass exodus of players happens. It could literally make or break a guild's future. 

As such, the guilds which want to operate on the bright side take very good care of the players' offspring. 

Silversword is considered exemplary among such guilds. 

But looking at Cerise's actions, this is very much like she's avoiding a plague god when she's dealing with the guild. 

Zion frowned. 

Yesterday, when he was half dead all of Cerise's explanations sounded very reasonable. He could feel something off, but he can't place his finger on it. Now, he realized what he was feeling off about. 

' Cerise is too decisive. So decisive, almost like … she knows the future. ' 

'... A regressor ? … ' 

Zion analyzed. After all, Cerise is not similar to him. She was a valedictorian. Her stats are all top class, she was number one candidate who's expected to awaken a talent. She herself must have thought so till the awakening. But such a competitive person accepted that she is an 'F' grade hunter so calmly ? 

No bloody way !

By all drama sequences, she should be drinking away her sorrows in an illegal pub, or crying away her expectations at a secluded beach .. any number of cliche youth things, but not coming to rescue him. 

Moreover, the stone forest is remote and not well known. The road is not easy. She knew to come, and she did not come too late… Then the marriage plan ! They collected their IDs on the dot at twelve, they immediately got married, and even with this registration, they were first in line in the early morning at the registration booth.

Too decisive. 

' Definitely a regressor. ' 

Zion became hundred percent sure. 

[ Omniscience skill experience +1 ] 

The message popped in front of him out of nowhere. 

[ Newborn fairy quest completed. ] 

[ Unsealing knowledge about guardian fairies. ] 

[ Title 'The one who guesses ' is unlocked. ] 

[ The one who guesses :As long as you make a correct guess about a person or ability that is beyond the level of 'Omniscience', a random piece of knowledge is unsealed. ] 

' Okay .. ??? ! ' Zion thought. 

What random piece of knowledge ? .. 

He was about to think, when there was a sharp sting in his head. 

Ah .. Fairies gain extra mana from gaining followers. His mana is connected directly to the world's mana. More of the earth's residents approve of him, more power his little fairy would have. For this purpose, he can create dedicated prayer altars and temples. 

" Mr. Zion .. Mr. Zion " the public servant called. 

Zion looked at him sharply. For a moment, his eyes glowed golden. He could clearly see black aura around the public servant. 

" Your will. " Cerise reminded him. 

" Ah ! All my assets go to my wife. If she's not there, her brother, when he's not there, will be auctioned off in a public auction on site 'craigslist' and then the proceeds will be stored in the vanishing dungeon for thirty days. " Zion finished mechanically. 

" Also, Sir, can we have a public audit confirmation video of this entire service call ? " Zion asked. 

The employee's face blackened at a visible speed. 

" Ofcourse, it's not because of you, it's because of our personal affairs. " Cerise soothed. 

In this world, transport from city to city is extremely dangerous, but communication between city to city is all too easy. After the gate calamity, once the dust settled on earth, governments realized the satellites they put in space were working just fine, no matter how earth changed. Thus, they put more and more satellites in order to overcome the calamity using the power of communication. They did not do that,but the communication has exploded in strength. 

A terabit connection is considered measly. 

The public audit video means the entire call, which will be four videos shot from four angles, will be sent over to a remote satellite, which has never been cracked.

" It has not been recorded. Currently, the server's not working. So there's only the highest service fee transmission available, because it's on a different server. That will be ten thousand dollars. " He said, absolutely sure that these guys will not be able to pay as much. 

" Can we pay in cash ? " Zion asked. 

" No. Money orders only. " The servant said, his face brightening a little. 

Zion is now hundred percent sure that this guy is on the payroll of silversword guild, probably in cahoots with the guild officer who oversees initiation of new players. 

[ Omniscience skill experience +1 ] 

[ Unlocking ' Law enforcement Spy Camera ' ] 

Only, this time, luck favored Zion and Cerise. 

" We will do money orders right here. " One of the other civil servants spoke up, from behind Zion. 

" It costs a little more though. " the plump lady said, looking at Zion and Cerise. 

" How much more ? "  Cerise asked doubtfully. 

" Not too much. How about this ? Since you guys are my first customers of the day, I will give you a discount, and do it for free. " The plump lady said. 

" Mr. Brown, please put this on my tab. Also, the blue whale server is available to you to do the entire transaction and upload. " The lady added. 

" Our connection is ten times faster, and no buffers as well. The public office's internet sucks ! " The lady whispered to both Cerise and Zion. 

She really has that 'Jolly Martha' vibe to her that put people at ease, and from her demeanor, she really seems to have some beef with this Brown. 

" Thanks ma'am. " Zion smiled at her. 

" Congratulations and felicitations upon your marriage. " The woman responded with an eager smile, her face full of matronly affection. 

The civil servant could not hold them any longer with his nonsense, so he did his job. 

Zion set their next destination, a hardware shop a short walk away from the civil affairs bureau. 

" Cerise, are you a regressor ? " He asked. 

Cerise stumbled on the flat side walk when she heard him. 

" how.. How ? " She spluttered. 

" So, you are one. " Zion smiled smugly. It felt nice to have his guess confirmed. 

" I can neither confirm, nor deny. " Cerise said snootily. 

" So, what is your problem in your guild ? " he asked. 

" They are plotting to kill or maim me. You know my mother's a tower challenger ? " Cerise asked. 

" Yes, one of the very few tier 2 players in Sicuate city. " Zion answered. 

" This time, she went on a long quest. It's a dangerous one. The bastard son of the guild's chief manager was the one who proposed to me. He is newly appointed as the children's home warden. My brother's disabled, as such, he needs more care. Once the marriage happens, He will be entitled to my mother's fortune. Moreover, the orientation officer for the newbie players to dungeons is the chief manager's mistress." 

Zion understood. 

One would ask at this point, why she just doesn't go out to hunt, and has to go to a dungeon. After all, she's a legal adult. 

The target of these people is cerise's inheritance. This will not belong to her, unless she clears at least one dungeon in the guild. It's a legal stopgap, made so the unfilial and incompetent children of players will not eat their parents to death. No exceptions are possible. The very case that inspired this legality resembles Cerise's current situation, so it's even more impossible for her not to abide by this rule, as it even has sub clauses that apply to custody of her brother. 

Zion did not ask about the future. At this point, with how pointed Cerise's actions are, it's all too clear what happened. Cerise was injured in the first dungeon, then, after getting inheritance, her husband killed her brother and her both. 

Now he realized. There's only one reason Cerise chose him. 

Even if something happens to her, none of these rice worms at the silversword guild will be able to attack him. After all, he is a sheng. It's perfectly acceptable for all of his little cousins to beat him to death, but it's a totally different matter when an outsider does it. 

Sheng clan will collect the blood money ! 

No matter how much the Shengs disguise themselves as good people, The fact that they are the mafia does not change. It's impossible for a chief manager to not know this fact.

So, his wife never had a list. 

He was the one. 

Next chapter