
Program: Z E R O / Character Introductions

[ 001 ] Hasegawa Ren

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 164

Blood Type: AB

Birthday: December 9th


Hasegawa Ren, a young man who is homeschooled due to his struggles in school. He rarely ever visited the outside world and would often times than not only read children's storybook or listen to stories.

Ren is a quiet boy who isn't able to keep up with conversations, though if one were to talk to him slowly, he would be able to talk and keep up. Sometimes, he would smile unusually as he speaks with the other prisoners.


[1] "...my name's Hasegawa Ren... 17 years old...please to meet you?"

[2] "...huh? What do you mean murder? What's that...?"

[3] "Papa and mama... they know I am here right? Well... it's not like they care if I am gone..."

[4] "I don't know anyone here... but I feel nice and comfy being around them..." Ren said. "They will accept me right...? Right...?"

[5] "I'm not sure what I've done is wrong, but, I guess I did... I'm sorry."

[???] /hy... //y /r/n't y/u m/v//g?

[???] / do/'/ un//r///d! I d//'t //d//st///!


[ 002 ] Yumemi Suzuki

Gender: Female

Age: Undisclosed.

Height: 156

Blood Type: B

Birthday: April 7th


Yumemi Suzuki, a young girl whose age is unknown. She is a pop idol of the group 'Dance Pop Light', the youngest of the bunch in the unit. Scouted at a young age, she became an idol later within a year, surpassing most of those at her age and joined up with a senior group.

Suzuki is a bright girl of the bunch who cheerily converses with everyone well, even with the shy ones. A smile is seen on her face every time. At times, she gives off the feeling that she can get close to anyone.


[1] "Popstar idol Yumemi Suzuki at your service! My age? Teehee~ That's a pop idol secret!"

[2] "Huh? Murder? I'm an idol! I dare not tarnish such reputation!"

[3] "Just being here without any notice... my fans will be sad! Don't you know that they'll cause a big ruckus on my disappearance? What are you going to do about it?"

[4] "Hmm... well... I guess it's nice to get a break once in a while... but not like this! At least let me notify my fans... or my manager! My manager is going to have a headache from this..."

[5] "What I feel about this situation? I'm not really that scared! Everyone's nice... to an extent! The boys are normal and the girls are friendly! I like the atmosphere here actually~"

[???] I/ th/s /ha/ it fe/ls l/ke t/ be // i///?

[???] A-/h! St// a/ay! //ay /wa/!!!


[ 003 ] Kageyama Hiro

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Height: 174

Blood Type: B

Birthday: June 29th


Kageyama Hiro, a young man who seemed to be in a group named the 'Vipers'. Though it was said that he doesn't get involved with the group and would only do bartender work, as that was his occupation. His body seemed to be well developed and he looks to be experienced in fighting.

Hiro is a man who oftentimes makes a scary face to others. He rarely ever speaks to others as he finds them a nuisance. When tried to be conversed with, he rarely ever tried to bother with it and would walk away when given a chance to.


[1] "Tsk' do I need to introduce? Fine. Kageyama Hiro. 21'. Hey, what are you looking at so cautiously like that? Just get out of my face, will ya?"

[2] "M-Murder? Bullshit! I've never done such a thing in my lifetime!"

[3] "You know my group will trash you and your little 'project' or what not to pieces right? Let me out of here and maybe I'll let you off! This is a warning!"

[4] "Hmph. Why do I care for the people here? They leave me alone, they won't get a beating. Simple as that."

[5] "Hey! At least you should have the decency to have the male's and female's bathroom separated! Why the hell are they together?! Tsk, you piece of shits know nothing of respecting genders!"

[???] G/dd/m///... //d/a//i/ a//!!! W/e/e ar/ /o/ /u/s? /ey!

[???] W// is i/ /v/r///in/ o/ m/? T//y s//r//d /t! /h/... W/y?!


[ 004 ] Kokoro Hatsue

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 152

Blood Type: O

Birthday: July 30th


Kokoro Hatsue, a young high school girl. Not much is known about her high school life, however, it seemed that she hates people prying on her. When school ends, she would oftentimes go home, and she would look forward to weekends the most as then she can spend time with her parents.

Hatsue is shy among the group and rarely speaks with anyone. She seemed to have trouble opening up to strangers. When tried to be conversed with at first, she would tend to break eye contact. But it appears that when you get to know her more, she opens up slowly.


[1] "Um... Kokoro Hatsue, 1-16...i-it's nice to meet you..."

[2] "...huh? M-Murder? N-no... I d-didn't do it... It's not me..."

[3] "...I-Is it r-right for you... t-to d-do this? Isn't i-it illegal to be k-kidnapping p-people?"

[4] "...I guess, the people here are nice... I feel warm and fluffy inside hehe..."

[5] "Y-you're here t-to j-judge people? W-why? To judge s-someone as "Good" or "B-Bad"... What right d-do you people h-have to d-decide on that?

[???] Y/u... e///y s//g/e t///... //y // you ///e t/ /o t//s // m/?

[???] / h//e y//... I h/// e/er///i/g! W// c/n'/ t/i/ su//er/// st//?


[ 005 ] Hayashi Daisuke

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Height: 170

Blood Type: A

Birthday: January 30th


Hayashi Daisuke, a man who is the oldest among the group. It was said that he was a lieutenant officer of the police department, being an officer for the past eight years. Not much is known about his line of work besides that.

As the oldest among the group of male prisoners in Program Z E R O, Daisuke would oftentimes speak in a friendly tone with them. Though, it seemed that he would give a watchful eye to the prisoners as if he was investigating them.


[1] "Hayashi Daisuke. That is my name. As for my age? 31."

[2] "Murder? Well... I guess you may say that. But was it justified? Maybe to you, it is not, but to me, it is a yes."

[3] I do not know what purpose you may have with us, but there is a connection no? It's not as if you randomly picked off ten random strangers to be judged.

[4] Everyone here is alright, to say the least. It's not really shown that they've murdered in the past, but under the mask, is a whole different facade, you know this too, yes?

[5] To be forgiven or to not be forgiven... huh. This whole concept feels quite surreal... just what kind of organization is this?

[???] H/ha... f//// //u... I f//a//y f//// y/u...

[???] T// e////ne/s t/at / f/l/ b//k t//n... n// y// f//l it t/o.


[ 006 ] Inoue Eiko

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Height: 163

Blood Type: O

Birthday: February 4th


Inoue Eiko, a woman who gives off a warm smile to anyone. Not much is known about her work, however, she seems to make the most out of her time, usually striking up conversations with most people. She is easy going and would speak to everyone in a casual manner.

Among the group of female prisoners in Program Z E R O, Eiko is the oldest. With that being said, her tone and actions towards certain people, especially to those who are shy is very gentle, treating and caring for them as if she was a big sister.


[1] "Inoue Eiko~! Age 29~ Be gentle, will you? Hehe."

[2] "Murder huh? Well... you could say I did it... but I don't really care much."

[3] "Being here is quite comfortable actually! Much better than back home. Though... home's going to feel quite lonely without me huh?"

[4] "Hehe. Well, what can I say? I enjoy talking to the people here, their kind, easygoing. Though there are a few shy people here... but I'm sure they'll open up sooner or later~!"

[5] "Whether you forgive me or not... you can choose whatever. Whatever it is, I'll just have to put a smile on my face and face the hardships that come!"

[???] W//n... /i// y/u //me b///?

[???] Hah... // t//s w/at l/v/ is l//e? //e f///i// of r/c/ivi// wa//t/?


[ 007 ] Ishikawa Jun

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Height: 169

Blood Type: A

Birthday: September 2nd


Ishikawa Jun, a young man who is a part-time daycare worker who most of the time keeps a watchful eye on the kids. He usually is seen wearing a mask unless asked to take it off. Though at times, he refuses to remove it.

Jun is a silent man, oftentimes than not, he avoids conversing with others. Though, when talked to, he would do what it takes to keep the conversation flowing. When not spoken to, he would be seen wandering around the facility alone.


[1] "Ishikawa Jun, age 26. Might I ask, what do you want from me?"

[2] "...I do not deny it. But neither do I regret. My hands have been red for the longest time."

[3] "If you wish to send a judgement on me, then please do so. For what I deserve is based on the eyes of everyone else, not based on what I want."

[4] "...I don't really talk to many. I just do what I've been told by you guys. If the people want to strike up a conversation, then, so be it, I'll do what I can to keep up."

[5] "Nothing really. I don't feel much of this situation. It's not as if I can do anything about it anyway, so I'll just have to stick around for the time being. Though I do warn you, it's best you don't pry on the secrets of people. It might bite back at you."

[???] E/e///ay // /i/e //is... /'/ s//k /f i/.

[???] s//t up //d be q///t.


[ 008 ] Kato Sayaka

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Height: 166

Blood Type: AB

Birthday: October 10th


Kato Sayaka, a young woman who seems to know the state of oneself. Sometimes it was said that she could see one's suffering from a glance, though whether it was true or not dependant on the other person.

Among the group of prisoners, Sayaka is one of the few who openly converses with everyone with a friendly tone. Sometimes she would start the conversation with something weird like "Let me heal your wounds away~!"


[1] "Come, I see the wounds in your heart, let Kato Sayaka heal them away~"

[2] "Hmm... murder? No, no! Nothing of that sort!"

[3] "I don't mind being here! I don't have any clients for the time being, so I'll be able to help around the facility! That's why you called me here right?

[4] "Everyone here... I can feel the traumas and wounds that they've been inflicted upon. Sayaka needs to help aid and heal them up! Would you guards please lend me a hand?

[5] "I'm just a councillor~ I feel that if me being here was a calling, then I'll do the best of my abilities to help everyone! Isn't this why you brought me here?

[???] D//'/ w///y... /v///t//ng's /o//g /o // a// //g/t! //ay c/// //d b////he i/...

[???] // n// f//t, //u'll h/a/ u/ // n/ t///!


[ 009 ] Izanagi Kotaro

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Height: 171

Blood Type: O

Birthday: March 6th


A prisoner who is one of the most prideful among the group. He would oftentimes boast of his accomplishments as an actor and would complain of the speech of others. In the eyes of the guard, he seemed to be belittling them.

This prisoner seems to believe that this entire thing is a reality show, though, despite the belief, he seems to not put on any sort of act to hide his rudeness to the other prisoners.


[1] "Ahh... do I have to? Fine..." he took a deep breath. "Izanagi Kotaro, the one and only!"

[2] "...I didn't do nothing. My hand's are clean as it can be!"

[3] "Hey! Can you drop the act already? I know this a set! You're filming some reality show, right? Where's the director? It's getting annoying that I'm doing this blindly!"

[4] Hmph. What do I think of the people here? Their all simpletons, well maybe besides that idol girl. But a guy who can't understand simple words, a gang looking guy, some wannabe crybaby, a hella suspicious guy, an annoying girl, a masked wearing dude, some councillor and some self-proclaimed ordinary citizen, what's up with this cast?!"

[5] "Ugh, would you stop with this 'sin' stuff? You're horrible actors! Who the hell even hired you? How the hell did I end up in this bad show?!"

[???] I/'/ o/v/ou/ w/o w/l/ ta// the lea/ no?

[???] Haha... I'/ th/ s/a/ // /h/ s/o/.


[ 010 ] Nakano Asami

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 164

Blood Type: B

Birthday: November 13th


A prisoner who would often complain about her treatment in the facility. At times, she would demand an explanation even when already given and would call out little things such as 'unfairness'.

Unlike the other prisoners, Asami never revealed any sort of information about herself. Only her age and occupation were told. Besides that, she would complain it was a breach of her own privacy if asked any further than that.


[1] "Nakano Asami. Your day to day citizen of Japan. We are in japan still right?"

[2] "I'm just an ordinary citizen. I have done nothing wrong, what is this prejudice?"

[3] "Hey, you're not going to be doing any sort of inspections or experimentation are you? If you do, the government would surely go after you!"

[4] "These people are weird... their killers, right? Why am I even placed with these bunch? I didn't even do anything! What kind of discrimination are you doing against me? Is it because of my beliefs?"

[5] "What? You're going to be judging us? Hah. Who do you think you are? Gods? All mighty people? How dare you assume that I'm a 'killer', I'm a hard worker of our country! If anything, this treatment is unprecedented!

[???] U///ir... //fa//!

[???] I'// //ke t//n/s i/t/ m/ o// h/n/s //en, /o/'ll re//et t///ti/g /e li/e this!


[ Program: Z E R O ]

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Tamaki_Leoncreators' thoughts