
Fine, I’ll do an interview

"I had no idea a place like this existed in Australia."

"Right, Mum. This place is truly breathtaking. How did you find it, bro? And how can you manage to afford it?"

"Well, this place was completed just a few months ago. Every stone, every speck of dirt, and all the trees were meticulously transported from elsewhere. Constructing this house was no easy feat."

"Only a select few are aware of this location, as the millionaire who initially built it kept it a well-guarded secret. It was through my Real Estate agent that I learned about the unfortunate passing of the previous owner, and this extraordinary property became available for purchase. So, I seized the opportunity."

Or at least, that is the narrative I have the rest of the world believe.

After enjoying a lovely dinner with my family at home, I gather everyone in the lounge room for a family meeting. I express my desire to share something important with them. To demonstrate, I showcase my extraordinary powers by making everything in the room float, including ourselves. Intrigued, they inquire about the limitations of my abilities, to which I confidently respond that there are none. I decide to bestow upon them the same powers, with the exception of it not affecting me. Furthermore, I offer to assist in making them immortal.

My sister becomes ecstatic about the prospect of immortality and her newfound powers. On the other hand, my mother expresses her desire to bring her late husband, my father, back to life. I explain to her that while it is possible, he has already moved on to a better place, quite literally, and bringing him back may have unforeseen consequences. However, if she insists, I suggest that we ensure he doesn't retain any memories of his afterlife.

My mother agrees, and we proceed to surprise my father with the revelation. Initially shocked, he gradually comes to understand the situation as the family explains everything and grants him powers. Together, we create an illusion that he has always been present, allowing us to remember the true sequence of events.

A few days later, a man arrives at my doorstep. I open the door to greet him.

"Hello, I'm a reporter. Are you the owner of this property?"

"Yes, I am the owner. How can I assist you?"

"I would like to conduct an interview with you, if that's alright with you."

"Certainly, that's perfectly fine."

I have prior knowledge of the man who arrived at my house long before his actual arrival, thanks to my subconscious.

I extend an invitation to the man, welcoming him into my house and guiding him to the lounge room, where we both take a seat on opposite couches.

The man retrieves his laptop and presents a video captured by a car dash cam. In the video, a person wearing a hoodie seemingly heals another individual with their hands. It becomes evident that the person in the hoodie is me, and they quickly flee the scene.

"Do you recognize this person?" the man asks.

"And if I do?" I reply.

"Well, how did you possess the ability to heal that man? Do you have extraordinary powers or advanced technology?"

"I do possess some unique abilities," I respond.

"What kind of abilities do you have, and how did you acquire them?" he inquires further.

"They were bestowed upon me by a higher power," I confess.

"You mean you were born with them?" he probes.

"Nah, I actually died, and then I heard a divine voice saying, 'I am granting you my power,'" I explain.

"How can you be certain it was a divine entity?" he questions.

"When I inquired about its identity, it dismissed the question as unimportant. This led me to believe that the power was so immense that it transcended the need for me to label it as 'god' or not. In essence, it possesses qualities that are considered godlike," I clarify.

"Okay," he acknowledges.

"What specific abilities do you possess? Can you demonstrate them to me?" he requests.

I proceed to present him with visions of the universe, showcasing a time-lapse of its evolution up to this point. I then demonstrate what the universe looks like when viewed from his perspective, gradually zooming out until he returns to his starting point. This display exemplifies the concept of infinity.

Next, I manifest a miniature universe in the palm of my hand and transport him into it. I place him on a planet similar to Earth but utopian in nature, allowing him to experience a lifetime there. Eventually, I bring him back to the couch and inquire, "How was it?"

He gazes at me, his face filled with astonishment.

"Are you a deity?" he asks, his voice trembling.

I burst into laughter and politely escort him out, creating the illusion that the entire experience was merely a dream to prevent him from becoming too attached to that world.

He lingers outside for a moment before departing.

Later that week, the media is abuzz with discussions about the authenticity of the interview. Every news show seems to be focused on it. The reporter had a handheld camera for recording, which I made indestructible with infinite storage capacity. I ensured that he would document his experiences in that world and share them through his blog upon his return.

The sights and knowledge that the man acquired in that alternate world, particularly the lessons of peaceful coexistence, could greatly benefit our own world.