
Omnipotent Angel of Dragon Ball

The Panorama Conference: Clash of the Gods of Destruction Lucifer strode confidently onto the grand stage, flanked by his formidable God of Destruction and the reigning God of the Realm, setting the scene for an epic showdown. Lucifer: "Moments ago, my God of the Realm engaged in a ferocious battle against your entire pantheon of Gods of Destruction and emerged victorious!" The Gods of Destruction, including the mighty Beerus, couldn't conceal their embarrassment, their heads bowed in acknowledgment of their recent defeat. Lucifer: "Now, I propose a daring challenge – shall my God of Destruction face off against your esteemed King God?" A tense hush fell upon the assembly of Realm Kings and Gods as they contemplated the gravity of this proposition. The Grand Priest, renowned for his sagacity, maintained a contemplative silence. Meanwhile, King Zeno, the ruler of all realms, remained an inscrutable enigma, his thoughts concealed behind a mask of impartiality. ---- *MTL Translation - Original Link: mtlnation.com/novel/gt-angel-cultivate-god-of-destruction-at-the-start*

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39 Chs

Chapter 34: Vegeta's Triumph

"Let the battle continue!" Super 17 declared, a wicked smile gracing his face as he instantaneously appeared face to face with none other than Son Goku.

A thunderous boom echoed as Super 17's fist collided with Goku's stomach, causing the Saiyan warrior to grimace in pain.


Goku's mouth ejected a sour fluid as he felt his entire body protest the brutal strike.

Meanwhile, a crowd of onlookers, including Son Gohan and others, gawked in disbelief. Their beloved patriarch was teetering on the brink of defeat against the formidable Super 17.

"This is grim," Son Gohan muttered with a furrowed brow. "Dad's energy is dwindling fast, and Super 17 absorbed his Ki Blast."

"This is trouble," Son Goten added, clenching his fists. "Brother, we have to intervene and buy Dad some time to recover."

"You're absolutely right," Son Gohan affirmed, his resolve unwavering.

"I'm in!" Trunks roared as golden flames erupted around him, transforming him into a Super Saiyan.

"I'm with you!" Uub declared, his energy surging to its peak.

However, just as Son Gohan and the others were poised to join the fray, Super 17 struck once more. His powerful blow sent Son Goku hurtling towards the earth, creating a colossal crater upon impact.

"Son Goku, do you have any tricks up your sleeve? Spit them out, or I'll end you!" Super 17 taunted, hovering in the air, his menacing hand poised to strike again.

"Damn it, there's no other option. I'll have to utilize the Potara earrings!" Son Goku grumbled, reaching for the earrings as a last resort.

But with whom should he merge?

Son Goku glanced at his comrades. It was evident that fusing with Gohan or Goten wouldn't be the ideal choice. Merging with Gohan would mean embracing scholarly pursuits, a realm foreign to Goku. Fusion with Goten would entail going back to school. Trunks, on the other hand, was preoccupied with managing the Magnum Capsule Group, a demanding role. And what about Orb? Yes, Orb was the perfect choice.

"Hey, Uub! I've made my decision. I want to merge with you," Son Goku declared, removing the earring and tossing it towards Uub, signifying his intent to initiate a Potara earring fusion.

Meanwhile, Lucifer, Piccolo, and Dende observed the unfolding battle from the temple's edge. They were taken aback by the turn of events.

"It appears that Goku is outmatched by Super 17," Dende remarked solemnly.

"I never anticipated that two No. 17 fusions would be this formidable. Dr. Gero's research was perilous," Piccolo grumbled through gritted teeth.

"This is a dire situation," Dende said, his brow glistening with perspiration, as he turned to Lucifer for guidance.

"Don't look to me. If I handle everything, your presence becomes superfluous," Lucifer responded with an air of silent arrogance while maintaining his outward politeness.

Dende nodded in acquiescence, and Piccolo remained contemplative.

In a moment of uncertainty, Dende hesitated, "Uncle Piccolo... Goku claims to be the greatest god in the universe, even surpassing Lord Supreme Kai."

Piccolo nodded in agreement, "Indeed, he conveyed the same sentiment to me, and given his extraordinary abilities, I'm inclined to believe it. Did you witness him resurrecting me? Even Lord Supreme Kai lacks such power. However, his demeanor is... different."

"Different in what way?" Dende inquired.

"He might be a more detached deity," Piccolo pondered.

"Or perhaps, a more indifferent one," Lucifer interjected, his smirk remaining intact.

Both Piccolo and Dende paled in shock. Could Lucifer hear their unspoken thoughts?

"I've already mentioned it; I am the supreme god of this universe. No secrets can be kept from me through telepathy," Lucifer stated matter-of-factly.

Terrified, Dende and Piccolo knelt before him.

"Rise. There's no need for such formality. If you have something to say, speak freely," Lucifer instructed, offering a polite smile.

"Thank you, Lord Lucifer," they said as they regained their feet.

Just then, Piccolo sensed something behind him. "Is that... Vegeta's aura?"

"Yes, Uncle Piccolo. Vegeta was training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Dende confirmed.

Vegeta emerged from the chamber, now a Super Saiyan 4.

"Piccolo, why the astonishment? Never thought you'd see me like this?" Vegeta grinned.

He then approached Lucifer and respectfully bowed. "Greetings, Lord Lucifer."

Lucifer acknowledged the gesture with a nod.

Piccolo was taken aback once again. This wasn't the Vegeta he knew. The Saiyan prince was showing respect to this enigmatic being.

"Can you observe the events below, Vegeta?" Piccolo asked.

"Of course," Vegeta replied. "I am a God of Destruction."

"A God of Destruction?" Piccolo was bewildered.

"What? Kakarot's in trouble? I can handle that. May I go and confront him?" Vegeta inquired eagerly, addressing Lucifer.

"Proceed," Lucifer granted his request.

Without hesitation, Vegeta transformed into his God of Destruction form and descended towards the battlefield.

As Vegeta approached, Son Goku sensed his arrival and couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. Vegeta's unparalleled strength was a beacon of light in their darkest hour.

In the midst of the chaos, with Super 17 closing in, Son Goku prepared to fuse with Uub, hoping to harness some of Vegeta's might and wisdom in the process. But as he reached for the Potara earrings, he couldn't help but ponder where he would find a place to rest his head at night after the fusion. Nevertheless, he knew that defeating Super 17 remained their utmost priority, and they could always rely on the Dragon Balls to reverse the fusion if needed.


*Power Stones*