
Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Raping Supers in DC

A guy who pretty much just sees women as ways for him to get off gets godlike powers and goes after the Teen Titans. You can probably predict what happens next.

chastityqm · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Supergirl Gets A New Worldview

"Ahm, ah, that's," Raven sputtered, but Bradley didn't give her the chance (or ability) to argue - he just left, leaving Raven to inevitably follow his commands.

His focus, however, was on completing the set. He had Terra, Starfire, Raven, Miss Martian, and Batgirl pretty thoroughly under his thumb, but he'd been ignoring Supergirl. Well, not ignoring, he'd just been busy. He was going to complete the set and make all six Titans his.

It was a simple task to identify Supergirl, lying in her bed, sleeping in. The sounds of sex hadn't reached her because her room was soundproofed, purely to help her avoid going crazy from people whispering and talking to one another all night. She still wasn't used to her superpowers, which only existed here on Earth. Apparently, she was also an alien, except unlike Koriand'r and M'gan M'orzz, she could completely pass as human. Besides being Superman's cousin.

Convoluted backstory aside, Bradley decided to make one tweak, to the girl who had been saved from her planet's destruction by being sent away at the last minute. He altered the entire history of Krypton, so that the planet was intensely misogynistic, believing that women should be property, be treated as nothing, that treating them with respect was improper and suggested you weren't a real man, and so on, and so forth. Where Cass simply diligently believed that Bradley was the most important person in the Tower, Supergirl - Kara, that was her real name - would instead believe that Bradley was the only person in the Tower. Nightwing and Beast Boy weren't real men because they didn't treat women with casual contempt. The others weren't people because they weren't men. It had him rock hard, and he barged in on Supergirl without hesitation.

She threw a pillow at him without even glancing. "Tryin' ta sleep," she got out.

She was a pretty hot piece of ass, he had to admit. Good tits, fit body, blonde hair, very hot in a traditional way. She was about to become very hot in a reactionary way.

"Do you think you have the right to say something like that to a man?" He asked her.

Her head pivoted towards him, her eyes searching closely. "Excuse me?" She asked, not sure she'd heard him right. There was a hope blooming in her heart already, that finally, finally, she'd found an actual man on this planet and could stop pretending to fit in with all these barbarians and their ridiculous ideas of gender equality and feminism. "What did you just say?" She spoke sharply, harshly, purely to invite punishment if he was a real man, and to show that he was a coward and a fool if he wasn't.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bradley backhanded her. Her pussy was instantly wet, and she knew without doubt that he was a real man, not one of the pitiful parodies of masculinity this planet pumped out like plastic toys. His hands went to her tits, roughly groping them in either hand, and she let out a sigh of relief at his touch, at the knowledge that she was finally no longer ownerless, that she was at last in the presence of a real man. "I asked you, do you think, you have the right, to say something like that, to a man?"

"No," she breathed. "I'm sorry, Master. I haven't seen a real man since I wound up on this planet. I'm so happy that you're here now."

Bradley casually backhanded her again. "Shut the fuck up about your feelings, Hole. Nobody cares." She whimpered in delight, feeling suddenly at home again, right here in front of him. "You are never to wear pants or panties, ever again, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she breathed, hurriedly pulling off her lower garments.

"Your lower holes, your mouth hole, and your cleavage are to be available for my pleasure at all times." She nodded happily, pulling up her top so that her shirt was wadded up, providing both undercleavage and overcleavage as she tried to obey his command to the absolute best of her abilities. "Do you really think that half-assed sort of thing could satisfy me? You have to have something better suited to this." Bradley sneered as he spoke, enjoying the casual arousal and delight that bloomed within Kara with every word he said.

"Yes, Master, I prepared something just in case a real man ever appeared," she said, and before he could complain about her talking, she was rushing into her closet, collecting something from the very back at superspeed. A heartbeat later she was standing in front of him. Her outfit was a lewd parody of her original costume: dipping cleavage, copious amounts of underboob, a top so tight that it barely contained her breasts and created skindentation above and below the line. Where there might have been the House of El's crest - that "S" - there was instead the phrase: Men have brains, women have tits. Her skirt was so painfully short that it barely hid her pussy when she was standing straight; if she bent even a little, it'd show her pink sex off to someone standing in front or behind her, depending on the direction of her turn. She modeled it with a hopeful smile, gulping as she looked at him.

"Have you ever kissed someone?"

"I haven't kissed someone, but a boy did kiss me back on the Kent farm, and another did on Krypton, when I was eight, Master," she said, and Bradley casually erased those events from reality. "No, never, Master," she said.

"Good. Now that you're mine, let's have that mouth of yours broken in." For just a moment, she thought he might actually kiss her on the lips - of course, he had no such plans. He unzipped his pants. "Give my cock a loving kiss," he ordered, and she immediately dropped to her knees, puckering up and kissing his cock as passionately as she could, moaning softly as his flavor hit her, her head fogging up.

"Just so you know, this is all you will ever kiss," he told her, and she nodded without hesitation, smiling with her eyes up at him as she continued to lovingly kiss the tip of his cock. "Your mouth is a hole for my dick - nothing more." He grabbed the back of her head at that point, and started to slowly slide his cock ever deeper into her mouth, her throat readily bulging to accommodate his cock. She moaned happily around his length, not because he had made her mouth hypersensitive, but because at last her throat was being used for its intended purpose - its only purpose, in her mind. Pleasing men.

The smooth movement proceeded until he was balls deep inside her mouth, his testicles bumping against her chin as he held her down. She didn't need to breathe, so he could simply hold her there, and he did, enjoying as she worked to intensify his pleasure, her tongue slashing back and forth on the underside of his cock, her throat swallowing and gulping around his fat cock. She hummed to add to his pleasure and to show her own delight, staring up at him with glowing, eager eyes.

He relished choking her on his cock, idly pumping his hips back and forth against her face, never allowing her to breathe. He idly altered reality again as he did so. Now, forcing a woman to her knees and making her suck your cock was the Kryptonian ownership ceremony: it established the woman was your property, and would do whatever you said without hesitation. If there was any part of Kara that might have hesitated to obey his every command, it was simply crushed out of existence with that idle alteration to history. Now, she understood she was an extension of Bradley's will, and would no more question it than a gun or car might.

He yanked her off of his cock at that point, slapping his cock against her cheek, and she mewled happily as she stared up at him, delighting in the quiet humiliation as his dick smeared and smacked all over her face. "Do you think you're more of a bimbo, or a slut?" He prompted her.

"A bimbo, Master," she breathed out, tickling his cock in the process. "I'd never have sex with anyone, without your permission, but my tiny female brain can't think on the level of yours." His cock slapped against her face at that, owing entirely to the throbbing pulse that sent it up and then brought it back down.

"What's the difference between a woman and a sow?" He asked, enjoying this little game of making her verbally humiliate herself.

"A sow can't give birth to a male child. Other than that, there's no real difference. Some men might prefer to fuck one or the other, I suppose," she said, and he groaned and rammed his cock into her throat again, grabbing her long blonde hair, dragging it into a pair of impromptu pigtails, and simply roughly fucking her face, pounding away. She responded by bringing both her hands up to her throat, squeezing around his cock when he went deep inside her, doing her best to pleasure him all the while as she quietly spasmed in sheer blissful masochism and submission, not orgasming but achieving something far more pleasant than mere physical pleasure, complete release and submission.

He suddenly yanked his cock out of her mouth. "What's the most important quality in a woman?" He asked.

"Obedience," she said, instantly and without hesitation. "As long as a woman does whatever she is told, she is a good woman. Sometimes that implies other traits, because she can't do what she's told without them, but if the man doesn't want her to do those things, then those traits aren't important. Arms, legs, brains, superspeed, a mouth, a cunt - all secondary to obedience," she explained, as if repeating a mantra, doing her best to prove that she had properly internalized a woman's position.

He shoved his cock into her mouth again, grinding her into his pelvis. She happily took it, once more reaching up for her throat and squeezing, mistreating herself purely for his pleasure. She was rough enough to make herself cry from the mistreatment, but that only brought her joy in the pain and degradation she was subjecting herself to. After all, all that hurt was from serving a man, and that was far more important than anything else.

He yanked her off his cock. "Jerk me off with your tits," he ordered, and instantly, she shifted her body up, sliding his cock quickly into her bosom, the copious amounts of spit she'd drooled all over it helping to lubricate it on its journey. She began to bounce dutifully in place, staring up at him in dutiful silence. "What do you think of Raven?"

"I think she should accept her place as a woman, Master," she said - and at that point, Bradley came, hot cum streaming out all over Supergirl's chin and neck and face, some of it spurting up far enough to clog up her nose. That delighted her, the thick scent of him completely overwhelming her and sending her tiny female brain into a delicious tailspin of dutiful submission.

Bradley idly backhanded her face again. "You forgot to thank me for my cum, Hole."

"Yes, Master, sorry, Master. Thank you for your cum, Master." She spoke with effusive praise, completely uninhibited, happy to be able to say such a thing to a man. He reached for her arm, hefting her up off the ground, and she easily followed him, letting her legs dangle in the air, lightly using her flight power to make it easier for him to lift her. He grabbed her by the thighs, then, pulling her legs up and up, spinning her around so that she faced away from him, putting his arms so his hands were behind her head while his forearms pressed against her thighs, twisting her body up. She shivered in delight as she was put in a nelson.

With only a little effort - well, okay, only a little reality warping - Bradley managed to slam his cock inside of Kara without taking more than a second, making her spasm in delight on his cock, her eyes rolling around in her skull like billiard balls as her anal virginity was roughly taken.

Bradley wasn't gentle with her, just pumping his hips against hers, slamming his cock deep inside her tight, virgin asshole over and over again. Each thrust made her pussy quietly spasm, and it made her heart beat all the faster, too, the delightful, wondrous feeling of being forced to accept her place as a woman, of being reminded of her body's true purpose. "Dirty talk, Hole," he ordered her, and she nodded drunkenly, swallowing for a moment before she managed to speak.

"I'm so glad that you're fucking my ass, Master," she said, and he promptly slapped the back of her head with both hands, altering reality so that whan he did to her would actually hurt, even if it didn't cause any physical damage to her. She gasped at the sensation, her brain momentarily stuttering at the sudden influx of pain.

"Did I say to fucking talk about your meaningless feelings?" He asked her, and she hurriedly shook her head, feeling intense shame about her failure as a woman, her foolish decision to mention her feelings, which of course did not matter at all, to any one, ever. They were as irrelevant as the feelings of a cow that was going to be slaughtered. She existed to serve a function, and thinking about her feelings could only disrupt that function. She really had spent too long on this barbaric planet. The thoughts of the local women were infecting her. "Talk about your gender," he said, enjoying reading her constantly bubbling, constantly-misogynistic thoughts. "Talk about women, their purpose, their uses."

"Yes, Master! Women are base creatures, barely better than animals! The only advantage we have over animals," she said, gasping as his cock continued to ram inside her ass, getting even rougher now as he took advantage of her twisted-up body, "is that we, can give birth to men!" She explained it without the slightest hesitation, her pussy on fire with arousal, her clit hard as it brushed against her skirt. She was scarcely able to keep herself from orgasming, but she was, because she had been ordered to talk, and her orders were more important than anything in the world. Certainly, more important than her pleasure, which was of no value whatsoever.

"Yeah? You're a bit more fuckable than animals, though," Bradley said, mostly just to see how she'd respond.

"Yes, sometimes, but other times not! Animals can't meaningfully resist a man, but the barbarian women on this planet, they would deny you sexually, even though almost none of them are owned by a man!" She explained, her hot breath spilling into the air as she was roughly anally raped. "I'm so sorry that you were born on this planet of stupid bitches, Master!"

"It's alright," he said, grinning. "Putting bitches in their place is pretty nice. What do you think about your dumb bitch teammates? You think they'll make good fuckholes for me?"

"I hope so, Master!" She said, panting. "I can't know, before you use them, though. If they resist you, I'll help you rape them until they learn their place! I think those dumb Miss Martian and Starfire cows are most likely to give you trouble, Terra's head over heels and Raven's a complete degenerate. Obedience is still obedience, though, so I think she'll find her way!"

"What about Cass?" Bradley prompted, enjoying her lewd words, the way she happily listed out the problems with all her teammates. "Do you think she'll be a good bitch?"

"I think so, Master! I think she's a misogynist inside, even if she's not a proper woman, who really knows her place, she's so much closer than the other people on this worthless rock! Thank you so much for raping my ass!" Her breath caught in her throat, and she considered asking if she could orgasm - it would make it easier for her to speak, but of course, her own pleasure wasn't important at all, nor was her having an easy time of things.

"Come on my cock, Hole," Bradley ordered, and she promptly came, her brain frying with bliss as the inhibited orgasm ran thorugh her whole body. Her asshole greedily squeezed and gripped at his cock, and he let go as well, firing off a thick load inside her tight ass. Once they were both finished, he popped her off his cock and promptly shoved a buttplug up her ass to make sure his cum remained where he'd put it. She just shivered quietly in pure bliss and fulfillment.

Bradley idly pulled out of her asshole, twisting her around and shoving his dick down her throat without the slightest hesitation - and receiving not the slightest resistance, even mental. "Clean my dick off," he ordered her, as he moved over to flop onto her bed, the obedient misogynist gladly floating through the air to keep her lips latched, suction-like, onto his cock. "And don't let it out all night," he added, as he closed his eyes. He had no idea if he actually had to sleep, but at the moment, he didn't care either. Making Supergirl suck him off through the night was an intensely erotic thought, after all.

When Bradley awoke the next morning, Supergirl still had her lips wrapped around the base of his cock. Her gaze was focused on his, looking genuinely worshipful, her thoughts wondering what would best please him this morning. That was her only concern at the moment - making him happy. His cock twitched in her throat as he contemplated that simple fact.

The entire Titans were now his. Terra, Starfire, and Raven were his "girlfriends," if you could convince yourself that their relationships honestly counted as that, rather than it only being an impression of a real relationship. Batgirl was his loyal fuckpet, and Supergirl his loyal fuckhole. As to Miss Martian... well, an idle flick of his awareness outward showed how much of an unbelievable mess the inside of the poor White Martian's skull was by this point, misogyny and submission and love and neediness all draped along her goopy pink brain. The old Megan pitifully withdrew inside her head, desperately trying to think her way out of an utterly unconquerable situation.