
Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Raping Supers in DC

A guy who pretty much just sees women as ways for him to get off gets godlike powers and goes after the Teen Titans. You can probably predict what happens next.

chastityqm · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Picking Up Blackfire (And Owning Lex Luthor)

Yeah... Bradley wasn't interested in letting some other guy fuck his bitches. He tweaked reality so that he was over at LexCorp, where Starfire and Blackfire were currently fighting, and Lex Luthor was busily trying to key something into his devices or whatever the fuck. Bradley waved a hand, and said devices all vanished from existence. "What the-" Lex sputtered, staring at the computer screen for a moment, then looking up and around. "You?" He tried, seeming suspicious of the previously-unrecognized presence.

"Me," Bradley agreed. He pointed at Lex, making sure the man knew what was about to happen to him, and why. "Your shitty company fired me over a whole $100 stolen dollars."

"Maybe you shouldn't have stolen a whole $100 dollars, then," Lex replied, which was the last thing he did with his high IQ - at that point, Bradley simply erased most of his intelligence, downgrading him to be significantly below average, coming in at a mere 80 IQ. "What - what did you do?"

"Made it so that your IQ is 80," he said, making sure nobody else noticed anything suspicious about what he was saying and doing. He grinned. "Also, you never made Blackfire come, and your company? Yeah, I just bought a controlling interest."

"It isn't even on the market!" Lex snarled.

"Too bad," Bradley replied. "Anyway, there's the cops," he said, pointing to the door. "They're arresting you, and all your bribes never happened. Aha, and don't bother telling anybody what I've done, nobody will believe you. As far as they're concerned, you've always had an 80 IQ. Buh-bye," he said, winking and waving his hand.

"That is completely ridiculous," Lex said, but the police broke the door down at that point. "Blackfire! Protect me!"

"No thank you," Blackfire said. "You're a completely uninteresting dullard," she replied. "I'm not even sure why I spent time with you." She flew right out one of the windows - and Starfire followed after her, trying to argue with her sister as to why she should come with Starfire to fuck Bradley.

"Goddammit! I'll get revenge on you, you- whoever you are!" Lex said, sounding raving mad as he was slammed into the desk.

"Name's Bradley Dixon," he replied. "You may have heard of me. I'm a very popular male model, after all. That's how I got the money to buy out your shitty company," he said.

"Mercy!" Lex said, glancing over to an attractive woman with blonde hair and a somewhat military bearing. Bradley, of course, rewrote reality so she had happily been bought out too, and was glad to know that she was soon to be employed at Titan Tower - as a maid. "Help me!"

"I got a better offer," she said. "Take him away, boys," the woman said, as Lex was locked in cuffs. "I'm going to be the maid at Titan Tower from now on."

"He's - he's done something to you! To all of you!" Lex cried out, desperate, but obviously it was hopeless. An omnipotent being had just decided that his life would be ruined, so of course it was. "Can't you see?!" He demanded of the police officers.

"Sir, all I can see is that you're about to spend a very long time in prison," the officer said, with a casual disinterest. Bradley just grinned as the man was marched off, glancing around what was now his office, in his building. Ahh. The Justice League should make him a member, taking care of their problems like this.

Mm... the Justice League. No, no, he hadn't even gotten around to Supergirl yet. Once he finished off the Titans, he could start thinking about the Justice League, or whoever else he decided he wanted to fuck.

It didn't take much of a tweak of reality for Bradley to 'fast forward' back to the Tower. He made sure that Blackfire would listen her sister and come along to the Tower, and he was soon seated in Starfire's room. (Mercy had changed into her new uniform, a classic French maid uniform.)

"This is Bradley Dixon, he is simply amazing! A much better man than that Lex Luthor fellow!"

"Yes, I know, you said that already," Blackfire said, giving her sister a quiet glower. "I was just using Luthor for his money, anyway."

"I'm glad you didn't think much of that man," Starfire said, smiling. "But still! Bradley is certainly quite amazing in any objective terms!"

As the pair of sisters spoke, Bradley openly leered at Blackfire.

She had a body like her sister's: hot as hell and tall, with long hair and long legs and good tits. Her face was more bitchy than Starfire's, but that just meant it'd be more fun to shut her up. As his cock throbbed in his pants and he contemplated what to do with the pair - right now, he was just enjoying their dumb argument - Starfire came up with a great idea.

"Look! You should definitely have sex with him!" At that point, Starfire grabbed his pants and yanked them down, revealing his extremely hard cock to open air, his length bouncing in the air right in front of both women. Blackfire's gaze went to it - and while she was impressed with his size, she also wasn't the sort of size queen who would drop her panties just for that.

"It is pretty big, I can see that," Blackfire replied. "But really. You do realize that I'm your enemy, don't you? I came along here to humor you, and because your new boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend yet! Not until you fuck him!" Blackfire just frowned at that, her expression tightening. "Please, Komand'r, I love you, you're my sister! I think if you fuck him, our relationship can be healed from everything bad that's happened so far!"

"What makes you think I want it healed?"

"I mean, you haven't left yet," Bradley said.

Blackfire glanced at him with withering contempt, her eyes momentarily glowing. "You're right. I don't have any particular reason to stay here - I think I'll be going."

"Wait!" Starfire pleaded with Blackfire, who paused for just a moment. "Please, Blackfire, please!"

"I'll pay you," Bradley offered. Blackfire looked at him with a withering expression, her eyes cold and full of wrath, fully expecting this mere mortal to back down. "You said you wanted money from Lex, so I figured you would want to get paid for having rough, degrading, and humiliating sex with me," he explained, without a care in the world. Energy gathered around Blackfire's fist as she prepared to murder the insolent piece of trash in front of her.

"How about I pay you a hundred billion dollars for it?" Bradley prompted, making Blackfire hesitate. She knew enough about Earth economics to know that was an enormous quantity of money, but also, given the fact that Bradley had apparently bought out LexCorp, a quantity of money he might actually have.

"A hundred billion dollars?" She asked. "In American dollars?" She prompted, squinting at him.

"Yeah, obviously."

"Then... fine." She took in a deep breath. "If you cross me on this, I'll kill you."

"Great. Then first, you have to come up with a lewd, degrading nickname for yourself," Bradley said, making Blackfire's eye twitch. "You did agree it'd be degrading and humiliating," he noted to her.

"Fine..." She rolled her eyes up. "I don't know. Jizzfire."

"Good nickname," Bradley said, grinning with malicious delight. "Obviously, we're going to fuck without a condom-"

"Humans and Tamaraneans are interfertile, of course I don't agree to that," Blackfire snapped.

"Ninety billion dollars," Bradley said, making Blackfire twitch, her fingers clawing into a fist. "And you have to give me blowjobs on command, whenever I want, indefinitely."

"Exactly how does that work? This isn't an indefinite contract, you dullard. The fact that you outsmarted that moron Luthor doesn't mean that you can simply declare such things-"

"Eighty billion dollars." Bradley interrupted, and Blackfire glowed with power as she stared him down. Of course, he was completely unintimidated - she couldn't hurt him, even if he let her.

Bradley tweaked reality so that the lower his offer went, the more excited and aroused she'd become about each further offer. Almost instantly, her arousal rose substantially as it retroactively came into effect, her gaze now looking at him with some modest amount of interest. "Obviously, there'll be threesomes with your sister," he said, and Blackfire rolled her eyes but didn't argue. "And right now, I want you to get on your knees, and stuff your face into my crotch, and just burn the musk of my dick into your tiny little Tamaranean brain."

She twitched at the degrading words, but she didn't want another ten billion dollars cut off her payment, so she got down on her knees in front of him, sticking her face directly into his groin. His cock was rock hard and slapped at her face as she got down there, and the scent did clog up her senses, leaving her faintly shivering in that position, her nipples growing diamond hard as she remained down there.

"You'll also dress how I order you," he told her.

"I tuh, told you, this is, ahm, not indefinite," she said.

"Sixty billion dollars," he said, and she mewled, her arousal instantly climbing.

"Bu- but it was ten billion for each, rejection, before," she got out.

"Fifty billion for backtalk, and you have to drink my cum," he told her, grabbing a tangle of her hair, dragging her face up to the tip of his dick. "Agree?" She nodded, letting her mouth fall open. He just laughed at that. "You think I'm a quickshot who's going to come that fast? Tell you what, you dumb bitch, if you agree to let me spank you for any disobedience, until I'm satisfied, I won't lower your payout any further."

"Yuh, yes, okay," she said, nodding rapidly.

"Note that that doesn't include it if you declare that you won't do something," he explained, smearing his precum around her lips, and she just nodded stupidly, her pussy on fire, her clit rubbing against her clothes.

"Now," Bradley continued, glancing up at Starfire, "why don't the two of you kiss and make up for all your previous fights or whatever?" Blackfire was a supervillain, but also, she was hot, and currently kneeling in front of his fat cock, so he didn't give a fuck. "Around my dick, though," he noted, and Starfire got into position, Blackfire clumsily - still highly affected by the thick scent of his cock - leaned in, the pair's lips loosely meeting on either side of his cock. It was a damn sexy sight, seeing the far more cognizant Starfire trying to kiss his sister, while Blackfire just sloppily licked at his dick, overcome by lust.

Bradley reached down behind Blackfire, giving her toned, goddess-like ass a sharp smack, making her let out a lewd noise of surprise at that, her gaze flicking up at him as her lips remained lodged on his cock. "That's pathetically sloppy work, Jizzfire," he told her. "You need to give my cock the service it deserves, not slobber all over it like any random slut I could find on the street. If you keep up this pathetic showing, you'll start losing money again," he warned.

At that, Blackfire did put more effort into pleasuring him, her kiss sliding along his length alongside her sister, the pair silently agreeing to work his whole cock over like that. Their tongues flashed along, back and forth, and it was obvious to anybody they weren't even capable of meaningfully 'kissing' one another, but the sight of those pairs of lips pressed against his dick still had Bradley throbbing.

His arousal only peaked when Raven came into the room. "Star-" she started, before seeing what was happening. "Fuck. You're doing this again?" She asked, her arousal climbing along with her disgust and annoyance. She squirmed as she stood in the doorway.

"Yeah. Obviously. Get a camera, record this," Bradley ordered, and Raven left the room, obeying his orders on automatic. Bradley just grinned as both Blackfire and Starfire started sucking his balls into their mouths, their lower lips brushing against one another's. They both shivered in quiet arousal, and Bradley idly pet them both. "Alright, you two can stop your makeup kiss," he said, even though it was completely absurd to pretend any of that was done to 'makeup' for anything. Starfire shifted to take his balls further into her mouth, while Blackfire slid up his length to the tip, beginning to slowly slide down his whole length, taking his fat cock into her throat with practiced ease.

"Good girl," he said, idly patting Blackfire's head as she slid all the way down his cock. Raven soon arrived back in the room, carrying her high quality camera, starting to record. "Whoa, what are you doing, you dumb bitch?" He said, looking at Raven, who startled at his words. "You can't just record this. You need to dogeza and beg for permission. You're such a pervert, I can't just let you record whatever you feel like."

Raven twitched in momentary humiliation, but even if she wasn't sure precisely what was really happening, she was sure that disobedience would just result in her circumstances getting worse, so she knelt in front of him dutifully, forehead pressed to the ground as Blackfire's own forehead got plastered to Bradley's stomach. "Please, Bradley, please let me record you fucking these two Tamaranean bitches," she pleaded, and Bradley just grinned at that, his hand on the back of Blackfire's head, relishing the utter debasement of all three of these supersluts. Blackfire was getting choked on his cock for money, Starfire was sucking his balls while whoring out her sister to him, and Raven was begging for her to be allowed to record the whole thing.

"Fine, you can do it, you complete pervert," Bradley said, and Raven scrambled to her feet, quickly moving into a good position for recording the whole scene, capturing the image of Blackfire's face in profile as she was choked out on Bradley's cock. He had held her down for long enough that she was starting to sputter around his dick, her throat wetly gagging as she was asphyxiated like that - and he responded by spanking her ruthlessly. "Goddamn, Jizzfire, you can't take my cock?" He asked her, and Blackfire just quietly whimpered in humiliation. "If you can't manage to choke yourself out on my cock, then I'm going to have to cut the money again..." he removed his hand from the back of her head, and she quietly shivered in arousal, part of her actually anticipating the cut in her budget.

He glanced over at Starfire, who was still tonguing his balls. He had infinite money anyway, so why not reward her for being a good Tamaranean slut? She had a bombshell body, after all. "Hey, Starfire, you also get a hundred billion dollars for being such a good bitch."

At that, Starfire removed her mouth from his balls. "By X'hal, how generous! Thank you!"

"Ninety billion now that you stopped sucking my balls," Bradley corrected, and Starfire flushed in embarrassment, feeling genuinely stupid as she dove back down to his balls, slurping on them noisily, doing her best to make it clear how much she loved sucking on them. Bradley just enjoyed the blowjob, as Blackfire continued choking herself out on his cock, her powerful throat squeezing and coiling around his dick as he sat there, the girl so readily debasing himself for her.

She showed an impressive amount of self control, honestly. She probably could have stayed down there indefinitely, with her wacky biology, but Bradley enjoyed making bitches fail in tasks he appointed to them, so he forced Blackfire off by tweaking reality ever so slightly, her lips popping off his cock and her breath escaping her lips in heaving pants. "Suh, sorry," she slurred out.

"Not good enough. Forty billion, Jizzfire," he said, and Blackfire shivered in arousal at that, as he grabbed both women by their hair, positioning them tightly against one another, cheek to cheek, shoving his dick in the produced space, using their faces like they only existed to jerk him off with. When he felt himself nearing explosion, he pulled back until his dick was being kissed by both women, their tongues hurriedly working over his glans, and at that point, he started to explode, splattering the inside of both their mouths with copious quantities of his cum, both girls shivering as they got filled with the stinky, delicious stuff.

Once he was finished coming, he leaned back, admiring his work. Blackfire's tits had expanded, of course, owing to her intense arousal, and they were now rivals for Starfire's similarly-large breasts. Both women swilled his cum hungrily.

"Take off your tops, Starfire, Jizzfire," he ordered them both, and Blackfire gulped down his cum as she moved to obey. "Did I tell you to fucking swallow, Jizzfire?" He asked her with a sneer, and she shook her head, afraid (and aroused) that she was about to lose another ten billion dollars. Instead, though, she just got a sharp spanking, making her gasp in humiliation at the rough treatment, even if his ordinary hands couldn't do any harm to her. "Now, give me a titjob," he ordered the pair, and they dutifully both did so, their voluminous breasts wrapping around his cock, their nipples scraping against one another.

"Uhm, why are you calling her Jizzfire?" Raven asked, from behind the camera, her legs trembling in arousal as she wore the porn parody version of her costume that he'd consigned her to.

"Because that's her name from now on," Bradley explained.

"It is not!" Blackfire complained.

"Thirty billion," Bradley said, and instantly, Blackfire fell silent, trembling in arousal, her pussy gushing as her clit rubbed against her costume. Of course, her rational mind knew she'd blown seventy billion dollars by arguing with Bradley - but her irrational pussy thought it would be so hot to blow a few billion more, her tongue flashing against her lips as she contemplated the idea. Bradley idly altered reality so that Raven was streaming right to the tiny-dicked cuck that he had turned Nightwing into, as his ex-girlfriend and her sister mashed their beautiful fat tits into his cock.

Starfire leaned into Blackfire, pressing her lips against her sister's, opening her mouth to deposit the cum into her sister's mouth. It was an act of generosity and kindness directed towards her sister, a quiet attempt to help mend fences - which, of course, Bradley promptly punished. "Eighty billion, Starfire," he told the girl in question, and she looked suitably chastised. "I didn't tell you to share my cum either, did I?" She shook her head, not willing to swallow since she hadn't been told to, and Bradley's cock just throbbed in the space between the pair's breasts. "Both of you, swallow. Raven, introduce yourself," he said, glancing over at the intensely-aroused heroine, who was squirming in place. "To the camera," he clarified.

Raven turned the camera on herself, her cheeks slightly glowing due to her arousal and humiliation. "Hello. I'm the superheroine Raven. I'm the camerawoman this evening," she explained, before hurriedly spinning the camera back around on the scene in question.

"And you two?" Bradley prompted.

"I'm Starfire!" Starfire said, smiling unabashedly at the camera.

Blackfire had to twist her head around to face the camera, though she was well-behaved enough to keep her tits squished around it. "And I'm Blackfire."

"Wrong. Twenty billion," Bradley said, making her hiss in arousal and humiliation and the agonizing realization that she had just lost another ten billion dollars due to her own stupidity. She couldn't even blame it on Bradley's arbitrary commands - she really should have known better.

"Sorry. My name is Jizzfire," she corrected.

"That's right," Bradley agreed, as he made Blackfire's nipples that little bit more sensitive. Just enough that she'd end up orgasming from the titfuck. "You don't get your money back, though," he added, grinning as he drank in her pitiful humiliation, able to tell just how incredibly wet and needy she was getting, the strange feelings he was inflicting on her causing her to become ever more aroused. She started to senselessly grind her tits against Starfire's, panting heavily as she did so, her eyes lidding with arousal. Inside, she reminded herself that twenty billion dollars was a lot of money, more than worth a bit of humiliation, and she sputtered in pleasure, a bit of saliva dribbling out of her mouth. "Oh, and Jizzfire, don't come. This is about my pleasure, not yours."

"Yuh, uhm," Blackfire sputtered, going cross-eyed as she strained to obey Bradley's commands. She obviously was going to fail, and Bradley wanted exactly that, for the bitch in question to wind up in debt to him from the pleasure he was making her feel as she titfucked him. "I'm, tuh, trying," she sputtered.

"Trying isn't good enough," he said, smacking her ass. She mewled, her eyes rolling up for a moment as she just barely managed to avoid coming. "You have to actually succeed, you dumb bitch," he explained, giving her ass another smack.

She promptly came, of course, squealing, her fingers digging into the overextended flesh of her tits as she went cross-eyed in pleasure and arousal. The distant sound of Bradley telling her that she'd just lost another ten billion dollars thanks to her orgasm only made her pleasure intensify, her whole body shivering in sheer bliss.

Raven, for her part, had become intensely aroused, her voice quietly beginning to whisper. "Bradley's dick is so big. Bradley makes girls come their brains out. Bradley's great at sex. Bradley's amazing," she panted, her hand in her cunt as she desperately masturbated, one hand holding the camera with the perfect poise he'd inflicted on her. "Bradley's so smart. Bradley's rich. Bradley's cool."

"Raven, aren't you supposed to be recording?" Starfire asked.

"Seventy billion," Bradley corrected mildly.

Starfire shrank for a moment, then course-corrected in a way that Bradley was honestly impressed with. "It's truly pathetic and pitiful how you behave, Raven. You should get more in touch with your true feelings, rather than only letting them out from behind a camera." At that point, Bradley grinned, grabbing the back of Blackfire's head and stuffing her down into the valley of both girls' tits, forcing her to suckle on his head. She did so with relish, her tongue flicking hungrily against his tip.

"If she's going to masturbate, she should at least humiliate herself," Bradley said, glancing over at Raven. "From now on, for every compliment, you have to humiliate yourself too," he said, tweaking her once again so that his new rule would be the law for her body. She could only masturbate from now on by alternating between complimenting him and humiliating herself - a fact she very quickly became aware of.

A small part of Raven resisted, complained, felt humiliated and degraded and angry. The rest of her just wanted to come, the lust from this whole situation driving her into a mad spiral of arousal, her hand in her cunt getting more active as she spoke. "I'm a complete pervert, Bradley's such a fucking genius who has a huge cock, my loose pussy doesn't deserve him, Bradley is amazing and brilliant and cool and hot and everybody wants him and I'm lucky to be able to fuck him, and I'm a stupid bitch," she said, panting as she strained to make each compliment last for as long as possible to minimize how much time she had to insult herself.

Bradley might have decided to tweak that, but he was given a better person to bully, when Blackfire came again. The lewd moan she let out around his cock, the way her fingers sunk against her jiggling breasts, the tight pressure around his cock and copious amounts of saliva that dribbled down onto it - it was all hot as hell. But what was even hotter was the words that left his lips: "Zero dollars," he told her, and she whimpered pitifully, her arousal climbing so much that a third orgasm hit her in the middle of her second, her brain frying as it declared that she belonged totally to Bradley. He just let go in her mouth at that point, feeding her greedy tongue a fat load of his cum as she trembled in bliss.

"You did pretty good, Starfire," he said, giving the girl a pet. "You're now my girlfriend, just like you wanted. As for you, Jizzfire," he said, looking at the girl in question as she drunkenly swilled his cum, "if we keep going, you can go into the negatives. If you want to just go, that's fine, you'll just never get to experience the joys of sex or orgasm ever again." She whimpered softly. "So? Going to get dressed and leave? Or accept that you're going to have to pay for the privilege of being my sex toy?"

With his cum still on her tongue, she raised two trembling fingers - the second. His cock throbbed at that, and he glanced at Starfire. "Now, Starfire's been better than you, so Starfire, get naked and on the bed. I'll fuck you silly, just like a good bitch deserves," he said, and Starfire smiled brightly, seeming to completely ignore the humiliation implicit in his words as she got into position and Bradley got up behind her, pointing his cock at her wet sex.

Bradley idly adjusted Starfire before thrusting inside her - he made her hypersensitive, so the moment when he did shove his dick balls deep in her pussy, she instantly came, squealing her pleasure as her pussy convulsed on his cock. He gripped her by the hips and began to just pound away, using her orgasming body for his own pleasure. Not that the bitch minded at all, coming her brains out as she was, soon collapsing onto her tits and shoulders on the bed, mewling deliciously beneath him. "Jizzfire," he said, turning his head over to glance at the girl in question, who was panting in naked arousal at the ongoing scene, having started to masturbate with her tits. "You're not allowed to come." She whimpered pitifully, but Bradley enforced his command. He also made it so if she tried to masturbate to achieve orgasm, it would get 'stored away,' to come out when he finally let her come.

"Ahm, please," Blackfire said, squirming in place. "Please let me come."

"Nope," he told her. "You can make yourself useful by going and making me a sandwich," he said, idly sliding his hands down to grope Starfire's engorged breasts, the soft flesh yielding easily to his powerful hands. Blackfire hesitated for just a moment, then left, flying out of the room like a bolt of black lightning. For his part, Bradley just rutted inside of Starfire, glancing over at the quietly masturbating Raven, her hand in her cunt as she whispered praises of him and insults to herself in alternating order. "Raven, come up with a rule for Jizzfire. If it's humiliating enough, and she agrees to follow it, I'll let you come," he told her. "Otherwise, you're not allowed until I say so."

"Huh, huh, wha?" She sputtered. "Bradley's dick is huge. My pussy is loose and useless. Bradley's hot, I'm ugly." She whimpered as she realized she wasn't going to manage to finish, though Bradley only became more aroused, ramming away at Starfire's tight cunt, relentlessly misusing the Tamaranean slut, who just whimpered happily into the bed. He grabbed a tangle of her hair, yanking her up by it, letting Raven (and himself) get a better look at it.

"How good is it, Kori?" He asked the Tamaranean slut who was now completely imprinted on his cock.

"Amazing!" Starfire squeaked out, jerking on his dick, her pussy spasming as another orgasm hit her like a silent reward.

At that point, Blackfire came back into the bedroom, carrying a simple ham sandwich in one hand. There was no annoyance on her face, no hint that she found being made to do this to be humiliating - she was just desperately horny. She'd tried to masturbate when making the sandwich, and now she was on fire between her legs, unable to come. "Feed me, by hand, Jizzfire," Bradley said, continuing to pump inside of Starfire. "Starfire, talk to your stupid sister," he said, before taking a bite of the proffered sandwich, enjoying the taste and the glow of humiliation visible in Blackfire's face.

"It feels so good! Thank you, Jizzfire!" Starfire said, carefully avoiding using Blackfire's actual name. "Thank you so much for submitting to Bradley! Thanks to you, he's accepted me as his girlfriend, and I get to get fucked by his amazing cock!" At that point, she came again, thrashing in place, her back arching.

"Raven?" Bradley prompted, in between bites.

"Uhm. Jizzfire... can't wear clothes around the Tower any more... ever." Raven said, panting softly as her hand struggled against an invisible force - before she started insulting herself and praising Bradley again.

"What do you think, Jizzfire?" Bradley looked at the woman in question, half-dressed and squirming. "Are you willing to do that?"

She mewled - but nodded, simply ripping off her leggings without concern about what she'd wear out of the tower.

"Good. Then you bitches can both come, free of charge," he declared, pounding away at Starfire all the harder. It took about five seconds for both Raven and Blackfire to start coming, spasming in place, their hips bucking wildly as they both obeyed his command, eyes peeled back in bliss. Raven managed to keep the camera on him and Starfire, as he fucked the hot model, and Jizzfire managed to keep herself from dropping the sandwich she'd made, but Bradley just didn't give a fuck about any of that.

"Starfire," he said, as he rutted inside her. "How much do you think your sister should earn, for each time I fuck her? Just using market rates."

"Ahm, well, she's, a beautiful, princess, alien, and famous, and a super, so, perhaps, fifty thousand dollars?" He tweaked reality, rewinding time just a little, to before she gave her quote. "However, she's also, very bad at sex," Starfire explained, "so, perhaps, fifty dollars?"

"She can be trained. Starting by rimming me," he said, glancing over at Blackfire, who immediately swept into position. He just grabbed the sandwich out of her hand, chomping down on one more bite, then glancing over at Raven. "Raven, feed me the sandwich, Jizzfire's busy."

"Yes, okay," she sputtered, unable to masturbate any more, with one hand on the camera, the other holding out the sandwich to offer to Bradley. She focused the camera on Starfire's expression, on her big, swinging tits, as the Tamaranean slut - his slut, his horny fuckable nympho girlfriend - came all over his cock over and over again.

Combined with Blackfire's rimjob, Bradley came inside of Starfire with a groan. Once he was finished, he leaned back, purposefully winding up seated on Blackfire's face, his dick momentarily slapping her tits as he considered what to do next.

"Hey, Raven," Bradley said, looking at the horny witch. "Jizzfire here shouldn't be totally naked around the house. Take her out and buy her a choker with her name on it, that way people know what to call her. I'd hate for somebody to get confused and call her 'Blackfire,' after all."

"Ahm, ah, that's," Raven sputtered, but Bradley didn't give her the chance (or ability) to argue - he just left, leaving Raven to inevitably follow his commands.