
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos

In a new world, Théoden begins a life anew. It's the start of discoveries hidden in darkness, a darkness he has never faced before. Hope is scarce, yet he must push forward, for survival is paramount. But what if mere survival isn't enough? Théoden finds himself cast into an unfamiliar world, clueless about his departure from the old one or his arrival in the new. As though fate despises him, he awakens amidst a slaughtered battlefield, the sole survivor. His survival, attributable to his Omnipotence System, brings a glimmer of hope as he plans to establish himself in this enigmatic yet captivating world. However, despair looms as the first creature he encounters is a life-threatening demon. How will Théoden survive this encounter? What does fate have in store for him? Shrouded in secrets and mysteries, it's up to him to uncover the truth. Time is of the essence, for the wheels of fate have been turning since his arrival in this astonishing new world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it? Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover. It is not mine.

Innovation_Inu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: Traversing the desert

Théoden managed to get all the information without revealing too much about himself but making it seem like he was a naïve 'Kid' they thought he was. The advantage and the main reason he didn't bother to correct the man. Oman who was too happy to brag or give origin descriptions on his items was more than willing to comply.

"This is a crystal ore that comes from the north. It is mined right outside the Northern Dukedom outskirts. Outside the Kingdom of course." said Oman.

He held a blue clear crystal that was the size of a fist. It shone to the sun's rays and shimmered creating many more rays of light to illuminate the cottage. They held the special light blue light as well. It was a sight far too beautiful for Théoden not to appreciate.

"So that was where you get that. I assume it is rare, more than normal crystals." Théoden nodded in understanding.

"Yes. This is one of the rarest. There is no apparent use for it but nobles love it for its beauty."

"That is a use isn't it?"

"You have a knack for making me smile, Kid," Oman said while his eyes formed crescents and a curve formed on his lips. "You have the mind of a merchant."

Théoden simply smiled at the comment and compliment but couldn't bring himself to feel happy about being called a kid.

"How did you end up all alone in the wilderness Theo?"

The topic took a sudden turn but Théoden didn't falter. He had a plan set in place.

"I found myself here. Not sure how I ended up there either. I have been aimlessly walking in search of food and water."

Théoden wasn't sure how he even got to the one-sidedly eliminated battlefield. To be on the safe side he gave a vague answer not far from the truth. He could lie without batting an eye and could twist the truth even better. A strength he had in situations that called for it. He continued to give a summary of his scavenges.

"It wasn't long since I came to. I had water and food so I was fine but as I was running out, I saw a forest which I wanted to get more food and water. I didn't quite know I was in this part of the elf's forest...." A story Théoden carefully weaved and knotted to make a complete explanation.

He gave a few details that he made up on the spot since he hadn't thought of meeting anyone on the desert lands this quickly. He was sure to add sad and exaggerated expressions when storytelling making it more convincing. This was bound to earn adequate sympathy, but for some reason, Oman remained passively dispassionate toward it.

"Hmm! I see."

'I can't tell what he is thinking at all.'


They traveled until the sky was veiled in beautiful dusk rays that ranged from vermilion to velvet. It was a mystical dusk veil.

Clank! Clang!

The sound of metal crashing resonated outside the veil signifying a fight was ongoing, but Oman didn't seem worried. He even played with an ebony and ivory vintage abacus. It looked expensive like every other thing in the wagon, but Oman seemed to pay special close attention to it. He often moved the pieces as if seriously accounting for something but then he stopped.

Théoden who had been following the multiple series of calculations was stunned at the intricate handling of numbers but none of them had consistency. Something he would do to keep his mind from boredom. It didn't seem to be the case for Oman though. Théoden felt uncomfortable with joy riding so-

"Would they need more help out there...actually, what is happening out there?"

Oman raised his eyes and looked at Théoden seeming a bit annoyed from him breaking his concentration.

"They will handle it." He coldly said making one think he didn't care if his companions died or lived.


In silence, Théoden nodded and went back to staring away at the antiques within the wagon. He could almost grasp their value with modern currency. The items in the carriage were astronomically expensive. Museum-level rarity or maybe more. They were simply priceless. A common drinking cup was made of even more expensive porcelain.

The ability 'Minds Eye' kept Théoden from boredom in the week's journey. Of course, none of these were artifacts. At most, they were common grades.

There were frequent attacks along the way and Théoden had the grace of witnessing it in person. It was not something he would have loved to witness.

'Seeing dead bodies was fine but seeing them kill is a bit...'

Unlike his former composer at the mass slaughter grave land, witnessing the enemies brought down gave Théoden a new kind of thrill. Almost intoxicating as he stared at the sight.

His 'twisted' personality, which he decided to call it, on the other hand, found the thrill in the fragility of life. If not for the constant conscious reminder he would have found himself smiling at the scene.

The gruesome gore scene a slaughterhouse deserved.

'I can't show any abnormalities to them.'

Ultimately, it wasn't the repulsion of his thoughts, but the impact it would have if he invested in them that made him resist that urge successfully.

It made Théoden question what was the value of the so-called items they were transported.

'How many have lost their life so far...'

There was no way multiple waves of robbers would stake their lives for merely a few pennies. Théoden tensed-up attitude to the attacks relaxed and he resigned to relaxing since none of the attacks had gotten to the leader, Oman. He was beside the man so in that sense, he was in a protected space. By the comrades outside, of course.

In the night, they had the leisure to even camp out and have dinner. Everyone was in high spirits until one or two times there was an attempt to steal on the way. It was not a completely safe sailing journey without danger. With the sabers on their waists, they fend for themselves, Théoden didn't even need to join in the fight.

The journey was long. The landscape soon changed and Théoden saw the capital from afar. A magnificent place is all he could call it. Though it was on a flatland there were several tall buildings far surpassing the normal Earth's tall building height standard. From afar he could see a central point which was the highest and most grand.

'Must be the palace.'

They arrived at the city gates before dusk on the same day. The journey from the place he was found to the entrance of the city was a week's long trip. This was all because of the lizards' astronomical speed.

'Slimy creatures are surprisingly fast.'

The cottage they rode on was not uncomfortable at this high speed either.

However, they could not take him into the city as he didn't have any legitimation pendant. This was essential for everyone to show their origins and to survey the migrations. He was more than happy to get to the city outskirts. At the very least, he could sell the gems he got from the corpses and have a keep. Just until he understood what situation, he could go on from here in the city. Théoden had now made his first step in making a new destiny for himself. With that in mind, he was happy.

"Thank you so much for helping me get here."

"It is nothing much than lending a helping hand as anyone should, fellow friend."

"Once again, your kindness saved me, Oman. For that, I am grateful." Théoden said with a slight bow akin to a nod of the head. It didn't seem like it held much sincerity but he was as sincere as he could get. For some reason, he could not bring himself to bow to another.

"I am honored then, little friend. See you if fate permits, Theo." Oman rode his wagon into the city after bidding farewell to Théoden.

Théoden had long parted ways with the merchants who were now in the city still riding on their cottage.

"Why did you let him join us without asking for anything in return? Boss."

The merchants turned to understand their leader's choice when he ordered to take him in from the desert instead of selling him off as a slave.

"He has the eyes of someone who will make it big."

"Him? Isn't he dressed in rags?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover. Look at his stance and demeanor. His language even. These are not the qualities you find in a peasant. I can tell he is hiding something. I trust my business intuition."

"Just that? Hasn't your intuition made you almost broke a few times?"


There was still humor in the group. They continued in their Jolly spirits as they discussed.

"This time it is different. He is someone I want ties with. It doesn't hurt to help does it? There is no loss after all."

The green hazel-eyed, tanned young merchant smiled as he closed his eyes once more hiding the mysterious glint that shone in them.

'A good investment indeed.'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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