
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos

In a new world, Théoden begins a life anew. It's the start of discoveries hidden in darkness, a darkness he has never faced before. Hope is scarce, yet he must push forward, for survival is paramount. But what if mere survival isn't enough? Théoden finds himself cast into an unfamiliar world, clueless about his departure from the old one or his arrival in the new. As though fate despises him, he awakens amidst a slaughtered battlefield, the sole survivor. His survival, attributable to his Omnipotence System, brings a glimmer of hope as he plans to establish himself in this enigmatic yet captivating world. However, despair looms as the first creature he encounters is a life-threatening demon. How will Théoden survive this encounter? What does fate have in store for him? Shrouded in secrets and mysteries, it's up to him to uncover the truth. Time is of the essence, for the wheels of fate have been turning since his arrival in this astonishing new world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it? Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover. It is not mine.

Innovation_Inu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: The City Outskirts

Almost three weeks had passed and in between that period, there had been huge changes. Enormous changes to be precise. It was hard to believe until one saw it for themselves. It wasn't just Théoden who couldn't believe his situation; all the people around him couldn't either. Well, except... maybe one.

Théoden had just woken up and was being dressed by several attendants before going to get breakfast. He was dressed in fancy attire meant for a Prince. Priceless jewels were placed on him but he didn't have any complaints.


Because of his new position. It was a modest norm to dress up for the occasion at any time.

His hair which had been far too long and unkept was nicely trimmed and styled to complement his facial appeal. A quiff style, where his hair was pushed back combined with tapered sides for contrast. It gave him a stylish and cool and aloof appearance making his already young self look even younger.

He wore a three-piece slim-fit black suit with a navy blue shirt with a black tie. He had sapphire cuffs on his sleeve ends and a white pocket hankie with a silver tie clip. A stunning, neat, formal wear too fancy for just breakfast. But, that was, what it was.

Just breakfast!

His life had changed drastically and even, he, was having a hard time understanding where all his luck came from.

The place he was currently at, was a huge castle-like mansion well decorated with the wealth he could only ever imagine. Every vase was an antique that was worth a fortune and the hallways were filled with them used for holding flowers. The walls had traces of gold decorations as well. The curtains on the windows were probably made from fine fabric given that they held an enchanting shimmer against the sun's rays. They flattered lovingly to the wind exposing the grand view that was outside. Even more magnificent finely gardened flower bed; An entire field of them. The scent they held made them more genuinely beautiful as they calmed one's nerves and emotions.

The hall led to countless rooms of relatively grand size and extravagance. There were few he had visited. There were those he frequented. Most, he had never been to. He headed to the dining room. A woman awaiting him was already seated beside his seat. A feast was served for them of what was to be their breakfast.

'We can't even finish a tenth of this. Life of the riches...' thought Théoden.

Théoden sat down ever so naturally after having a few days of practice. He was a fast learner and etiquette was something he had horned from his salad days. Looking forward, his gaze was met with the seductively beautiful woman beaming with youth.

She was apparently, his mother. Adoptive mother, more accurately. A gorgeous blonde with captivating golden eyes. She resembled the sun. Her deep eyes held a glint of mystery in them he could not pinpoint. Maybe due to the unique glow, they had when they met his own.

"Morning, Madam," greeted Théoden

"Morning, Dear."

A short greeting was exchanged before starting their meal. The meal ended in silence the awkwardness was suffocating. Théoden and the woman had not exchanged more than ten sentences when he first arrived at the castle. However, it was different that day.

He had a long week where he was taking a couple of lessons and practicing them daily. Lazy as he was, he still took heart to give it his all when learning.

"Dear, We have an important guest today. Your To-be-fiancé will be visiting. Make sure she is comfortable."

".....Yes, Madam."

'I have a what now?'

Though Théoden's facial expression remained the same his mind was riddled with questions. He was frozen in place.

So what might have transpired leading to this outcome was simple, but it would need to be told from the start.


'Where did things go wrong?'

It was only the first day that Théoden had arrived at the outskirts of the city he asked himself this question? Well, it was not some question he could not answer, but one would find the answer ridiculously unbelievable.

Okay. Quick retake.

Théoden was strolling outside the city walls. There was a lot to take in from the new world and Théoden was not short on the excitement of adventure. There was a lot to see. Many things he had never seen back on Earth and a lot more he never thought he would see in his life.

The technology was not as developed as the 21st century but it did have its efficiency. He confirmed there were no phones, TVs, or anything that was powered with electricity. The lingering hope to reconnect with his all-time entertainment gadget was shattered.

Like a young child's innocent dream.

However, Théoden was in high spirits since he could figure out how to gain a foothold in the new world. He needed a foundation. With that in mind, he utilized his enhanced sense of hearing to figure out where to start.

"The food stall is bringing in a new recipe recently. I tried it and it is truly delicious as it is said to be."


"Mnnh! Where can I get a map of the city?"

'Useful but, not now.'

"Have you heard? The underground is more active these days. You might not want to run into them so look out in the night."

"I know. The horror of knowing they are lurking within the crowd is nauseating."

"I know. So shush. Hurry, we shouldn't be late."


Théoden was listening in to the disjoined conversation trying to piece things up. It was difficult since he couldn't focus on one specific conversation for long. He was taking in too much and his mind was overloaded from trying to make sense of what they were saying.

It wasn't like it was his first language. Then that would be easier. Having them talk in a whole different manner mixed with multiple accents was difficult to figure out.

"Hello, young man!" A rough hoarse low voice a few notes deep, broke Théoden's concentration.

A man, many inches taller than Théoden with a bulky build stood in front of him. It was surprising seeing someone initiate a conversation with him. Théoden didn't think too much about it and responded in a formal tone since the other was older.

"Hi. What can I help you with?" Théoden arced his brow in curiosity.

"Haha~ No, I don't need help. On the other hand, you seem to need a tour of the place, young man." He said folding his hands in a relaxed stance. "I am well-navigated in the city as well as the outskirts of the city. You could use some help."

The man was good with his hand gestures. Théoden scanned him a bit before thinking it was easier to talk to a person than to listen in to countless conversations in the area.

"I do, sir. I'm Theo. You?"

"Call me Ben."

"Okay, Ben. Please help me find a place to stay for the night."

"Sure, young man. How will you pay? I can decide based on that. There is silver and gold currency on the cheaper side and crystals on the more expensive side."

"Ah!" Théoden suddenly remembered he didn't have money on him. He was not empty handed but what he had could not pay for a place to stay. "Ben, do you know a jewelry shop?"

"Those shops are within the city. It is restricted to those of residence to do such business within the city. Hmm!" Ben looked to be thinking hard about a solution. After a few minutes of hopeless silence, he seemed enlightened.

"Theo, if you would let me, I could sell them for you. I have an entrance permit. I will give you a liability badge. My symbol of faith."

That has a hard choice. Ben was helpful so it did seem like a good choice. Théoden was getting edgier after a long time without getting a good rest on an actual bed with concrete unmoving walls.

He was not given much choice but to trust the man. Beggars can't be choosers after all.

"Okay, Ben. I will take the badge first. I will leave the commission to you where you will get 10% of the total exchange excluding your service to me."

Theon extended his hand hoping for a handshake for the agreement, but he straight got the barge. A metal barge with a scorpion-like pattern on the front and the name 'Ben' on the back. It seemed genuine at least.

Théoden fished something from his sack which was almost empty and retrieved a pouch of jewelry from his system storage. Ben's eyes lit up a bit then dulled once again as quickly. A small smirk that was about to form on his lips was pushed down and he returned to his free spirit good guy self. Théoden didn't see it due to his concentration on making it seem natural to the public.

"Here." Théoden, placed the pouch in Ben's hands somewhat reluctant since he realized that was his entire stash. "I will be wai....ah!?"

It took a while to realize that the pouch was out of his sight. Coincidentally enough, so was Ben. Théoden spotted him a few meters away. It would be fine to run after him but it was so crowded that moving forward was hard enough. That was when Théoden realized what was going on. The city entrance was the opposite side the man run to after all. He had just been cheated and robbed.

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