
Omnific Tesseract

Please support my second book. I decided to participate on this year WSA contest. So, please support it. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ In the enigmatic realm of Alvard, the age-old art of Daemon summoning has always held a sacred and formidable allure. Daemons, mystical beings of diverse forms - humanoids, beasts, and even objects - are called upon to serve as guardians, defending cities and forming unbreakable bonds with their chosen hosts known as Ewers. Each battle strengthens this connection, forging them into an unyielding force. Amidst this mystical tapestry, a young and gifted Ewer named Cain harbors an insatiable ambition. His dreams reach for the pinnacle of Daemon mastery, the title of "The Dunatos," reserved for Alvard's mightiest summoners. One fateful night, destiny leads him down a shadowy alley where he encounters an enigmatic and injured woman. She entrusts him with a cryptic artifact: the Omnific Tesseract. As its ethereal glow bathes him, a newfound surge of power courses through his veins. The cube's secrets unveil a hitherto unknown realm of Daemon summoning - one that empowers him to command a legion of Daemons, melding them into unholy unions, and granting birth to formidable hybrid Daemons in their ultimate forms. Guided by Eve, an enigmatic A.I. entity dwelling within the Omnific Tesseract, Cain embarks on a journey to claim the coveted mantle of the mightiest Ewer in all of Alvard. Together, they assemble an awe-inspiring army of Daemons, each more awe-inspiring and terrifying than the last. With flames that scorch the heavens and ice that freezes souls, with shadows that conceal the darkest of secrets and light that unveils the truth, they heed his beck and call, bound by the mystical power of the Tesseract. Yet, as Cain treads this uncharted path, a haunting question lingers in the depths of his soul: What other enigmatic secrets lie dormant within this mystical artifact, waiting to be unearthed in the shadowy corners of his impending adventure? ----------------------------------------- My very first book. If you are interested in summoning beings to fight battle and are not limited to any form in which they appear then you have met the right book. And if you like my book please add them to your collection and vote with power stones ...

KingBomblaze · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Practice Sword

The next morning arrived.

And a boy in a weird sleeping position woke up, trying to recall how he ended up on the floor with a messy room.

After a few seconds of confusion, Cain suddenly held his head in pain as the memories of what happened earlier returned.

"Ahhhh...my head," said Cain with a splitting headache..."what happened to me?"

[Host lost consciousness due to anger]

"I remember now," he said as he massaged his temple…

"That chicken must pay," he muttered under his breath in conviction as he tightened his fists…

Having gone through his first defeat, Cain swore to do everything in his power to find that chicken.

And exact his revenge.

After sorting out his thoughts, Cain headed to the bathroom to freshen up and head out to ease his mind.


After leaving his house, Cain found the breeze refreshing and decided to go check out the Daepon Stores not far from his house for the first time...

Deapons are weapons that fuse with Daemon to strengthen their attack or defense.

As Cain walked down the street, he looked around him in amusement.

Many pedestrians and street hawkers' voices raised and fell as different bargains were going on before Cain.

"How much is this Flame potato?"

"My dear, this flame potato was grown on my very farm and was harvested by me, it just costs 30 red core stones."

"Wait, don't leave, we can bargain."

"Love, do you like this necklace? I can buy it for you."

"Really, I love it."

"Fresh wolfberries! At an affordable price."

Seeing the lively atmosphere on his street brought joy to his heart until he was approached by a weird, mysterious old man...

"Hey son, I see you have a great destiny... do you want to try my store and check out its Deapon?" asked the old man with white irises and a long white beard...

First off, how did he know I am destined to be great...

Cain's shamelessness was surfacing...

"What do you mean great destiny?" Cain asked shamelessly as he lowered his voice...

Realizing he just met a novice, the old smiled and replied, "Yes indeed, I foresaw that something unexpected happened this month," as he pushed Cain inside his store and closed the door.

'How did he know?' Cain thought before he entered the store.

Down the street, two men were discussing pitifully about a novice entering a scammer shop...

"Geez... that stinky blind old man has scammed another teenager," a shop owner said to his friend...

"Well, since he's still young, he will learn from this experience," said the other man.

"I just hope he wasn't scammed off all his money though," said the shop owner with pity in his eyes.

"True," said the other man, "so how much for blue spirit beans?" as he continued...

"Still the same price, no bargaining," said the shop owner solemnly as he went back to business mode.

'How can someone have two different personalities?

'First, we were talking like friends a while ago, but when it comes to business, we are talking like strangers,' thought the other man, but that didn't stop him from continuing bargaining with the shop owner.


Back at the old man's shop...

When Cain entered the shop, he was surprised that the old man had so many weapons in his shop.

As Cain continued to take a look around, he heard a voice.

"Please choose any of these Daepon available here," the old man said as he pointed towards a setting section of the shop.

"And these are all recent goods, that I can promise."

"These are low-level red Daepons, just pay me 14 red core stones," the old man said.

"But you can only take one random red Deapon at that price and try your luck," the old man said, trying to scam money out of this novice teenager.

'Those low-level red daepon are damaged or completely useless....' the old man mentally laughed perversely...

After so long, he finally found a novice after his long search.

The last one didn't pay much and was too cautious, and he didn't pay more after I wasted my saliva to convince him.

"Really?" Cain said happily as he felt the price wasn't too much since he still has 200,000 red core stones at home that his mom left...

A total novice.

I hit it good today...the old man thought happily...

"Yes, since I sense that you will be a great man, I strongly believe you will pick the best," said the old man...

"Then please excuse me," Cain said happily as he went to pick his choice...

"An axe... too heavy."

"A spear.... too long."

"A saber.....hmmm not sure."

"A dagger.... too short."

"A rapier.... too pointy."

"A mace.....not my style."

Cain muttered loudly, completely unable to choose a Daepon...

'Why is he so picky... choose one and give me those darn red core stones,' the old man angrily thought...

"Ohhh, this would do," said Cain as he took a red wooden knife that was 25 inches in length from the weapon rack...

'And it isn't light either,' he thought as he flexed the wooden knife sword...

'Since I don't have a Daepon yet, I will use this as my practice sword.'

After deciding, he handed the red core stones to the old man and then left...

The old man was completely shocked.

'How did he carry that wooden knife sword?'

'I remember four men in Offnit realm helped carry that wooden knife.'


After leaving the old man, Cain decided to head to the Ewers Hall and practice a little before the night comes...

"He's out... with just one wooden knife sword," said the previous man.

"Hmm...good that he was able to resist buying more," replied the shop owner...

"True," said the man, "at least when he realized the wooden knife sword was fake, he won't feel bad" ...

"True," the shop owner replied with a sad expression, recalling sad memories...

"Will you still sell the blue spirit beans to me?" the other man tried to seize the opportunity...

Only to be denied again...

"NO," the shop owner said solemnly, "if you don't want to buy, just leave."

Their bickering continued...


When Cain got to the entrance of the Ewers Hall, he went into a daze.

The Ewer Hall is an establishment that is equally known as the adventurer's guide...

As they offer an adventurer's license to Ewers to enable them to leave the city to hunt and catch weather beasts.

This establishment exists to hand out missions, quests, and many more.

They also offer the Ewers an opportunity to sell their hunt to them at an affordable price which only benefits each other...

They have practice halls for Ewers for 10 red core stones for a day's practice, they made it at an affordable price to let Ewers practice and master their skills before going for a hunt...

To reduce the number of Ewers' deaths on a mission.

Since the mortality rate of Ewer's on a mission is 60%.

The missions they offer are based on realms...

Red tier Quest

Orange tier Quest

Yellow tier Quest

The higher the quest, the more resources they obtain, the equal danger.

They do it this way to prevent newbies from choosing missions above their league.

And Cain didn't come here for a quest but rather to train himself as he had just entered the Offnit realm, the Awakened stage at the lower tier.

He still isn't ready for a quest yet.