
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite]

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE NOTE: This fanfic will have a slightly slow pace in order to have some character interaction. Please don't expect instant Godlike Mc. he may be OP but wont be flawless After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Flame Emperor] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Butterfly Hashira] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Self Proclaimed Human]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
185 Chs

Chapter 15 - Change of Character

Ryuu flew into the sky then straight to his home while deeply thinking about the woman from earlier and how his intuition told him that their meeting would be sooner than expected. He could vaguely guess that she was someone who is capable of using magic and what kind it is, is unknown. 

He was still ignorant about the world he's in and the deeper he goes the more bizarre things he'll discover. However, he shook his head and soon saw his home in the distance and quickly descended from the ground where no one would be able to find him.

In a few seconds entered his home and found it was quiet and immediately checked his parents. He felt relieved seeing them sleeping in the bedroom and let them before heading to his room. 

Ryuu felt fatigue from the last battle and plopped into his bed before he was embraced by the night.


Two days prior. (DxD)

The crimson heiress soon finds herself tangled with the unusual group that showed her and her worlds' possible future. She was given multiple volumes of a book and a tool that allowed her to quickly read the said possible future by Ryuu and Erza.

Rias was dumbstruck at how silly the story was and how the man she was fated to be with, was nothing more but a perverted young man. She is more and more disgusted with herself the more she read. 

It soon was clear how foolish she was to rely on others while she herself lacked training. Rias may be a High class devil but everything was due to her innate power of Destruction that lacked technique and control. 

Every turn of life and death events that the book showed was nothing more than a miracle and a term used in fiction as Plot armor.  

'How ridiculous that was this naive and immature! If it wasn't for this then perhaps I would walk to the same end!'

Rias had countless opportunities to train and grow stronger especially having his big brother and his maid that was also his queen to give her the proper training she needed to succeed.

But what does she do? Ignoring and pridefully refused help to prove herself thinking that she was well capable of managing the town and her peerage. 

She even almost caused another Great War because of her pride and nativity when she decided to take everything into her own hands.

The most annoying thing is that she waited for some magical knight in shining armor to save her. Rias understood that her fate had been manipulated by some sick, mentally depraved pervert and refused to accept the fate scripted for her. 

It only took her 3 hours using the magic item to finish the whole 24 volumes of her story. Rias's eyes is now filled with clarity and determination

'Though it has some differences namely Grayfia, who is supposed to be my brother's wife?'

Rias thought, recalling the queen of her brother. She heard a knock and quickly stored it in the inventory features. 


A cute petite white haired girl said as she entered the door, following her was a handsome blonde man and Akeno, the black haired girl that appeared a few chapters ago.

"You're here, how was your day? " 

Rias asked, causing everyone to notice the air around her change. It was more thoughtful and mature compared to before. Akeno, who was a close friend, narrowed her gaze.

" Ara~ did something happen? You seem to change a bit. " 

Akeno questioned as she quickly prepared tea while the blonde man known as Yuuto Kiba, the knight of Rias, sat down at the sofa and the white haired petite girl named Koneko or Shirone, the Rook of Rias sat in the chair.

The latter ate some cookies from a plastic bag in her hand looking at her king curiously alongside the former having the same gaze. 

They were Reincarnated Devils who were once from other races before turning into a Devil using what is called Evil Pieces. This item was Invented by one of the Satans, Ajuka Belezebub and to help increase the number of Devils as the Devils as a race, had a very low fertility rate to procreate thus, the Evil Pieces were created with increasing their numbers in mind. 

Rias was looking at them knowing how tragic their life truly had been even more to Koneko who had a sister that was acting as an enemy and horrible person to not associate herself with in order to keep her safe. It also includes the tragic life of their mother who had been manipulated by a man who was researching a way to make Super-Class Devils.

A Super-Class Devil is an immensely powerful Devil that could easily annihilate an entire large city with ease. And this research is planning to make an army of them. 

She looked at her hairpin which contains all the paper research on ways to create Super-Class Devils. 

'If only I could tell them….wait!'

Rias recalled the chat group rules that were against telling anyone about the chat group directly. She pondered if it was possible to tell them in a way that doesn't connect to the chat group.

However, it would be too risky to tell them and receive a punishment. She couldn't take the risk and was unsure if the punishment was to completely remove the chat group.

"I think you're just imagining it."

They were curious what happened to their King as Akeno served them tea and herself before taking a seat looking at her King who took her phone before calling someone.


A stoic voice answered the phone.

"Grayfia-nee san, Good morning. "

Rias replied, hearing the familiar stoic voice from the other line. Her peerage was curious for her sudden phone call knowing how she disliked disturbing the other person in the line.

They were suspicious that their King somehow felt more mature than before compared to her usual spoiled princess self. None of them voices what they've noticed and was only glad she was changing.

"Ojou-sama? It's very often that you call. What might be the matter?" 

Grayfia Lucifuge, the maid, The Strongest Queen, and a big sister figure to Rias. She was a beautiful silver haired girl, expressionless face but it only added more to her charm, voluptuous body wearing a beautiful maid dress.

Her cold beauty was not only metaphorical but literal as well since she was well known for her skills in Ice Magic.

"I need to speak to Onii-sama. Can you give him the phone?" 

'Sigh...maybe another problem for Sirzechs to solve '

Grayfia internally said. She was the nanny of Rias when she was a child and she saw how her king spoiled Rias.

But she can't blame Rias for being dependent on her brother, the only one should blame is the Sirzechs. She headed toward Sirzechs' office and knocked.


"Who is it ?" 

A calm voice sounded on the other side of the door.

"It's me,Sirzechs-sama." 

Grayfia said, waiting for permission to enter.

"Ah, it's just you, come in" 

The voice said and Grayfia walked in after hearing his permission. What greeted her was a handsome young man wearing ornamented clothing with large metallic armor on his chest and shoulder. He had a calm and laid back expression with his hair in crimson red and empowering blue pupils.

His name was Sirzechs Lucifer formerly known as a Sirzechs Gremory and changed due to having the Title of Lucifer from the Four Great Satans. He is one of the strongest Devils there is despite his friendly appearance. 

The handsome young man seems to be busy writing paperwork before looking at his Queen, presenting a phone before him.


" What is it?" 

"It's Ojou-sama, she called me and she wanted to talk to you about something "

Grayfia said, but different from her expressionless voice, there's a hint of 'sadness', but the Siscon was so happy that he didn't even notice it.

"Really!? Give me the phone." 

He said excitedly and she, of course gave the phone. She walked beside him, like a faithful maid.

" Rias-chan?...How is my cute little sister?" 

Just like a siscon would do, he first asked about her condition.

"I'm fine Onii-sama, I called because I've realized something about my marriage." 

Rias said without hesitating. Hearing that, Grayfia sighed somehow hoping that her young mistress had changed while Sirzechs' expression changed into a serious one.

"What of it, Ria-tan? I know you're sad that they forced you to marry someone you don't like but...I'm sorry."

He felt helpless despite having the power to contend with Gods but still be unable to help his dear little sister. 

"No, it's fine Onii-sama. I decided to take it with my own hands and I just want to ask if it's alright for Grayfia-nee to help me and my peerage train? I want to defeat him in the Rating Game and free myself, by myself."

Rias calmly said but the other three inside her office were all looking at her like 

an insane person.

Grayfia widened her eyes, being a devil, their other senses reached a terrifying degree so of course she heard it.

'Since when did Rias think?' 

(E/N: Tomorrow actually)

She thought. It was not that she was insulting Rias, but the way Rias does her job is always full of holes.

Sirzech felt too that Rias became mature, not a mature body because she's already mature in that direction, but her thinking became more mature.

"I don't mind. I'll let Grayfia help you train."

He felt proud that his little sister was asking for his help rather than doing everything herself and refrained from asking help.

Rias could see that their mouths are wide open. She puffs her chest which almost makes the uniform she wore, tore apart.

"So want to train?"

She asks and their wide open mouths become wider. She, Rias, their master, asks them to train? But they still nodded happily. 

Edited by Adlamung