
Omni-cultivation system

Ye chen is an average person you see in your day to day until fate decided to twist his life were he end up being granted 6 wishes from an unknown entity . He got reincarnated into a cultivation where the strong prey on the weak and were heaven defying opportunities accompanied with dangers. Will Ye chen be able to use the chance wisely or squander it like other foolish protagonist. Well let follow his journey to find out. Check out my new novel: Legends of chaos NOTE:You might see a lot of errors like most things are not planned and am just going with the flow to get experience to write good light novels.(basically I am doing this for EXP) and I might not fulfill some promise I made so you are free to criticize and how to improve on my writing, what I should do and shouldn't do.

LaSyGeNuIs · Eastern
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7 Chs

System upgrade complete

Note: the Mc's name is Ye chen,I feel like I need to include that so that you won't be confused later when his name is mentioned.sorry for adding that late,I kinda forgot about it(ignorance).

Ye chen woke up this morning very excited about today cause this is the day he have been waiting for, the day to start his cultivation journey.

First person POV

Do know how it feels when someone win 100 billion lottery(No you don't cause it ain't gonna happen),well I don't care really but today is the day I will start my cultivation journey and also the system will be completely upgraded today and finally I can stop living this type of boring life (you don't know how it feels to be fully conscious of birth - the present)it complete torture.

I woke and started training my basic staff technique(that I manage to steal from my clan's library though I was caught,I mean literary this is where cultivation reign supreme) and after that my maid called me for my bath even though I am still embarrassed as a grown man in a child's body.

Though it was a nice bath section which i enjoyed very much.

After a nice long bath(and dressing) I went to the dining all where all my siblings,parent,cousins and many more where waiting.

"Boy it seem like you got a good night sleep and excited as well" asked my grandfather with a laugh.

"Yes grandfather this grandson of yours is prepared for today's awakening ceremony and I can wait to start cultivating" I replied him with my childish voice.

"That the spirit" he said and I just smiled at him back.

The breakfast continued with my mom and dad asking me different questions and giving advice on what I should and shouldn't do as my cultivation journey starts.

While my uncle and aunties bragging about how their sons and daughters are genius and I would be very lucky to have half of their talents.

Well I think they would be super duper lucky to have one percent of my talents.

Well I wouldn't say that out loud.

I don't wanna be face slapped later.

I am kinda of nervous and impatient for the ceremony to start.

This is my future I am talking about here.

It is like going on a date for the first time and waiting for your date(Now I think about it, I never went on a date before,maybe cause I was busy with school as I didn't want to disappoint my parent)


Artifacts,pills,formation,Physique,Spirit root Grades:

Mortal Grade

Yellow Grade

Profound Grade

Earthly Grade

Sky grade

Heaven grade

Divine grade





??????? Grade.

??????? Grade

As you can see those grade with ???? are not known in the lower realm and upper realm yet and would later be revealed in the story.


It is time for the awakening ceremony as you can see I am very excited about today.

The elder in charge of the awakening sent us into a tower like pagoda which have dense environment of spiritual qi.

The pagoda was then activated as spirit qi started sipping into the our pores and before you know it.Bang,other kid started awakening their spiritual roots and I also awaken my spiritual root.

Though it was a painful process I still manage to persist

while many other who did not was whining in pain.

There is no five year kid on earth who would be able to persist through such pain.

After the awakening was over which took about two days it was time to check our spiritual roots,there it was a giant magical artifact although I don't know it rank but it will be used to check our spiritual root.

"Step forward" said the elder in charge of the awakening

A girl named Ye ming stepped forward and placed her hand on the mirror.

"Wow!!! a mid heaven grade talent" exclaimed the elder.

"We got another monstrous talent in our clan, I got to report this to the patriarch after the ceremony"

"No need,I am already here" an ancient voice like was heard which belongs to the patriarch of Ye clan.

"Continue with the ceremony and we would deal with this later".

Spiritual root have then further divided into early,middle,peak which can be upgraded with treasure that are highly valuable which can cause a bloodbath around the lower realm.

But I won't be specific about the division of this section maybe when it important.

There also type of spiritual root affinities which can be lightning,fire,water,ice,metal,wood,earth,wind,darkness and light, yin and yang.

The test commenced.

There were alot profound alot of yellow grade and profound grade spiritual root accompanied by 70 earth grade, 4 mortal grade spiritual root,4 sky spiritual root(which were owned by cousins Ye Huang, cui fang, Ye fengxie, chen bennie.)

And 2 other heavenly spiritual root.

For a clan that have alot of strength compared to the other clans in the lower realm,this was already much for them.

Now it is my turn to get checked and before I got to touch the mirror I heard a sound that put a silly smile on my face.

[Ding!!! System upgrade complete. Welcome to the omni-cultivation system HOST

would like to receive the newbie package]

"No,not now I will alarm everybody and I don't want to attract trouble to myself"- I said mentally.

"Kid what are you waiting for" I heard a voice that made me snap back to reality,I looked towards the elder who is in charge.

"Sorry,I was kinda excited for the start of my cultivation journey to become strong." I looked at him and replied with the silly smile still etched on my face.

"Yeah yeah, I get that but don't waste our time we got important things to do than wait all day for a kid who just excited to cultivate"

"hmm" I grunted a little as I walk towards the mirror

when I touched the mirror it revealed spiritual root information.

Spiritual root- fire attribute peak earth grade

"Hmm,nice talent but as you can see there are alot of individual who are as talented and more talented than you in this world so don't get complacent and slack off just because of that, i hope you work hard" the elder sternly advised me

"I hope you will bring greatness to our clan, You might stumble upon a treasure which can be used to upgrade your spirit root if you are lucky enough"

"Just remember to work hard" the elder continued to advise me

"Thank you elder,I will remember your advice" I replied him with a serious expression which made me look childish.

He nodded then suddenly faced the crowd as I walk down to join them.

"As you all have seen the test result,I hope you kids will work hard and make your ancestors proud of you as a descendant,and also bring the glory to the name of the Ye clan"he said before retreating to the patriarch side.

"For those who have heavenly grade spiritual root,you are allowed to chose your cultivation technique at any section for free without contribution points and I hope you all work

and for those with low spiritual root, you get a cultivation technique according to your contribution or your parent contribution to the clan " - said the patriarch

"You will be allowed to join a sect at the age of sixteen,like the elder said I hope you will all bring glory to the Ye clan...." he said as he disappeared.

I with back to my house with my parents with their encouraging words.

"Although chen'er you don't have high talent like those genius we believe in you so don't be gloomy" said my mom as we walked into the house.

While my dad just kept quiet like it was nothing as he started ignoring me.

"Won't you say a word of encouragement to our son ,my love" my mom asked my dad.

"Though you are not as talented as your brother, you are still my son so you will be given a chance to prove your self" - said my dad as he walked forward leaving my mom and I behind.

"Don't worry chen'er, maybe your father is just stressed that is why" mom said to me as we walk in to the house.

In my room.

I was not really offended about my dad behavior as I can understand that he is finding it hard to accept my low level talent, speaking of which I have not opened my newbie gift from the system.

"Haah! I almost forget,silly me well let me open it before I forget again".

"Hey system "

[Yes host]

"I want to check my status before opening the newbie gift"


Name: ye chen

Age. : five

Cultivation: Mortal

Cultivation technique: none

Spirit root: fire affinty earth grade spiritual root





Pocket dimension(grade:unknown)

Infinitely fast psychic processing (grade:unknown)



New section.


"Wow,I got a lot of empty space there,well that empty space would be filled there soon,I hope"

"Open the newbie gift"

[Newbie gift opened

The eye space and time(would change the host eye color due to it)

Eye of void

Immortal body

Six element affinities spiritual root (grade :??????)

Primordial Void scripture

Transcendent soul mantra.

Would you like to receive your newbie gift]

"Yesss!!!!" I was shocked silly by the gift that I almost screamed out.


MC:"I love what you did there"

Author:" I know right, I also gave you a timeskip"

MC:"You are spared for now" said with a thoughtful expression

Authors:"Thanks???" *sweating*


Thanks for reading.

I know I am still a newbie please let me know in the comment section for where I made a mistake and you are free to bring up any suggestions,so share your thought with us.