
OMG I Became a System

Most people who transmigrate want to wake up with a system that will help them achieve their goals. The MC, however, was transformed into a system, this time, a newborn blank system. Join the MC on his quest to help his host while gaining a new body and gaining freedom. Also, discover the difficulties that MC encounters when dealing with unreasonable hosts and hosts who fail to activate their system. System Race, a support parasite, necessitates the presence of a host. They need to host in order to survive and live, so they must help their hosts achieve their goals in exchange. The main goal of most systems is to be able to reincarnate into a new body or their own new body. Others are killed, and the reasons for their deaths are unknown. Systems have a long life and can be found in the System Link dimension. They never truly die; instead, based on their rating, they reincarnate into a new physical body. >>>>>> Disclaimer: This novel is written by a newbie author. So most of the time, it might be painful to read. So be warned. I still hope you will enjoy reading it. >>>>> Due to reader comments and reviews about grammar issues and errors,. So I finally decided to edit the novel. To fix the error. Disclaimer: It has been a year since I uploaded a new chapter. So I started to edit it, and it will be a slow process. So sorry if you read it without the edited version; you might get confused. I will start uploading new chapters after this. Thanks for reading and your patience :-)

PattyBu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 79 - Secret Meeting 3

"Look, Sanbir, I'm not sure what happened between you and my son Michael. It's fine if you don't feel comfortable talking with them. So I can come here to talk to you because of the letter you sent me," Frz said with a smile.

While Frz was attempting to calm Sanbir down. Val informs Yssa BB that he discovered Yssa's older cousin Mehlis and Paolo were on a mission with his brother.

Val's brother's name was Chris or Christian.

Val was contacted and asked if he was aware of the situation. When Val mentioned that the mission might be about the Purple that was sent to the Dark System Link, Yssa BB became depressed.

Yssa BB knows Val didn't know it was kept hidden from him, so he had no idea what happened to Purple.

Purple had a close relationship with Yssa BB, who was like a good older sister to him. Yssa BB realized something was wrong when she heard this mention.

Purple's absence was a painful experience for his older cousins and their friends. They might think it's okay not to tell him because he might do something rash and riskless. To learn the truth.

Which, by the way, is correct.

"Val, thank you for informing me about it. Please contact the others with whom we will have a meeting about it. Today will be a field trip in VO, according to Yssa BB.

"Me? Are you certain? "I'm not close to them yet." Val inquired.

"That is the point with which you must interact to be close to them soon." Yssa BB makes a comment

"All right, you're correct. "I'll send them a message in our system connect group," Val said.

I bit down on Yssa BB's recent discovery. He wants to punch and beat up his other cousin for keeping such a secret from him.

What his older cousin feared was not unfounded. It was a perfect example of what Yssa BB is planning to do right now.


"It's not like Sir Frz, me, and Michael were classmates. We're good friends. He was my best friend, but everything was a gamble. When he realizes our family business was salve trading." Sanbir elaborated.

Frz had no idea Sanbir and Michael were such close friends before this. He simply listens as Sanbir tells his story.

"Well, it was partly my fault because I didn't realize he despises slave traders until it was too late because he almost became a slave once. I was trying to figure out when it was appropriate to let him go. But we are too preoccupied with our studies and missions to tell him. I was hoping he'd understand what I was saying." Sanbir elaborated.

[Host you need to talk about it to your son] Yssa BB

"Indeed, Mr. B. We need to talk about this," Frz responded mentally.

"Slave trading is common, and our family has been doing it for years. Many other families in this trade are like us. We have rules and regulations in place. Our world is not a tranquil one. Wars erupt from time to time. Slavery develops as a result of people's unwillingness to simply kill those who lose the war. To keep them as slaves for the rest of their lives. This is a trade that many of us dislike." Sanbir elaborated.

"But my ancestors were once slaves, and look at our family now. I tried to explain it to him. He doesn't pay attention to me. He simply cut me off from his life. It was not my fault. That was not done by me or my family. His issue is that he has simply generalized me with others." Sanbir elaborated

"He was a good friend of mine. Even now, I have faith in him to have my back. I just hope we can be friends again. It's fine, he's not as close as before, and he won't look at me like I'm an evil person. Which I am not. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing my best to live a meaningful life." Sanbir elaborated

"Am I doing something wrong? Sir Frz?" Sanbir enquired.

"I'm not an expert on this subject, Sanbir. I can't say who is correct or incorrect. But first, allow me to ask you a question. Are you his friend, even though he is currently a pain in the ass?" Frz inquired.

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