
OMG I Became a System

Most people who transmigrate want to wake up with a system that will help them achieve their goals. The MC, however, was transformed into a system, this time, a newborn blank system. Join the MC on his quest to help his host while gaining a new body and gaining freedom. Also, discover the difficulties that MC encounters when dealing with unreasonable hosts and hosts who fail to activate their system. System Race, a support parasite, necessitates the presence of a host. They need to host in order to survive and live, so they must help their hosts achieve their goals in exchange. The main goal of most systems is to be able to reincarnate into a new body or their own new body. Others are killed, and the reasons for their deaths are unknown. Systems have a long life and can be found in the System Link dimension. They never truly die; instead, based on their rating, they reincarnate into a new physical body. >>>>>> Disclaimer: This novel is written by a newbie author. So most of the time, it might be painful to read. So be warned. I still hope you will enjoy reading it. >>>>> Due to reader comments and reviews about grammar issues and errors,. So I finally decided to edit the novel. To fix the error. Disclaimer: It has been a year since I uploaded a new chapter. So I started to edit it, and it will be a slow process. So sorry if you read it without the edited version; you might get confused. I will start uploading new chapters after this. Thanks for reading and your patience :-)

PattyBu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 78 - Secret Meeting 2

Sanbir's face is frozen in horror as he stares at Frz. He had the impression that he was being watched by a predator who intended to eat him.

"Sir, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to. In addition, he despises me as a result of the accident. I had no intention of deceiving him in any way. It was, however, too late. The damage has already been done. "He already despises me," Sanbir said, panicked.

"Hehe, Oh! Dear. Is this what I think of it? Can I ship them now?" Yssa BB was enjoying the scene with he was cooking in his control room.

Frz was dazed and perplexed, wondering if he had said something incorrectly. Why did Sanbir just say some things without even asking or knowing what was going on?

"Calm down, Sanbir; I'm not sure what we're talking about. Frz inquires, perplexed.

Sanbir realized he had made a mistake and simply stared back at Frz, stunned.


"Where are the others?"Mehlis ask Paolo to be busy reading some information about their mission.

"They have already been assigned the same mission as us. To locate the headquarters of the EL organization. According to the reports that had a connection with the recent event of the corrupted systems," Paolo responds.

Mehlis sits on his side in the nearby chair, opens the bottle of whisky, and drinks straight from the bottle.

Paolo noticed it and shook his head, saying, "You know Purple isn't going to like you like this."

"I know, but she's no longer here. Mehlis gulped another mouthful of whisky and admitted, "I was the one who did it."

"She knows she did the right thing. If that happened to you, I'm sure she'd be the one to volunteer to send you to there in the Dark SL," Paolo said.

Mehlis simply looked at him and drank the entire bottle of whisky in one sitting, smiling and saying, "I know, she'd kill me if she saw me like this."

"Read this carefully; we must act quickly. The EL organization has recently been active in Oro Gold city. The same world in which our baby cousin was." Paolo exclaimed, his eyes brimming with rage.


Mehlis rage has just erupted: "F*ck! If anything happened to our baby cousin, we'd go to them. I'm going to F*ck all of them and make sure they're never seen again."

"Mehlis! This is my workplace! STOP!" Paolo screamed.


"F*ck, too late," Paolo says bitterly.

People may believe He had the worst temper between him and Mehlis. Mehlis had the worst temper, and it was his temper that caused things to explode.

Mehlis was like fireworks in comparison, while Paolo was a smiling demon. The calmer he is and the more he smiles, the more he will stab you and kill you silently.

"Are we on time for the party?" Cris inquires

"Why stop when we can make even more explosions?" "I have some new bombs that I made that we can test here," Edward said.

Dargun and Lance were brought bags of food and were simply admiring the Mehlis' distraction.

"Hehe, Paolo, your office was blown up again." Ange laughed as she slapped Ami, who was staring at what was going on in front of her.

Greni simply tripped on the floor because she was too preoccupied reading a book to look.

"Ouch! What the hell" Greni exclaimed as he realized the Paolo office wall had been destroyed and the office was a shambles.

"Paolo? I'd like to ask you a question. Is Mehlis going to pay for this?" Greni inquired.

"What are your thoughts?" Ange stated.

"Guys, we need to save Blackie because he is in danger." Mehlis makes an announcement

"Come to a halt, Mehlis. Boys and Girls I sent you additional information about the mission that was assigned to us. Ensure that your hosts receive missions regarding this." Paolo stated.

"Wait, what is the link between Yssa and our mission?" Chris inquired.

"Please don't tell me Yssa is still a Newborn System. He can't be their next target, can he?" Greni inquired.

"No, he is not a potential target for them, but Blackie host is currently in the recent area of their active activities," Paolo responded.

"Are they the same cretins who believe Purple is no longer alive?" Ami inquired, a cold tone in her voice,

"They are, to a large extent, the prime suspect," Paolo stated.

"Enough talk, let us make those assh*le cry," Mehlis said, smirking.

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I Became 7 Different People

Life After Death Special Force

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