
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 5

I'm sitting in my office doing some paper work about our community finances, its been 2 weeks since we meet the Alpha and envoy at the border. I asked 201 to see if he could find the identity of the envoy he seemed really strong stronger than the Alpha of the Blood moon pack, though I don't think that's very hard to do. Knock Knock.

"Come in"

201 and Lestat enter and sit in the chairs operate my desk.

"My queen, the messenger from the kings pack arrived, he brought this for you" Lestat hands me an envelope. I chuckle when I look at it.

"The king addressed it to Rogue Alpha, he is trying to assert his dominance over me already" 201 starts growling and Lestat eyes flash red.

"Clam down, let's see what he wrote" I open the letter and read it.

Rogue Alpha

I invite you to a meeting with me the king of all wolf shifters and my council of Alphas. The meeting will be held half way between our Packs at the Blue moon pack, you may bring two beta ranked shifters for the meeting. The meeting will take place at the next full moon, I look forward to you joining my kingdom.

Your King, Maximus Sharp

I start laughing, both my deputies look at me concerned.

"Don't worry i'm just very excited to put him in his place, he is just like his great grandfather, I guess it runs in the family"

"The next full moon is in a week, that doesn't give us long to plan" Lestat looks at me.

"I guess it's a good thing we planned ahead we only need to adjust it to the location and time that we now know" I smirk back at him.

"201 did you find out anything about that envoy ?" I question him.

"Actually I did and its pretty interesting, He is the kings brother and Beta Alexander Sharp"

"Well that is interesting, I guess not many people know who he is so he can be a spy for the king then" 201 nods at me confirming that.

"Okay Lestat call the other deputies we are going to have a meeting and make the final plans"

5 hours later

"Alright are we all clear on the plan then ?" I look at all my deputies

"Yes my queen" they all respond.

"So to clarify 201 and Lestat will come with me to the meeting, Madock and David will stay here to protect the community in case of a surprise attack, Delphyne will take some of her subordinates to surround the Blood moon pack incase we need the extra strength and Flora will be on her covert mission" They all nod to me.

"Good your all dismissed to get ready, we have a week then it all begins, inform the community of our plans, direct anyone with complaints to me I will hear them out. I owe them that much" Every one starts to leave, I sigh deeply and put my head in my hands.

"My queen ... " I look up to see 201 infant of me with a worried look.

"Yes can I help you" I answer him

"I know you, I have been with you too long to not know that this whole situation is worrying you. I need you to know you are doing the right thing for our people and we are 100% behind you. Its time we teach those Alphas that they have much to answer for especially to you, out of all of us that were turned you had it the worst" I put my hand up to stop him.

"Stop, we all have been wronged it doesn't matter who had it worse. All I want is for all my people to feel safe and not treated as abominations or evil"

"Yes my queen" 201 bows and starts to leave.

"201, Thank you" I quietly say, he smiles and leaves the room. Just a week and then ill be able to shoe those Alphas the truth of their world.

1 Week Later

"Right is everyone ready to move out" I dress my deputies they all bow.

"Yes my queen"

The spell madock placed on me and the pack so we could not be scented was still active so the wolf shifters will not be able to tell who we are that includes Lestat being a vampire as long as he doest show off his fangs and eyes he will appear as a wolf shifter. Me, Lestat and 201 all get into the car and head off my other deputies know what they are doing and I trust them. It took us 3 Hours to drive to the Blue moon pack in wolf form we could get here in 1 hour. I wouldn't say we were welcomed into the pack but they did not try to kill us at least. We were shown to rooms in the pack house to wait in till the meeting began, I used the time to go over our plan with 201 and lestat. I am really look forward to this meeting, I hope the king shows and docent send his brother instead.

Sorry for the wait here is the next chapter

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