
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

Here I am stood in front of the Alpha of the Blood moon pack, his Beta, the kings Envoy and another wolf shifter I assume is from the kings pack as well.

"Are you going to stare at me or answer my question, is it you who tried to trespass on my land ?" 201 and 455 are on either side of me looking very intimidating.

"What did you say to me you rogue piece of ....."

"Shut your mouth !!! how dare you say that about our queen !!!" 201 interrupts the Alpha

"Queen ! what are you talking about ? queen of what ?" The Alpha seemed to be ver confused and angry, we expected this from him. I look at the envoy he is analysing us and trying to determine our rank and species.

"Are you wolf shifters ?" the Envoy asks me

"Not the most polite trespassers are you, but to answer you yes we are, now its only fair you introduce your selfs first. You are after all on our land" I smile at the Alpha

"who do you think ..." The envoy raises his hand to shut the Alpha up

"My apologies, I am an envoy from the wolf shifter kings pack, this is another member of his pack, the man here is the Alpha of the blood moon pack and his Beta. If I may ask exactly who's land are we trespassing on" he smirks back at me

"This is my lieutenant, our queen who you so rudely insulted and I am her deputy" 201 answers for me while glaring at the Alpha. It's funny how we all introduced ourselves without revealing our names, a lot of information is held in a name and we all know it.

"Self appointed queen you and your pack are not recognised by the King and his council" the Alpha snaps at us.

"Yes well, we don't recognise this so called king you speak off, what a conundrum we have here. Oh well we don't much care for you outsiders we have been here for a lot longer than you and you are on our land. If you are making a new pack near by please keep away from us and don't enter our lands" I make sure to sound arrogant to provoke the Alpha and based on his growling he is provoked.

The envoy gives the Alpha a look and he shuts up.

"Unfortunately we can't just leave you alone now we know your here, I will inform our king of you and hopefully we can have a meeting to discuss what is to be done about your pack"

"I don't think you have the authority over us to decide what to do with us, we are free and don't not bow to your king. If he would like he can come to our pack and discuss with us and maybe we can be allies but we will not serve him" I smile sweetly at him.

"How dare you even suggest that our king come here to meet you, you should be humbled just to get that chance to present yourself before him" 201 and 455 start to growl aggressively at the Alpha.

"Now Alpha please calm down they mean to harm, I will speak to our king and send a messenger with our opinion on a meeting place and time if that suits you" The envoy addresses me.

"Fine I will see what your king proposes, please until the messenger arrives stay away from our lands or I won't be held responsible for what happens" I address the Alpha this time. The alpha tries to step forward to intimidate me but is stoped by the envoy.

"Yes that is fine, if I may ask why can't I sent any of your ranks ?" the envoy stares at me

"I don't know, maybe your sense of smell is just not that good" I shrug at them. The envoy chuckles

"Fair enough, well I bid you farewell until we next meet" with that he drags the Alpha and leaves. Once they are gone I look over at 201 and 455.

"That went well, don't you think"

"Just as we expected my queen" 201 smiles at me and 455 nods in agreement. The envoy was interesting he was calm and very diplomatic, unlike that stupid Alpha I really want to kill him.

"My queen we best head back and start planning for this meeting" 201 states, we all shift and head back to the town.