

The year today is 2012 on a late May day evening. A handsome young man with brown eyes and curly brown hair to match was standing with a bag slung over his shoulder getting on a bus but, he was not alone. Suddenly as they were stepping on a hand grabbed him as more adolescent voice was herd "Hey Carson you ready for this I can't believe we're joining the military!!! Mack and Carson Langstrum are on the case." Walking forward Carson grabbed his brothers head as he continued to give home a noogie. Taking there seats they began to light talk there way to basic.

On there way to Nashville the two brother dreamed of what could be. Arriving at boot camp around 2400 those with hair like Carson and Mack began paying a guy ten dollars for a quick buzz cut. Luckily being placed in the same barrack Carson took the bottom bunk. As the red phase of camp began Carson and Mack took it slow since most of it was to get them in shape.

After the three weeks of red phase they moved on to white phase. Being taught how to fire anything from a Beretta M9A1, SIG Sauer P229R, to the Colt AR 15. Not long after learning weapon combat the cadets learned to use there hands as weapons finding ways to not just protect one's self but also induce great pain.

After yet another 3 weeks of training they finally moved on to the blue phase of camp. The blue phase helped increase the duos individual tactical combat skills, along with increasing there leadership skills and self-discipline, and improving there understanding of teamwork. It will also include some challenges and minor tests. After nearly 10 months the duo finally graduated.

Both of them without a second thought joined the infantry unit and were even scheduled to depart in as little as a month. In that time they invested their military funds into a nice two bedroom house for when they get back from tour. When the day finally arrived the brothers began there walk up the military transport plane. " Are you ready for this" Mack asked rubbing his head as he walked alongside Carson " Dame straight I'm ready, it's time to fight for our country." Carson said slapping Mack on the shoulder as he picked up his pace.

Upon arrival to there station they were then equipped with a military issue pistol and rifle before being loaded into a hummer and off to base. After forty minutes of driving Carson was jarred awake as they were entering into a local village. Doing his rounds of the window he began to notice the lack of people in the streets. Cold shiver running down his back he reached for Mack to wake him when an explosion erupted from the hummer in front of of them. Mack was to first to crawl out primary in hand as he provided cover fire.

Carson kicking out the rear window coming out behind where the initial explosion took place opening fire with his secondary. There were to many unknown and the enemy was picking them off faster than they could locate them. Carson noticing a firing nest lobbed a grenade taking out three of there attackers. Mack began to unloaded from behind cover attempting to by Carson time ti move. Carson seeing his chance signaled that he was moving forward.

Carson was ready to advance, but right as he took off a golden red glow flashed in his eyes as he l to disappeared from his previous location running through the wooden door splintering it in contact. Not having time to think Carson grabbed the closest weapon and made his way deeper into the house. Mack clueless to we're Carson just went decided to push forward vaulting through the window rolling to the edge of the stairs. Carson already upstairs made his way to a right hand peak unloading one bullet into the shin of a man causing him to fall revealing his head for an easy kill shot.

Mack began to clear the downstairs muttering something under his breath " join the military have some laughs they say!" Upon reaching the kitchen Mack was besieged by two men. Thinking fast he through his rifle at the first ones face before going low with his military knife ending the second attacker swiftly before moving back to the first. Carson currently was stuck in a game of angles the other man waiting for him to peak around the corner. Having grown tired of the game Carson took his last grenade and lobbed it down the hallway.

From the top floor Carson terrorist coming towards the building right towards Mack. Carson thinking in his toes began firing into the ground as the five men entered the building to kill Mack Carson came falling through the ceiling with an Ak-47 in hand opening fire on the five men.

Both young men fought bravely intel the reinforcements finally arrived terror struck to see their two new recruits with a captive surrounded by the bodies of enemy and ally alike. On arrival at the camp they were told that they were given a hardy welcome before being debriefed on the events of earlier.

After debriefing they were given leave for the night as the two made there way to their tents, but the two brothers couldn't sleep and if they did it was in periods of hours being rattled in by the things they did not even two hours earlier. The sun had risen and they were sent to search and destroy and IED's Mack being the person under the hood while Carson was an enforcer of sorts.

Issued there own personal hummer the two young men wasting no time as they head towards there first bomb call. On the ride over Carson notices Mack's nervous leg shaking." hey Mack everything is alright your like the smartest person I know and you passed every test and exam on possible bomb diffusion let me worry you keep your head clear." Carson said patting Mack on the back as they arrived at there destination. It was a rustic looking four story parking garage structure. Proceeding on foot they began to examine the scene looking up to see spray painted in big bubble letters" No Mutant apes allowed" followed by another one saying "No Apes in town after dark, Or you will be shot" with a big M and a cancel mark across it.

They walked inside and up about two stories when they finally began hearing murmurs from those talking above. As they were about to engage Mack spotted a backpack just ten feet down the hall. Upon closer inspection mack actually found the bomb. Setting up a defensive position Carson readied himself as he watched over his younger brother. Mack began working taking off the back plate and moving on to the internal wiring.

Everything was going good tell the thud of footsteps coming down stairs enter led Carson's ears. A smile crossed his face and he readied himself behind a pillar waiting for what's to come. As three men made it to the bottom of the stair well there eyes shot open in surprise to see Mack. One of the men went to draw a weapon, but it was to late as a red dot formed on his forehead followed by a load pop! Upon opening fire on the one to the right a sudden translucent shield formed in-front of the man stopping the bullet cold. Carson looking at the man began to see glowing blue irises as another shield formed bashing him back into the pillar he was hidden behind.

Mack's POV-

Pop Pop

"Jesus Carson you couldn't wait for me to finish my boring job of diffusing a BOMB!"he began working with more conviction working smarter not faster remembering everything he could about bomb diffusion.

Carson's POV

Carson shot up unloading two bullets as the mutant formed the two small shield above his hands knocking them away.It then used its shield to push the car in-front of him at Carson causing it to hit the Car in-front of Carson numbing him back three feet causing him to stumble. As another shield could be seen coming at home another load Pop as the mutant grabbed his arm and ran to the tail vaulting over it. Carson ran to the rail to see it using the shield a pad for landing.Mack showed up not long after firing causing Carson to grab the gun and say " Hey watch for civilians man!"

Mack started rubbing the back of his head saying " sorry I was caught in the and that was the first mutant i have ever seen" Carson then fired back " Even so you can't just fire and break laws because he's a mutant and technically other than using his powers in public he really didn't break any other laws like the other two shooting at him.

The two reported the mutant which caused them a special program made for hunting the mutants called The Grimm Hunt.They showed up and pulled out as the two were dismissed they were able to see the bracer gun.It looked like a futuristic rail gun with a magnet shaped bolt at the end. From what the rumors said in the short time they were looking around they heard is that it shoots on to there thigh locking around said thigh and them four anchors shot into the ground.

After they were finished up there they went on with Mack going on to disarm two more bombs before they were called back to base. The schedule remained the same for three weeks with the Grimms having no clue to were the mutant on the run could have scaled to search in a one hundred mile radius around there the location he was found.

After a arriving back at camp just after sun down they are there supper then began talking with there fellow military men.They were all chilling in the canopy outside Carson and Mack's tent since they have been promoted to officer but choosing to remain and do the same job as a normal recruit. They all sat in lawn chairs talking about there life's back home with the brothers talking about even taking another tour causing the group to open there eyes slightly.

As they were sitting there Carson began to hear a blitzing sound. He winced in slight pain as moments after lights flashed through the cloth causing the men to shoot up not receiving news off new men. Carson grabbed his gun running out to see a man in the back with a lance like weapon. As Carson took aim a laser orb of energy formed at the bottom of the futuristic spear.A laser was shot hitting Carson square in the chest. He went flying over the tent landing on the ground not moving.

Mack seeing his non moving brother he picked up Carson's gun rolling to cover shooting three bullets into one of the six men in the first truck. As he began firing on the man with the spear more tricks began to show up as they began firing at the tents. All the men were moving to there weapons trying to fight.Mack couldn't get a clear shoot as the man with the energy spear aimed at him and fired.

Before his very eyes energy appearing as a streak of light shoot in-front of him. It began taking a humidor shape as the man fired in panic of the mutant or what he assumed was a mutant.The orb shot and the man reached his hand out as the red bolt of energy hit the red purple energy man's arm. The red bolt energy began surging in a x motion it was absorbed. He then stuck out his palm as he a massive release of energy was shoot from his hand disseminating the man with the spear. Suddenly it turned back into a bolt as it shot between attacker usually finishing them in one blow burning holes through there chest.

After all of it was over Mack stumbled over to the last place he saw the mutant. As he rounded the corner he sees it fall to his knees as the energy man began dissipating as it reviled Carson with his jeans burned slightly and his shirt gone.

Carson POV

As he was hit by the bolt of energy he felt immense pain as he laid there as the dark took over. As he was about to give in to the darkness a small light began to form ripping his eye's open as a reddish purple energy filled his iris as the same electricity sparked from his eyes when he opened them.Like a man possessed he raised like the dead as he began walking the energy began to replace his skin as the electricity began to hard from his body as he thought only one thing " I'm free!"

Seeing his brother point about to take the same blast he took he tried running towards his brother but suddenly he shoot across the battle field finding himself in-front of the beam absorbing it.Suddenly he felt energetic as he suddenly felt the instinct to raise his hand as a massive discharge of energy shot from his hand disintegrating the man and the top half of the truck.

Not wanting anyone else to die he took hold of the anger and the strange constant surge of energy as he zipped around the battle field ending a small armies lives quite easily. Upon defeating the attackers and saving everyone he was about to look for his brother when the anger left and he suddenly felt tired as he fell to his knees passing out.

Upon waking up he looked at his legs to see what was causing such pressure. As he looked down he saw that two mutant braces were on his legs.He was then met by two well dress gentleman. They broke the news that he was going to be honorably discharged, but he still would receive the proper metals but will be stripped of military privileges upon arrival in the americas. All do to him manifesting the Stoker- gene becoming a mutant.