

Upon receiving the news he was released and walked back to his tent. He didn't see his brother so he instantly thought the worst " there's no way

My brother hates me now….Is there?" After gathering everything he was black bagged and taken to a plan. As he walked up the ramp he was greeted by a hug. " what up brother so what your a super hero know or what?" Carson being dumb stuck thinking "thank goodness I get to see my brother one more time before shipping out. Also looks like my mutant worries were miss placers as-well.Carson went on to ask his brother what he was doing on the plane. Mack went on to tell him he worked out the same mutant deal for himself only he is human so he'll just be stripped of rank but also receive his medals.

On touch down unlike most Medal of Honor obtainers that receive massive ceremonies .The Langstrom boys got to meet some old guy the USA called president while they were away.In private the boys received a Medal of Honor along with another medal for bravery.

Right after he finished shaking the presidents hand as of on cue the Grimm agents came out putting the duo in cuffs with the one cuffing Carson saying " Do to the use of using your powers in an attempt to harm the president you are under arrest!" As he continued to read the writes as the old president walked away with a smile on his face.

They were put into a black security grade suburban and began driving. The bald agent driving began to talk " filthy mutant can't believe we actually had to give a monster like you a Medal of Honor. Not even having time to reply Mack fired back " you shit the f*ck up my brother is the most honorable and courage's person I know and I guarantee if he wasn't anchored to the ground he would beat both you a*ses without his mutant abilities." The passenger of African descent pistol whipped Mack in the face causing him to let out a slight yelp of pain.

Carson seeing this aggression felt the same anger and surge he did that night has the energy flashed through his eyes once again as he discharged his energy out from his body.Upon doing so the car shoot into the air rolling onto its back slowly skidding to a stop.The two agents up front were slowly moving around in pain Mack having plenty of room to move around crawled his way to the window in front reaching through grabbing gun of the agent from his holster firing it down into his leg." Always role the security window up dumba*s!" He said as he began running towards his brother.

The dazed agent finally able to regain his composure began looking at his partner that was bleeding out in front him. Not having a choice right now he began trying to get out along with his partner before calling for reinforcements. Mack now having a gun fired into the anchor lines releasing him from his fixed position. Carson reached towards the reinforced locked door and put his hand out.

Nothing happing he began thinking back to the anger and the night of the ambush he felt a surge of energy as a crackle blitzed from his hand as the door shot off its hinges.Once they climbed out of the car Mack found the agents and took care of the other one by shooting him in the leg and disarming him. The African American agent began to talk " we were just going to put the Ape in prison but now you both are going to be fugitives." He said wincing through the pain.

Mack not knowing what to say pistol whips the agent getting revenge for early while also kicking him in the side a couple of times yelling profanities.Carson looking down at the locks on his legs manages to manifest the energy barley shattering we're the locks were on his thighs.Carson already knowing what to do grabbed Mack by his shoulder as they began running towards the ally looking for a notable state land mark.

They began running hardly talking at all when they arrived in-front of a sign that said "Welcome to New Orleans!" The two finding an old S10 walked over slowly before Carson wrapped his arm with his officer jacket smashing his hand through the window as he hot wired the truck and they were on the road again.

Mack feeling slightly awkward finally broke the silence " does it hurt… you know when you do the thing?" Carson think about how to describe it just winged it " For me it felt like a surge of of power but sometimes it's not just a surge I feel strong." Mack thinking long in hard about his next question said " Can you control it." Carson not having to think long replied " I can draw out some of what happens that night but other than that it's hard."

They continue driving doing there absolute best to avoid traffic cameras and gas stations with cameras. They have traded off cars multiple cars know riding in a 2005 grey Toyota Camry.They made there way all the way back to Nashville Tennessee. They made to there house rounding up the local cash which was round 15 k and the two pistols. Carson looked at his new pistol missing his old pistol.

They were just finishing up when they heard sounds down stairs.Carson raised his gun walking to the stairs looking down the blind spot. As one came around the corner Carson to tattoo of a skull with rays of energy shooting out from it. The trespasser was fully around the corner now reveling a shotgun. Carson didn't know how many was there but his pistol can't beat the shot gun in close range as he fired twice into the man's shoulders causing him to drop to the ground in pain.

As the man's groans made it out another man began dry firing around the corner.Mack began counting the bullets taking a gamble. Once he counted the magazine size he waited. The time arose as he jumped his rail landing right in-front of the man firing three rounds two into his legs and one into his shoulder. The back door was suddenly kicked open. Mack picked up the shotgun firing through the wall leading to the back door peppering the men lightly.

They continue to move forward as Carson made it down and into cover as he provided cover fire for Mack to retreat.As they can around the corner they two men began firing taking out there legs or wounding there shoulders so they can not fire properly.After taking out this group they bolted with there bags to the streets as they took off trying to lose who they would soon learn are called the Hoarse-men.

About a month has past and the young men found themselves in the big apple.They managed to avoid the police and grimms learning the radio terms and everything after getting there hands on there radio frequencies.They have also been using there military background to survive in harsh situations with Carson even being able to cause energy wave blast almost effortlessly. Things were going

Going to be hard for the young men but Carson feels like they can do anything as long as there together.