I was feeling elated, I was over the moon! Just because I'm a few days away from getting exactly what I've always wanted. What my soul has been yearning for all this time.
Revenge, what a sweet word. I've loved that word since... forever I guess!
But some days ago it felt like a strange word to my brain. Like I've never heard of it until my friends made the hint.
Honestly, it's funny how I couldn't remember it despite it being the word I live for and that alone is enough sin to atone for which I would my making a grand act.
My euphoria was cut short... don't worry it's nothing so disturbing, it's just class.
I'm currently attending a chemistry class and really it's been good. I've been participating and I can feel it, my grades would go back to the way they were if I could just work a bit harder than before and that's exactly what I plan on doing... gaining marks in class before exam.
But as I was about to raise my hand to answer a question directed to us by the lecturer a call entered my phone and I couldn't be more fustrated. I just had to get out of class to receive the call.
"What?" I barked to the caller which happened to be Natie
"Meet us at Mia's room, we have to talk" she said hastily
"A talk so much more important than my class, will you please elaborate?" I said sarcasm dripping off my voice
"Will you just get your ass over here!" she barked
"Whatever, I'll be there in twenty" I said ready to drop the call
"Twenty is too long, fifteen, you have just fifteen minutes" she said before dropping the call before I could reply
I swear if this so called meeting isn't as important as they made it sound like I'm killing someone.
I packed my stuff before making my way out of class in a dramatic way.
I know if I want to get out of the class I'm meant to pass the back door but then I don't really feel like it so I made my grand exit by interrupting the lecturer - Passing the front door.
I don't feel bad about it though, not that I was meant to feel bad anyways. But a gesture as small as that got me stares from not only my lecturer but also the student and all I did was just smile at them.
They're all free to go fuck themselves anytime soon.
If not for this stupid fifteen minutes timer, I would have made more drama in the hallway and probably till I get to my destination but apparently, I don't have the time so I just ignored everyone and went straight to Mia's hostel which was a ten minutes walk from my current location.
"You didn't tell us anything about Adrian?" Mia asked immediately I opened the door to her room
"Can you at least let me sit down before you start questioning me? The walk to your hostel is not so easy if you weren't aware" I said taking my sitting down.
"Why didn't you take a cab?" Ryan asked folding her arms over her chest
"Because I wasn't feeling like?" I said, more like ask
"Whatever, just tell us his surname please" Mia said anxiously, I guess they were already taking steps towards the plan
"I hate to disappoint, but the only thing I know about him is his name, I didn't bother with the last name since I felt it was irrelevant" I said feeling a little guilty knowing I would be the one delaying this... I'm starting to feel angry at myself
"I said it, I knew she wouldn't know" Natie said looking at me like I've got four heads and all I did was look away from her accusing eyes, not that I could do anything anyway.
"This is like a huge block on the way you know that right?" Ryan asked facing me and I really have no reply to that
"We need to at least know his full name, only then can we get to know the girlfriend and the guy she cheated with info" she explained and I kept quite since I have nothing not to say.
After some minutes of thinking, something clicked in my brain
"We could ask Jacob to look for him, he would be able to since he invited us to the party" I said feeling satisfied with the solution I got
"Excuse you? Do you know the number of Adrian's with sparkling grey eyes - since all grey eyes are sparkling - and plump lips are out there, do you even know if there are many Adrian's like that who attended the party?" Mia asked and really, right now I hate that she got the brains since she just killed my joy.
"You've got a point" Natie said stomping on the leftover happiness in me
I said after some seconds of thinking "Then he should go ask the guy who hosted the party, since he invited almost everybody, he should at least know him"
I was back to feeling proud about myself. I know I've got the brains, I've just been feeling out of it lately that's why it seems like it's having a power failure sometimes.
"But what if he wasn't the one who invited Adrian then?" Mia said after giving it a thought.
For the record, I now officially hate Mia, she is doing a perfect job in getting on my nerves.
"Then we would think about that when it happens" Ryan said and I gave her a high five
"And I don't even know why you have to grill me to this extent, must you always think of pros and cons in every situation?" I said feeling better since I've got someone on my side
"If I don't then we wouldn't be ready if anything should go wrong" she replied and I gave her an eye roll.
"Whatever, just give Jacob a call already" I said and she took out her phone to dial his number.
After the second ring, Jacob picked the call and before he said anything, Ryan had started firing orders
"You would go to the guy whom we attended his party the other day and ask him about one Adrian guy who has grey eyes and plump lips that's all" she said making all of us laugh, she is just too serious about this and I'm starting to wonder why... she is not the one who got hurt so why has she been moody these days.
"Okay I get the message but then which of the parties are you talking about" he questioned and that got us thinking...
We didn't think about that before so it made it hard to answer quickly but Natie answered after some seconds
"You remember the one we hooked up before you and Olivia broke up?" she asked him and he hummed his response
"That's the one" she said and it got me thinking if they had hooked up again after we broke up.
"Okay, that one" he said anything we all hummed in approval
"So I'm to ask the party host about one Adrian guy with plump lips and grey eyes" he said and we all hummed positively
"Okay so if I may ask, why do you guys want to know about him?" he asked and the four of us looked at each other
"And if I may ask, why do you want to know?" Ryan replied harshly and the disturbing feeling inside me grew, I need to ask her about this later, I need to know why she is so worked up
"I just want to..." he started saying before Mia cut him off
"Would you just go about what we asked you to do? When it's time you would know why so stop questioning and just get to business" she finished
"Okay ma'am, I'm sorry for being nosey" he said and I could tell he was smiling - no grinning.
After dropping the call, I yawned, feeling tired, sleepy and hungry at the same time
"Now let's get to planning what to do next" Natie said getting excited
"Why don't we just let nature direct us?" Mia asked facing us and while I just looked at her Ryan looked away
"Then what about our actions then, what about what we would do when the time comes?" Natie asked again looking at us for answers
"Nature Natie, we are following the flow of things" Mia said again looking at us for approval
"Well since life is a bitch itself I think, the flow of things is okay" I said since personally I'm tired as fuck and I'm in no mood to plan anything.
"Any other day I would have preferred planning but then, the flow of things seems okay to me, even much more okay if you ask me" Ryan said and I got the creep with the tone in her voice.
"Ryan are you okay?" I asked feeling worried
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be" she said masking her previous expression with a smile
"Okay" I said not having a choice since her answer felt final with the tone she used.
"Guys I keep thinking about it, do you think Jacob would be able to get the informations we need? I mean, what if the host didn't invite Adrian? What if he just bummed the party? What if..." Mia started saying while I laid down on the bed and faked snored before Ryan cut her off
"You know what you are meant to be doing?" Ryan asked and she shaked her head negatively "calming your ass down" Ryan finalized while we all laughed
"Yeah, I guess I'm just over thinking stuffs" Mia said smiling widely
"And that's exactly what you are doing girl" I said matching her smile "now all I want to do is sleep then wake up and eat" I said closing me eyes
"Okay then, have a good rest while I join you" Natie said joining me on the bed
" You lazy asses, I and Ryan would be stepping out for a while then" Mia said and she and Ryan made their exit.
And truly, I really love Mia's point, NATURE ALL THE WAY IT IS!
Still on the revenge planning... I think I should name the chapters Pre-revenge, what do you think?
And again, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, comment and add to library...
Stay tuned for more updates people!
Love y'all!