
Chapter 7 - I'm Rich!

It was almost the end of the day when Tyler reached the mountain, only this time he drove all the way to the other side, halfway up he looked at the scratches on the wall, two more bits were erased. Tyler breathed a sigh of relief that now he could take it easy and perfectly plan all his next steps.

On the other side was early morning, Tyler calculated that this world lived with a difference of 12 hours, always when in Texas was day here was night.

Unfortunately his ATV could not carry the entire load at once, on his first trip Tyler took the manager's request. He descended carefully and entered the forest, the journey was much faster, it took no more than twenty minutes, although it was a very dense forest still there was room to move.

Tyler left his ATV in a hidden location and covered it with a camouflage tarpaulin. He walked the road for a few good minutes until he spotted the hunter in his wagon.

Tyler greeted him and led him to his car.Needless to say, the hunter found this old man even stranger. The old man wore a green-stained suit and held a strange piece of iron.

When Tyler drove him to his car the man looked curious ... Seeing his reaction, Tyler couldn't help but ask.

"You're curious, want to know what this is?"

"No old master, this poor man dares not get into his affairs." The man bowed his head.

"No problem." Tyler laughed. "This is a carriage!"

"A carriage, how? There's no place for animals to pull… "the poor guy asked confused.

"That's right, she's not meant to be pulled by animals, she moves by herself!"

"Alone!!! How ?? "the man can't help but ask curious.

"So see!" Tyler started the vehicle and circled around the man.

The hunter was a humble man of little knowledge, when he saw that strange thing move without being pulled by any animal, his legs trembled.

If he were not someone who had faced death dangers over and over again he would surely pass out on the spot!

Even though he was strong he leaned against a tree and his legs trembled.

"Don't be afraid, I'll show you a lot more, take this as a gift." Tyler handed the man a complete change of clothes.

The man was thrilled, he didn't want to accept it, but Tyler refused to take it back. After a short speech he finally accepted. The boots, pants, shirt and jacket fit perfectly.

"Why does this outfit have such a strange color?"

"She's like that because she's special, she's meant to hunt, when you're in the woods with her animals can't see you easily!"

"Haaa…" the poor man couldn't help but admire his new robes even more.

They finished loading the wagon and then set off for the city.

It seems that the buzz around them was even bigger, if Tyler had called attention at his first entrance, in that definitely all people were looking at him blatantly!

Wherever he passed there was not a single soul who did not look at him curiously. Even before reaching the guild manager Chu was already waiting for him, it seems that someone had already run and warned him.

Even the manager, who was a more enlightened man, did not fail to have a curious look at their clothes.

"Good morning, I brought everything you asked for!" Tyler smiled and patted the boxes behind him.

"Good morning, of course…" the manager was awakened from his stupor. "Come here, let my servants bring everything in!"

The manager tried to be as courteous as possible. He offered tea and made them comfortable.

As Tyler suspected, this tea was quite expensive and rare, he saw it from the hunter's reaction to the tea.

"Want to see the merchandise?" Tyler asked the manager in order to get started. Since the man not wanting to offend him did not take the initiative.

"Of course, if it doesn't bother you!" Manager Chu breathed a sigh of relief, he had barely slept these two nights.

As a child at Christmas he opened each box, the joy was evident in his eyes, yet he forced himself not to show changes in his face.If a person is very happy when buying something the seller can increase the price without forgiveness!

Everything that had been ordered was delivered, as Tyler had said his perfume far surpassed that of the store, and as if that wasn't enough he brought ten different fragrances!

The manager smelled wonderful, the quality was excellent, and the smells were unique, nothing like anything he had felt before.

Tyler gave him a pen to test. "Here, test this one. Sometimes when she's young you have to scratch a little bit before the paint starts to come out. "

The manager began to write. "This is all amazing!" Mr. Chu couldn't help but sigh.

"Since I brought you the pen, I took the liberty of bringing the paper too!" Tyler pulled a sheet from the box.

The manager had been shaken from an early age and could no longer hide his admiration. That leaf was just perfect! It was immaculate white. He looked at each one, his unchanged shape startling him.

Unlike the hunter, Manager Chu knew what that meant. Being able to repeat a production process and make each piece look exactly the same requires a high level of science.

"I want a silver for each sheet!" Tyler said.He knew he could get a lot more, but now he wanted to make a lot of money as soon as possible.

The manager didn't even have much to think about and quickly agreed on the price. "I accept, how many does the master have?"

"In one such box has 2,500 units and I brought fifteen boxes, so it will give 37,500 sheets!"

Mr. Chu swallowed hard.

He got scared for two reasons, the first was because it was a lot of money and the second was that he would win big on top!

"I have this more!" Tyler pulled out a lighter."This is a tool made by the most renowned alchemists in my country, it's called a lighter!" Tyler lit it and made a mysterious look…

When they saw the flame the two men stepped back and showed a startled look on their faces.

"Oh dear!" The manager exclaimed as he reached out with a trembling hand to touch the object.

For a 21st century person a lighter is no big deal, the main reason is because we no longer need it! Unless you are a smoker or a pyromaniac!

In your house to make or heat a food we press a button and 'voila' we have fire, if we do not have the microwave!

These two men immediately saw the importance of this small object, it was very common for people to sell bow and drill kits to start the fire or "Flint and steel" [1] . Tyler asked for 5 gold coins for each lighter, 30 silver coins for each matchbox and 15 gold coins for each flint.

Flint was more expensive because it could be used thousands of times and was resistant to water, falls and everything else.

Before leaving, Tyler asked the manager for a book of medicinal plants, except for the book and a change of common clothes he didn't take his payment, the money at that time is too heavy to carry, so he decided to take everything back…

Tyler went to a tavern to eat with the hunter."Here, this is for the help you gave me and for accompanying me tomorrow!" Tyler threw a sack of coins on the table.

Prior to his encounter with this old man the man had never seen so much money, first he had received ten gold coins for the reward of the blue demon killed by Tyler, those simple ten coins were quite a sum high for his standard of living.

The man took the bag and was startled by its weight, it was about fifty coins. Fifty silver coins will guarantee me a whole month! He thought to himself.

When he opened the bag his heart stopped…

He had hit the number of coins, but the metal was different, they were gold coins.

"And… I… can't… I can accept!" He stammered at last.

"Why not? You worked well for me, we are going on a dangerous mission, accept it! "

Only now did the man realize that this old man really wanted to go hunting the bunch of trolls, and worse yet wanted to take him along!

Seeing the poor fellow turned green, Tyler said. "Relax, I'll show you my weapons later so you will believe in my abilities."

Noeru thought for a moment and decided to give his arm a twist, after all this old man had already surprised him in many ways.

Tyler and the hunter returned to where the ATV was hidden, Tyler had only brought with him from the cave the AK-47, the Glock and his rifle.

Tyler took the AK-47 and said. "This is an extremely dangerous and deadly weapon! You must listen to me carefully and correctly follow every step I take! "

Noeru nodded his agreement, but inside he doubted, after all this "weapon" had no sharp edges and was not large or heavy enough to be thrown at anyone.

Seeing the man's uncertain look, Tyler spoke. "I'll show you how powerful this is."

Tyler took aim at a branch and then fired.Pow… The branch shattered and broke to the ground.

"This weapon can launch small arrowheads with the power of a thousand spears each!"

The man blindly believed the old man's words, he had felt the power of that weapon in himself, the sound of the gunshot reverberating inside his gut.

"Look at this, this tiny little thing is the" arrow "of this weapon!" Tyler put a shells in the man's hands.

Her shaking hands touched that little thing not believing how powerful it was. "Is it dangerous to take it like that?" The hunter couldn't help but ask.

"No, unless you try to open it, put it in the fire or hit the back!"

"Hóóó…" the man raised his eyebrows in wonder.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to use it correctly!"