
Chapter 8 - Training and the Beginning of the Adventure

Except for the first few shots, hunter Noeru adapted very well to a firearm.

Tyler hated communists, but truth-telling was necessary, handling an AK-47 was very simple and intuitive, after a few hours he got the hang of it, of course the bow and arrow aim can be used here. In fact every experience as a hunter helped him a lot.

After a full day of training, they returned to the city.

Tyler stayed at the inn reading a herbal book, besides being a graduate of botany Tyler also had a great appreciation for this subject, in his garden he planted several different plants and almost always drank them. He did not recognize any of the names given, though looking at the descriptions and figures, he recognized some such as chamomile, ginseng, anise, aloe vera, ginger, verbena, etc.

Although he had not been around the city much or interacting with different people, he had a keen sense of observation. He recognized many common foods between the two worlds such as wheat, barley and rice.Although they were very rustic and wild plant grains, it was easy to recognize them. Another factor was the non-appearance of maize, contrary to what many people think, maize is an authentic man-made plant, its original plant is teosinto, its creation is supposed to be somewhere in southern Mexico.

Tyler had no idea how much similarity there was, not only to plants and animals, but also to magical creatures.

It's not as if Tyler had ever seen a magical creature, yet almost all legends converged on a point where equality could not be denied.

The trolls were a perfect example, the weakness of sunlight, the size, the shape, the habits. Everything was exactly the same!

Tyler already believed that at some point in our history these creatures actually existed on earth!

From the description found in the book, Tyler discovered that the name of that mysterious plant was a bloody Yang. The bloody name was because of its unique abilities to replace lost blood and its high regenerative capacity.

The amazing thing was that according to the information, if the plant's age exceeded a thousand years it could even regenerate amputated limbs!

Tyler was startled, he didn't know if he believed those words… regenerating an amputated limb was supernatural.

He ate his strawberries as he read, trying to assimilate as much as possible every relevant information about this new world. The next morning, Tyler wanted to make a small foray into the forest to train some more Noeru.

The plan today was for him to adapt well enough that Tyler could trust his safety.

"Always carry the weapon locked!"

"Never put your finger on the trigger unless you're shooting!"

"Never point this thing at anyone unless it's going to kill it!"

"Please, never look inside the pipe…"

Tyler would repeat these sentences over and over, when he got tired he would repeat it again!

Noeru soon learned what to do, Tyler was a Texan, the first time he shot him he was 11, his father had taken him hunting. One thing you learned early on is that guns are not dangerous, people are! Mostly unprepared people. Tyler was totally against the policy of civil disarmament, he thought it was the right of each one to bear arms, who did not want the other armed were the communists!

Entering the woods they walked a few miles until they heard the loud and fierce roars.

As far as he could tell, Tyler could see that these beasts had a strong territorial sense, and along with their overdeveloped senses they roared and were present from afar!

"Calm down, remember what I taught you!" Tyler directed as the hunter nodded.

Step by step they followed.

"I see him!" Noeru whispered.

Tyler saw about 75 meters, was another demon with blue back.

"This distance is very good, control your breathing."

Tyler was saying every step to the man.

"Unlock the weapon!"

"Aim in a fatal place!"

"Yeah, fine ... Now move your finger to the trigger and pull slowly."


A single shot killed one of the most fearsome beasts in the region. This ammunition was 7.62X54mm, a much more powerful and heavier ammunition than the 5.56mm used by NATO forces.

The advantages were greater power, less variation and longer range. It was no wonder that hippos and rhinos had no chance against her. A disadvantage was the smaller number of ammunition that could be placed on a comb.

"I got it right!" Exclaimed the hunter happily.

"Good… but you don't have to be so euphoric!"

"Are you kidding me, I had never killed one of these!"


"Yes, very few people have ever killed one of these!"

"And are those monkeys hard to kill?"

"They are sure death to anyone who crosses their path, I don't know anyone who survived after finding one!"

Tyler considered for a moment and then nodded. A blue demon was almost like the fusion of a bear with a tiger but much bigger!And as for the giant monkey, who could kill him with just a sword or spear?

When they reached the body, Tyler was struck by the man's aim. A small hole could be seen right between the beast's eyes. Another interesting fact for these assault rifles was that because of its power and the high rotation of the projectile the entrance hole was very small, however the centrifugal force made a huge hole in the exit, much larger than an orange!

"Very good!" Tyler complimented sincerely.

The hunter wasted no time and went to collect the core of that beast.

For the rest of the day they hunted three more different beasts.

"Tomorrow, we're going to the mountains to hunt down the trolls!"

"Yes, that's fine!" The hunter answered with much excitement, now he really believed that this mysterious old man really had a way of killing those trolls.

"I want to teach you how to use this before we leave." Tyler handed over a small radio communicator.

"What's this?" The man was curious.

"This is a magical device for talking even from afar!"

Tyler handed one to his hand and spoke."Currency, are you listening?"

"Ahh!" The man shouted in fear, dropping the radio from his hands.

"Calm down, it won't hurt you!" Tyler said trying to calm him down.

"Sorry ..." He said with his voice still shaky.

"I'll show you a lot more stuff in the future, you better not throw them on the floor when I give you!"

"Yes… right, I'll try!"


The next morning Tyler bought a change of clothes at a local store, he wanted to have those clothes as a backup, so he could walk undercover or draw less attention! In the woods he finished loading everything on his ATV, if they were riding it would take two to three days, with the car they could arrive the same day, but they would arrive at night. Tyler was not going to risk finding such creatures on his hunting schedule!

"Ready?" Tyler asked.

The hunter nodded, confirming that after the initial fright of the man into the vehicle he soon got used to it.

Tyler found it very funny when he sporadically expressed his surprises.

"This carriage rides even without any horse pulling!"

"It's really comfortable!"

"How fast!"

"Even on climbs he doesn't slow down!"

One thing we never think about is the roads, in this modern world we have big roads cutting the landscape from outside to outside.

There are very few roads here, even within cities they are just alleys made of dirt. Only the big, rich cities have cobbled streets.

Even those broad green fields do not exist, you will see a field without trees only if this is the local biome. The forests in this place reign strong and imposing, the sky also has a deep and vivid blue.

"Shall we go near any city before we get there?"

"Yes, let's move into Lord Virtu's domain!"

"I see ..." Tyler sighed, he had already figured out how the hierarchy worked around here. A lord was the lord of a given territory, and depending on how rich he was, he would have a castle and all the people within his territory should pay him taxes. The laws were also decided by him.

"What's his fame, is he a good man?" Tyler was curious.

The hunter was reluctant to answer, but then spoke. "He has a habit of taking possession of beautiful women, he doesn't care if they are married, single or too young! Your tax is absurd too! "He raised his voice at the end.

Tyler noticed something wrong with the hunter now. "He did something bad for you, is that why you left that region?"

"That man stole many women, even though my wife and I lived farther from his castle, he heard of her beauty, we ran away as soon as we knew of her intentions."

"I see… let's do our best to get away from him!"

Tyler didn't have a map to follow, all the way said by Noeru he had an excellent sense of direction.

As they decided to make a bigger detour they slept the first night in the same forest.Tyler set up two tents, which pleased the hunter! He had already stopped being so surprised by modern equipment.

"I'll hunt for something to eat!" Noeru said.

"No need, I brought it!"

Tyler showed some packages, they were MRE (Meal Ready to Eat), ready to eat meals.Made for army combatants to eat on the battlefield, these meals could be stored for extended periods of time without refrigeration.Just by adding hot water, putting it in a water bath or simply opening and eating it. They represented a great milestone in the feeding of soldiers!

The hunter started eating suspiciously, but then ate with taste! Tyler still had his strawberries, but he didn't eat because he wanted to save money. Those fruits gave her extra energy, it was almost like rejuvenating her body!

After eating, the hunter put out the fire without warning.

"Why did it?"

"The fire will attract the beasts!"

"Ahh, take this, it will help you at night!" Tyler gave the man a flashlight.

It was so funny to see him lighting and extinguishing, lighting and extinguishing, lighting and extinguishing! It was identical to a child with a new toy.

Tyler even thought about warning the drums… but thought it best to let him have fun.

The morning continued calm, they strangely did not come across any beasts, at noon they stopped for lunch.

While Tyler boiled the water, Noeru was standing guard.

"Master…" Noeru called.

"Any beast?"

"I don't think so, it's steps, a lot of them… they're running, I think it's a chase!"

The man's hearing was incredible, worthy of the profession. Tyler stood using the car as a shield while Noeru ran to circle the woods to flank.

Gradually Tyler began to hear the sounds.They were clashing metal, the noise of the arrow left the bow, and several, many animal grunts.

In his little clearing he waited… Like a flash the little figure of a woman wearing bloody armor came up.

Tyler's protective instinct spoke louder inside him, ignoring the consequences he decided to take! "Here girl, here run to me!"

A light of hope appeared in those eyes, she ran as fast as she could for that voice!