
Leave Me Alone

"Please take out your history book." Mr. Cal asked.

When Mr. Cal started reading, I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see what it was, and it was Mya throwing paper at me. I ignored her and continued listening to the lesson. I can tell she got angry and threw more paper at me.

"Mya, would you mind telling the class what I just said?" Mr. Cal said noticing Mya's behavior.

"Oh..um..that you always look so handsome!" Mya nervously smiled.

The class laughs while Mr. Cal stood there looking disappointed. "Enough. When I'm teaching, please pay attention. Class dismissed." Mr. Cal said.

When I was done packing my things, Mya and Cassie came to me before I can leave my desk.

"I can't believe an ugly, moron like you embarrassed me in front of the class." Mya angrily crossed her arms.

"Ugh. What a stench you carry! Do you belong to a family of raccons?" Cassie digustedly looked at me covering her nose.

"Go astray you roach!" Mya laughed as they both walked off.

It's not my fault she got in trouble. It's not my fault!

These three girls are mean! Or wait...is it just the two of them?!

Spoiled_XoXocreators' thoughts