
Another Day

My name is Ronda Jordan Lee. My last name "Lee" comes from my mother's last name and my middle name "Jordan" comes from my dad's last name. My parents never got married, so they didn't have the same last name to give to me.

Sometimes I wake up early to get some cardio in, but I was to lazy to walk. A couple of minutes later after getting dressed, I went downstairs and saw Ms. Yan cooking breakfast for me. Ms. Yan is a woman who has been taking care of me ever since mother left me and father disappearing on me. She is a lady who works for Mr. Smith, which is mother's husband.

"Oh you're up Ronda!" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Mhm. Goodmorning." I sat down in the chair I usually sit at, at the dining table.

I noticed how Ms. Yan gave me a worried look. I felt like I knew what she was going to say but I didn't want to be rude by ignoring her.

"Ronda...I've been worried about you lately, and I wanted to ask you..how is everything at school going?" Ms. Yan asked me with worried looks and not looking away.

"Everything's fine at school. You don't have to worry so much." I said looking down at the table.

"You're teacher called saying your grades are dropping. Is something bothering you, Ronda? Please tell me. Maybe I can help!" Ms. Yan motioned her hand out to me and I softly slapped her hand away.

"Like I said, everything's fine." I got up, walked out the door, and started walking to school.

When I arrived, no one was in the classroom but only Mr. Cal. I walked in and felt his gaze on me. "Goodmorning, Ronda! You're really early today." He said smiling.

"Oh...goodmorning, Mr. Cal." I nervously sat down and looked out into the window. I'm really shy around Mr. Cal. He makes me nervous. His good looks makes him look like he's in his twenties, but he's actually thirty-two.

More students started to arrive and there were three girls that I really hoped not to see. It was Mya, Cassie, and Rissa. They walked into the classroom and started flirting with Mr. Cal. Gosh. Can they be more appropriate at their age?

After they stopped talking to him, Mya and Cassie gave me a cold glare..except for Rissa. She's always giving me this stupid, weird look. But I really don't care. I just wanted this day to be over with already.

Not everything's perfect at first.

But I hope I'm at least doing good with my story!:)

Spoiled_XoXocreators' thoughts