
Old Archmage Living as a Puppet Girl in Interstellar

Xavius, who thought he would spend his life as one of Great Archmage, never thought that a failed experiment of a student would make him lose his life and sent him to the interstellar times where there are many new things to be learned as well as shocking him at the fact that other than Zoranian, there are also other beings that dominate their own part of the world. Meeting the descendant of the Trueton, an old frenemy, was definitely wasn't in his plan of wreaking havoc in this new era. Even more hurt was the fact that the Puppet Girl he possessed was owned by that descendant. Now, not only does he have to learn about new things, he also have to learn that as time goes on, the rules have become more and more strict and compact than before, which pained him a lot when his curiosity is high. Sometimes, Xavius just couldn't help but blow something up out of curiosity BOOM! Xavius: "Zander! Cover me!!" Darius: "What trouble did you bring again?" Xavius: "Does taking their newly widespread AR62 that hasn't come out yet to test count?" Darius: "... Let's have the rules exam tomorrow." Xavius: !!!

Lizzylittlekitty · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter Four

More than half a year had passed. In those days, Xavius didn't go back to the empty manor but went around the planet and found a lot of interesting things that sometimes, she would stay for days and weeks just to record the beauty of world in her mind.

The two mountain that would mirror each other yet being opposite. One mountain is a snow deep mountain while the other mountain is an active volcano. The two doesn't seem to have any similarities but at the time when Xavius went through the two mountains, she had the oportunity to watch as the heavy snow fell and the volcano erupted at the same time. The two mountains that was so close to each other and yet at the same time, was like in a parallel space, mirroring each other activities, like a twin that does the same but was the complete opposite.

Xavius took rest near the river that was the dividing line for the two mountain, not too far yet not too near to be included in the snow storm and volcanic eruption. The two activiies went on for a few days and when it ended, life seemed to bloom on both mountains.

In the snow mountain, the magical creature that went into hiding from the snow storm, came out from their burrows and received the abundance of the magic aura and seemed to grow even stronger. Even plants that died had grown under the care of magic particles.

The other mountain, despite the lava pouring, magical creatures that evolved for thousands of years of living in such environment could walk and even swim in the pouring hot lava. Some that swam in even evolved directly with new hard scales and furs.

There was also a blue water lake that seemed specially to nurse the newborn and for the injured. In her observation, Xavius found that the lake is a sacred place for these creature as there are in 100 radius, no creature went to hunt, as if peace was agreed by the creatures that came there. Be it a carnivore or herbivore. They all went there to nurture their newborns. Only a few injured creatures that went to the lake for healing. Perhaps, the few that couldn't make it, died on the way there. Such was the way of nature.

After searching through the land, Xavius went into the sea. Sometimes, she would stay underwater for hours or even days, and then, went to a nearby island for rest. After all, land creatures cannot stay or even live in the sea for too long.

Deep into the sea, the wondrous of the sea would always captivate her for days on end.

But, it couldn't prevent Xavius from being sad that there were no Zoranians alive nor was there any sign of suh civilazation had lived except for that one big mansion.

As was the case, Xavius wouldn't linger in one place for too long and would always go back for a few days to rest in the mansion. Thereby, an empty mansion finally have some traces of someone living in it.

Xavius, who had just had a nap in the training field where she had turned it into herb garden

for making potions and it had almost grown into a small forest that could rival outside, sighed in melancholy as she lies in the rocking chair that she had made herself. She smiled sadly as her throat became sore and her chest tightens. "It seems, I'm really alone now." she whispered with her words slightly broken at the end with tightness in her throat.

Two years ago, First Legion Headquarters.

A group of soldiers was grouping in the training field, although scattered, they all faced the same thing. In the ring, two people were fighting fist to fist Both of whom were of high ranking. One of them was Colonel Adriel Jacob Hudson and the other was Major General Darius Zander Cirillo.

Even though they did not use weapons, their body itself was enough to categorize as dangerous weapon. Each strike of a fist or a swing of a leg would leave deep marks on the training ground yet their body had no marks except for some broken or tear on the clothes. That in itself shows how strong their body are. And both showed no mercy. All attacks focused on vital points. Once hit, it won't just end as a small injury.

Colonel Adriel hand in attacking seems to have become more and more fast and heavy handed but Major General Darius calmly blocked the attack with ease. Seeing that Adriel was nearing his limit, Darius took a step and in a blink of an eye, he appeared beside Adriel with his left hand pointed at the heart of Adriel.

Adriel froze, sweat drips from the temple to his chin and gulps down. Adriel legs went out and collapsed. "Damn! That was one hella scare!" he laughed wildly with his heart still racing from that dangerous moment with chills running down his spine.

Darius smiled slightly. "You did say not to held back. Regret it?"

Seeing that smile as if a devil watching an amusing thing made his hair stand up and cut his laugh in mid-stride. Adriel said calmly with a dead face, "As handsome as you are, please don't smile like a devil whenever you feel amusing, Major General. Your suitors would cry and run!"

Accepting the towel that was handed over and wiping off the dripping sweat, he casually replied, "I don't see it decreasing after all these years."

"Guh." Adriel held his heart that was shot.

"In fact, the list is getting longer and longer as the years goes on. It's yours that you should be worried about, Adriel." Darius smiled his trademark smile whenever he would shoot someone down with his words. "I think you should hurry up and get off the list of the most popular bachelor while you're still on the list. You're not getting younger after all."

Another arrow was shot in Adriel's wounded heart.

Adriel shot up in fury and throws the towel in his hand to the ground and snapped. "Fine! I accept that people need new faces. But why am I getting lower and lower on the list while yours is getting higher and higher when we are of the same age!"

Indeed, Adriel and Darius are of the same age, which is 257 years old. For the zorains, 3 thousand years old was still considered young. What's more for a 200 years old. But unfortunately, zorains has critical eyes that loves beauty. Although Adriel looks handsome with his fiery red hair, light green eyes with six pointed star pupils, straight nose and built with the height of 2 meter 5 inches. After years of being in the list, zorainians also wanted to appreciate some new faces.

Darius, though, was of a different league. People just couldn't get enough of his devil like smile. they said, there are no man who could rival Darius of smiling like a devil while being handsome. Even he couldn't understand why they would think so when his men would tremble like a sieve the moment he smiled but those fans would scream to the high wall. Perhaps because they could tell that he doesn't mean them any harm but for the men under him, he could toast them however he want.

While Darius had a fun time watching his friend wailing, he soon noticed an approaching figure among the dispersing crowds with hurried footsteps coming towards them. Watching his friend serious look, he knew it couldn't be good news.

The figure wearing glasses saluted to the two of them. "Major General Darius. Colonel Adriel."

Adriel stood up and nodded back. "How're ya doing, Liam?"

Liam: "Before this, good. Not so much after getting this news."

Lieutenant Colonel Liam West said, "I have an important matter to report concerning the Puppeteer Master, Master Carson."

Hearing the name, both of them had a foreboding feeling. That name, once made trouble for the whole Zorain 75 years ago with his puppet. That name alone was bound to make the Zoranians dread after all.

Darius nodded. "Let's go to my office."

With the door closed, Darius activated the anti-eavesdropping and sat opposite Adriel on the sofa while Liam stood on attention.

"Puppeteer Master Carson had news of going to the Feldian Auction to sell his puppet. It was gathered that he wants to sell a puppet that took Master Carson 300 years to gather high grade materials create it alone."

"300 years? Just what kind of puppet is he making that took that long? And why hasn't it been heard before." Adriel mused quietly.

Liam took a look at Adriel, closed his eyes and announced rather dully. "It's a 7S-level danger grade puppet."

The moment he heard the 7S danger grade word, the string called sanity snapped, Adriel, who was too angry, slammed the table with his hands, leaving a very distinct mark on the gleaming surface. The veins on his temple bulged as he shouted in anger with his teeth baring. "Did that old man lost his mind?! A 5S-level puppet was dangerous enough, he freaking leaped straight up to a 7S-level dangerous zone puppet! Was the last lesson not enough for him to remember?!"

70 years ago, Puppeteer Carson made a 5S puppet and sold it at an auction. Before they could contain the news, other beings from the galaxy had heard/of it and fought for the owner of the puppet and it almost made the whole universe go to war.

The only reason it didn't was because the hidden masters who were busy traveling or experimenting, got together to destroy it into pieces.

"Why was there no news about the puppet until now?" Darius glanced at the mark and made a note of demanding compensation from Adriel after this.

Liam sighed with a frown. "Not that there are no news but that people only know that he was making his 'perfect' puppet. Which no one expected it."

"His goal was to make a perfect puppet, this is what we all know as that was what he said when asked by an interviewer. It's not a secret. It's just that we thought he wouldn' succeed. We believe that the 5S-level was his experiment in the making of it. A practice for his hand in case there's an error in his ideal puppet. But." Liam paused. "After completing his ideal puppet, Master Carson seemed to have realized the danger of keeping such puppet and decided to sell the puppet before the matter leaked out. His haggard face tells how reluctant he is at the thought of letting go of that puppet."

"Him getting haggard for it is what he deserves it. No one told him to make a highly dangerous weapon that could be used by any being as an owner!" Adriel grumbled behind his gnashed teeth

"And now, he's throwing the trouble to other people? Again? Great. Just. Great." Adriel spits out the words behind gritted teeth.

The reason why Adriel was so angry was that 70 years ago, a lot of his soldier had to be sacrificed in that war. The battle not only served as a lesson of how hostile the outsider are towards them but also made them aware of how greedy are those outsider for their power and magic.

Thinking silently for a while, Darius made a quick decision. "Keep a tight lid over the news of the puppet. Don't let the 'outsiders' know about this news."

"What about the puppet? Although it's fine if it's zorainian to get it but are we gonna let them get it? That puppet has the same level of danger as you!"

Darius took a silent look at Adriel's baffled face and smiled, making Adriel tremble and Liam taking a step back. "I never said not to bid for it. Since it's an auction, it's a fair competition. Whoever has more money, wins."

As a crown prince and a Major General, few people could win Darius who made many business venture, mining and 'rewards' from military exploits. The only one who could rival him is the Emperor and the General but both wouldn't move their hands once Darius makes the first step.

"Now that things have become like this, we can only do what we can to control the situation. And besides," He leaned back on the sofa and smiled slightly with a gleam in his eyes. "It'll be interesting to see how those others would jump up and down once they've heard of the news."

Both Adriel and Liam shivered, their line of thoughts rarely went in the same line. There it is, the Devil is out again.

Two weeks later, Feldian Auction

Looking out from the third floor of the VIP room, the whole Feldian Auction was full and packed. Lucas Lemington, a baby faced young man with red hair sky and a pair of shinning blue eyes, looked at the auction hall with big eyes.

"Everyone is really hyped up over the puppet. Even the 5S puppet wasn't this full when it was auctioned years ago." He complained bitterly with a sneer.

Liam shrugged nonchalantly. "After all, it is a 7S puppet. It's the highest puppet ever made in history. If it was normal, this puppet would've made it into history record. Unfortunately, it's too dangerous to be made known publicly."

"I heard that this puppet has a hidden properties."

"The news of the puppet are too tight. Even I barely heard any more than that. The owner of the Feldian said that he will announce all the properties of the puppet in the auction."

The baby face frowned imperceptibly. "What's with all this secret doin'."

"It won't be long until we know what it is anyway." Liam replied nochalantly while browsing the other things that was about to be auctioned in the light screen tablet.

Lucas pouted.

"Nee, Darius. What do you think it is?"

Without lifting his head from checking his lightbrain, he replied: "It's no use guessing. Like Liam said, wait."

Lucas, the curious baby, 'tsked'. "You guys sure are no fun."

Liam: "I really don't want to hear that from someone who transferred his work to his adjutant and skipping work for a date."

The guilty guy, Lucas, finally shut his mouth and the room was finally peaceful.

Once the time for the start of the auction has come, the bustling noise in the auction calmed down and focused on the treasure being brought out.

A man who was wearing a smart suit, stood in the middle of the stage with a professional smile and introduced himself without a stage fright.

"Welcome everyone to Feldian. I, Slaine, will be the host of today's auction."

Thus, was the start. One by one, was being introduced.

Some of them are captured star beast, known and unknown materials, weapons made from a renowed weapon master, potions, etc.

Lucas, who couldn't sit still, joined in on the fun and bought a few things suitable for him. After all, the one who'll be buying the puppet won't be him anyway. He didn't need to save money.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the last item was brought out. A metal capsule with a hard glass cover. In it, lay a little girl who was only over 1.7 meter in height and had a small built. Her silky golden blond hair was combed neatly and her face had a silver mask on to hide her face.

For the zorains, who had over 2 meters in height, she looked like a delicate doll that children would play with. Not like a dangerous weapon of 7S. Although they're already used to the size of the puppet dolls that had differently build than them, they still couldn't help but be surprised by it.

The host of the auction, smiled when seeing their reactions. After all, he was also stunned when seeing it. Remembering what the introduction was, he straightened his back and calmed himself down. With his introduction, this puppet will never be forgotten and may even be a dangerous weapon for their zoranian once it was bought by the wrong person.

Although the Feldian Auctions accept any materials, even if they are afraid to auction this puppet and even advised the Master Puppeteer to hand in the puppet to the military but alas. The Master was stubborn and would only auction his dear treasure. As he said, getting treasure so easily won't be taken care of so dearly but would only be discarded easily once they got what they wanted.

Unable to refute, they could only send the news that Master Carson had done something dangerous again to the First Legion and kept the news tightly from going out to the 'other'.

"This is a puppet made by Master Carson himself. After testing it's grade, this puppet has reached the 7S dangerous level. Not only is it's strength terrible, it also has regenerative property.

Even also able to upgrade it's level by itself."

The silent crowd became chaotic.

Author's note:

I'm sorry for not updating for a few days. Something happened and I could finally pick up my keyboard(lol) to type words. I hope you will have an enjoyable reading and a happy day.