
Chapter - 13

I did it, the thought occupying my mind.

On the morning of the holiday, Araki Maya's behavior was so powerful.

Even though we had a physical relationship, I felt like I had let the trend take over, so she took a backseat to me, who was still feeling embarrassed, and pressed on with fierce determination, trying to cut short her lover's rod.

I mistakenly believe that the energy gain is as much as that of a sprinter.

Sancho is a small grain of..., as they say, but he was right there.

I can only say that it's "like a bullseye".

It's only the beginning, as he leans in slick and smooth on the way to school, puts his arm around me, grabs my hand (in a finger-to-finger, passionate embrace, aka lover's grip), and smiles broadly as he says, "Come on, senior, let's go."

When she realizes that she's not going to be able to pretend to be popular on the road, she tugs on the arm of her school uniform, and when I ask her, "What's wrong?" she leaps up and kisses me on the lips in one swift motion.

According to her, it's a "goodbye kiss" not a "hello kiss".

When I point out that it doesn't mean anything, she says, "I don't care what it means, I just want to do it," and refuses to stop.

This impromptu kiss continues until her legs can no longer support her steps and she falls to the ground, shaking.

Of course, it doesn't end there.

The next few times she gets a chance, she quickly performs the combo of "dragging," "stepping," and "falling.

By the time we reached the school, we had exchanged close to ten kisses.

I wasn't really enjoying the feel of Maya's lips, nervous that someone was watching, but she was somehow nonchalant and excited without the slightest hint of crisis.

Her cheeks are flushed, her forehead is slightly beaded with sweat, but she's savoring the saliva they've exchanged in her mouth with a relaxed "so what?" expression.

Could it be that this child is a very frightening being for his small size...?

The thought grew in proportion to the amount of vines wrapped around every inch of his body.

Since we're in different grades, we naturally part ways on the way to the classroom, but he clings to me until the last second, as if checking my temperature, and then pulls away.

"Well, I'll see you at recess."

I say coolly and walk away, but the vines, a metaphor for heartbreak, stretch out and entwine around me, covering my hands, feet, and torso, filling every inch of my body with green.

A shroud of dependence that no one can see but me.

It almost obscures my vision.

The density is almost cocoon-like, making me feel like a caterpillar.

It's this cocoon that gives me the chills.

I stay in this cocoon until it's time for recess and Maya comes to class.

During the fifty minutes of class, the cluster of slender vines wrapped around her body twitches slightly as she receives emotions from a girl in another classroom far away.

Wistfully, lovingly.

Metaphors that hold up so well don't come around that often, not even Kurumi.

Even while we were separated, I had trouble dealing with the fact that Maya's feelings were only directed at me--whether I should ignore them or find them endearing.

When Maya and I started dating, the guys in my class, who were underclassmen and younger in appearance, said.

"Why would you ditch a beautiful girl with big breasts...!"

"I can't believe you finally chose Rampaging Rory...!"

"What a blasphemy...!"

"What kind of immorality...!"

"You're like Loricom...!"

"I'm so envious of you that I can't stand it...!"

While saying that, the men who were emitting a large amount of murderous aura, and the men who were not even close to Kurumi for some reason sided with her.




I had a hard time finding a place to put my body, as the women were all coming at me with accusatory emotions -- metaphorical spears,

"Something wrong?"

Maya asked, looking around with a cold gaze, but no one spoke up.

"We must not let Araki Maya go on a rampage."

The unwritten rule seems to have completely infiltrated our class, even the upperclassmen.

I, too, knew that her cute exterior hid a magma-like activity that was the opposite of cute, and I must be careful to never let this My-Little-Lover go on a rampage..., I vowed in my mind as I gazed at the metaphor of a vine spiraling around my pinky finger.

It was useless.

Trying to stop her from going on a rampage is the same as trying to stop a tsunami with a dike.

The only way to stop her is to get laughed at.

It wasn't until lunchtime that Rampaging Rory was in full-on Rampaging Rory mode.

"Can you come with me for a minute?"

It was only five minutes later that I felt a sense of urgency, a sense of crisis, when I realized that my casual "Yeah, sure" to Maya, who was packing her homemade lunch, was followed by a "No, this is a resonance trap!"

Maya, who had released her grip on my hand, turned around.


and took a polite step forward to capture my lips, which wasn't all that unexpected.

But Maya wasn't satisfied with that, and very skillfully intertwined our tongues while hooked her fingers in the zipper of my pants.

She pulled them down with a snap and without any hesitation.

"Chu, fuha...then senior, let's do it here."

She licked her lips to moisten them and said, "Haha...?" and I made a dumbfounded face.

It's not like it's the back of the gym, or a stall in the bathroom, or a classroom that no one uses, or a corner of the stairs, or a rooftop that's deserted.

It was just a hallway with little foot traffic.

The hallway of the secondary school, which is mainly used for mobile classrooms and clubs.

The sounds of people talking or cheering can be heard from the classrooms inside the hallway, the classrooms right next to it, and the playground beyond the window.

A quick glance around reveals that there are no other students or teachers in range, but you don't know who will come at any moment.

If someone comes out of the classroom, your life is over.

"No, you know what, if you'd stop making jokes I can't laugh at--"

"Don't worry, no one comes at this time of day."

I said the last part under my breath.

What?" said...that, of course.

Kneeling in the middle of the hallway, mumbling incoherently.

It was obviously on my lips.

This was no dream. It had happened in real life.

"This is ridiculous. Do you think anyone would actually do this? At a time like this, in a place like this... Hey, stop it!"

"What? What do you mean, they won't let me sleep?"

Maya, still wilting, looks up and tilts her head, her blue, round eyes moisturized, and she looks away.

She has an innocent face, but the corners of her mouth are not the least bit innocent.

Even the way she pushes a stray strand of hair away from her side looks lewd.

The sound of the water, which had begun to run quietly, was deafening with its stark reality.

In a hallway in broad daylight, ×××××.

It was an outrageous display of common decency that could not possibly be sane.

The topic of "sex at school must be exciting!" is a common one in the small talk of guys, but in all the adventures and bragging stories I've heard, there's no pattern of "in the hallways of a school in the middle of the day".

I can only assume that someone who would do that would want to be socially obliterated.

But I was already stiffening it in Maya's mouth.

The unexpected release made my head spin, and something akin to a chill ran down my spine.

"...That's why the first edition is already sold out."

"What, is it real?"

I'm strangely alert and aware enough to make out the sounds coming from the classroom, which had sounded dull.

Outside, the dull crack of a bat.

I could hear every word of the boys playing baseball in the yard.

Nerves are hypersensitive--needless to say, the point on her lower abdomen that is most irritated is at its peak.

There, swollen by Maya's tiny tongue, is a rush of fresh pleasure that surpasses any pleasure I've tasted yesterday or the day before, and it overwhelms my reason.

My knees threaten to give way.

Unable to hold it in, I run my hands through Maya's hair and moan.

It was a moan that felt like my soul was overflowing.

Maya's tongue and palate work diligently to target sensitive spots while her head is pressed down.

It's only been two days, but her learning is already paying off, and it's not awkward at all.

She uses her tongue as smoothly as if she were manipulating her fingers, which she's had since birth.

The way he tilts his head and the placement of his gaze is exquisite, and while I still feel like there's room for improvement, I can guarantee that there are almost no dead spots.

Even the sound of his hair brushing against the fabric of his pants is tantalizing.

Resisting the urge to fall in love with it, I sneak a peek into his eyes.

Contrary to my expectations, there's not the slightest hint of mischief.

He works the meaty joystick with a steady gaze that could be described as serious, breathing through his nose and occasionally looking up.

His delicate golden hair, loosely wavy, complements his expression.

The outstretched vines are coiled gently, pausing in their movements as if in silent assertiveness.

This child is--.

I can't help but realize that this child is doing this to please me, that she's risking shame for the sake of it, for the sake of it alone.

Constantly, constantly.

The pleasure was almost painful, almost intoxicating.

Suddenly, I realized that my mouth was watering.

Even when I wiped it away, my mouth opened and stretched as if it were spontaneously kicking.

I wonder if I should say that it's the boundary of dharma.

My judgment had already melted away, and my heart was being caressed as if it were in heaven.


I stroke her hair while calling her name.

Her beautiful curls bounce softly in the palm of my hand.

Her eyes glisten with moisture, and she works harder and harder, her lips twitching.

She gulps down the saliva and other bodily fluids that threaten to overflow, and yet they stick and cling and refuse to come off, staining her mouth even more.

You can feel the young mouth working hard to serve, and the warmth seeps through to the wick in the center of your body.


There is a lull in the time lug until it reaches his ears.


Footsteps echoed from the far corner of the hallway, someone shouting... coming this way!

Hey, is it real! Of course it's real!

I'm getting nervous. I'd gotten to the point where I thought I could get there with a few more steps, but if I stayed here, I could invite the worst.

"He, stop! No, he's coming, he's coming, he's coming!"

I frantically tried to get Maya to stop talking, but she wasn't listening.

She shakes her head in disbelief and says, "Mmm," and quietly sucks deep into my throat.

She wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me into a tight embrace.

It was what I would describe as a "hot, tight hug" if it weren't for the circumstances.

While holding on like that, she stares at me with determination, a strong glint in her eyes.

"Come on, come out.

There was no time to fight back.

The pressure of the hot mucous membranes pumped up the shotgun between my crotches and exploded.

The pleasure was searing. She moaned uncontrollably.

The shot went directly into the girl's throat.

Maya responds and swallows hard, holding back the choking sensation.

But it doesn't stop anytime soon. It just keeps coming and coming and coming.

Alas, the owner of the footsteps is about to emerge from the other side of the hall!

Dara Dara and it won't stop!

Maya doesn't stop, but she clamps her mouth around it and sucks it in, trying to squeeze out every last drop!

That's it! Damn it, if I'd known this was coming, I wouldn't have said "I'm glad you drank it" yesterday!

Too late, it's a big pinch! Ugh!

It's called a...problematic remark!


The toe of the shoe came into view.

My brain was filled with the words "my life is over".

"Oh, Mr. Kubo, about the sheet music."

"What? Why?"

The teacher, who was clearly about to turn the corner, stopped dead in his tracks as another voice called out.


The climactic eruption was cut off while the two were still talking.

It was a desperate moment.

Pulling the thread back from where it came from, Maya removed her mouth and wiped her saliva and other bodily fluids with her handkerchief.

"I told him it was okay," she says, "even if he didn't panic."

With that, she wipes the corner of her mouth with the same handkerchief.

Does he feel okay with the handkerchief after wiping his mouth with it?

No, I'm sure she had her mouth on it earlier, but it was a little uncomfortable.

I felt a little defeated and couldn't muster up the energy to protest.

"Hmm," Maya, who had miraculously survived her own shame game, crossed her arms.

"Well, if that's what you say, I guess I can't help it. Okay, fine, I'll stop doing this dangerous thing."

He raises an eyebrow.

"--You're hoping for a place like this next time, or a more dangerous and gruesome situation in the middle of the night, where you'll think it's just a kid's prank, Senior!"

"Don't misunderstand me! Are you actually a sadist! Or are you a new style of very high-pressure masochist!"

I realized this as I gripped his thin shoulders and probed.

I realize that once this guy starts rampaging, there's no stopping him.

Rory on the rampage. Maya Araki, a first-year who I'm not sure if she's a half or a quarter because I haven't seen her yet.

She seems to have a naked personality that reaches the peak of recklessness that breaks through the imaginary ceiling of this side.

I wonder if it was a good idea to get involved with this guy...I wonder if I can really handle it.

I couldn't help but feel nervous.

And the other thing that bothered me was Kurumi.

After what happened, it was hard to face her, but you can't run away forever.

My relationship with Kurumi has also deteriorated because I've been pretending not to see it and ignoring it.

I must end this state of affairs now.

I put a chip on my shoulder to make sure she knew I chose Maya, but Kurumi didn't show up in the morning.

I thought she might be running late, but in the end, she didn't show up to school and was absent.

It was a shock to her, too.

It wasn't unexpected, but when I realized it, my mood sank.

If you want to move on from this, you need to talk to each other and get some closure.

Even if there are some things that are hurting you right now.

──You have to have closure.

That's what I thought.

I went to Kurumi's house. It's a neighbor's house anyway.

When I think about going, it's as simple as removing my psychological resistance.

"She didn't seem to be in a good mood..."

The lady who comes out to answer shows a bit of fatigue and distress.

The metaphor is a closed door. Even though she came out to greet me, she didn't seem to be in the mood to welcome me.

Perhaps she suspects me of being the cause and doesn't want to let me meet Kurumi.

I say goodbye and leave.

I open my cell phone. There are no calls or emails. She doesn't seem to be reacting.

I think to myself, "Maybe I should just let it die a natural death," and go with the flow.

I shake my head in denial.

We're meeting to clear up the mess that has become a mess.

If I run away from this, I'll just leave a mess behind.

You shouldn't.

If you talk to each other and it ends in a resolution, that's fine.

But if you don't even come face to face and leave behind the seeds of depression, no one wins.

You'll only hurt each other.

Because I can't be in a relationship, I can't stand the thought of hurting everyone.

She's still my best friend, no matter what.

I decided not to use force to talk to her.

I broke into Kurumi's house while her parents were away.

He knows they've been close for years because he keeps a spare key in a toolbox in the barn.

What they were doing was clearly criminal, but it didn't matter.

I'm sure the adults around me would have said "time will tell" and convinced me to keep my distance for now.

But... that monster in him, if left alone, could grow out of proportion to the passage of time.

He's so afraid of it that he's trespassing.


Knock on the door of the room.

"Kurumi, it's Yohei, can I speak with you for a moment?"

There is no answer.

The other side of the door is completely silent, with no sign of life.

If the door is closed, Kurumi must be there.

Undeterred, I knock again.

"I don't care what's on the other side of the door, I want you to listen. I'm Araki-ma..."


Just as I'm about to speak, I hear the doorknob jingle. The door won't open.

I turned the knob...and turned back.

Kurumi opened the door for me, but she's not coming out.

Is she asking me to come in? It had been years since I had entered Kurumi's room.

I felt hesitant, but I said, "Okay," and opened the door.

It's dark...I wonder if she hasn't turned on the light.

One step, two steps, as I grope the wall for the switch.

A click.

A metallic sound. A cold sensation runs across my skin.

It's not a squeak. The door remains open.

I look. Something on her wrist.

A ring of restraint, shining with silver.

──It was handcuffs.