The gentle sound of cluttery clicking with each other filled the otherwise silent room. Master had not ''said'' or rather wrote anything else in the ear since he took the small fork in his hand and begin eating.
While he eat, a new habit of his made itself know. He observed the things around him with vapid curiosity not even Master gaze doing much the same with him. Normally, Snow would stare at the next interesting or unusual thing around him. It could be a beautifully sewed napkin, a new dish that he would hesitate to eat or even Paul hairs that grow white hairs by the day.
Observing his Master hands wasn't something that he would ever though of doing.
He tried to look away, tried to focus on anything else, but the way those hands moved was mesmerizing. Each subtle flex of muscle under taut skin, each casual brush against the fabric of his sleeve, sent a shiver through him that he couldn't quite explain. Why was he so drawn to them?
He could feel the inside of his body trembling when those hands flexed, fingers intertwined with each other, a band of cold metal gleaming on his Master chocolate hand made him pause, fixating his eyes there. The ring was simple, a band of metal that seemed almost too cool and hard against the warmth of the skin it circled. It hugged the base of his finger snugly, gleaming subtly in the light.
It brought a strange, unknow feeling in his chest but before he could focus on it his tongue ached desperately.
The sudden appearance of letters arranging themselves in front of his eyes made him finally look away from Master hands.
Master words were suddenly in front of him making him slightly choke on his next bite. With wide eyes and shock at his own thoughts, Snow flushed with shame and terror. He nodded violently, stuffing his cheeks with another bite before realizing with embarrassment that he finished the plate already.
Suddenly, he had the dangerous desire of looking at his Master face. The mere glimpse of the man eyes was still engraved in his mind. He couldn't do that though. He shouldn't even have desires in the first place. It was all his fault...or it wasn't?
With disbelief and a gasp on his lips, his face snapped up, meeting his Master face once more. His heart trembled and body tensed. It was a heart sizing feeling where he didn't know what to do.
His Master was smiling at him. Warm chocolate skin covering his whole body, striking features that should strike fear in Snow mind but it didn't and the two orbs of molted gold was the image of perfection in Snow eyes.
His Master is without a doubt, the most beautiful person Snow had ever saw.
Master was still smiling at him. a soft quirk of his lips but otherwise a clear blank wall. The words though were a clear dismissal, a sign for him to get out.
He didn't want to leave.
such a wild thought to have Snow thought watching his Master look at him blankly. With his head bowed and tongue aching, borderline on bleeding, Snow get up from his seat walking towards the door.
''Master.'' he called with his back turned, slapping a hand over his mouth before scrambling out of the room. Maybe he will be wiped for his insubordination, maybe Paul will be punished cause of him or he would be beat or locket again for using his real voice.
Strangely enough that didn't matter now.
The only thing that mattered for Snow was that his Master eyes were lifeless. Like looking in a mirror of his own past.
The next time he meet with Paul it was at dinner and for the first time, Snow talked first.
''Master doesn't want me.'' he immediately blushed at his choice of words, rough and quiet voice reasoning in the room but he didn't dare talking more then that, last he would say something undesirable.
''Of course he does. Young Master Helios chose you so you could help Master Aeron so of course he wants you. Maybe he doesn't know it yet, stubborn man he is but I'm sure that the more you two will meet things will be better.''
After a few moment of silence, of Snow cowering his shoulders, Paul talked again a little more weary.
''Child, is this about Master Aeron muteness? Did Young Master Helios not told you about his limitation?''
With a heavy sigh Paul took a seat, his face finally looking his age. His wrinkles were deeper and eyes sadder.
''When Master curse appeared, he lost his voice. Permanently. He is took proud of a boy to learn any form of sign language so those flaming letters that show up every now and then, are his only form of 'verbal' communication.''
So that means Master didn't think that Snow wasn't worth his words. Wasn't worth to speak with.
''Now about his other limitation is quite new so even Young Master Helios isn't familiar with it. Master Aeron deafness begin a few weeks before you arrived but his magic makes up for it by helping him. I don't know the details, maybe Master Aeron will tell you in the time you two will spend together.'' Paul smiled with relief and a hint of desperation in his tone, squeezing his hands with Snow's before turning back with a runny nose
deaf? deafness? like he can't hear anymore Snow thought faintly and for the first time felt something akin with happiness outside of his dancing i can talk and not be punished, maybe i can really heal Master
His good mood vanished little by little while Paul already begin eating.
how could I meet with Master if he doesn't want me near? Snow thought before taking his medicine in one go, a thought so unlike him making place in his mind.
Last night I was in a car accident, nothing serious beside obvious mental trauma and a few panick attacks.
I was suppose to write more chapters yesterday night but because of the accident I will write them this night.
It will be a strunggle without Pepsi but I will make do....I hope.
This is the last bulk chapter, I thank everyone for their patience and I wish you a great day, nice meal and safe drive.
Don't be shy and leave a comment if anything confused you