
Oh my husband

He loves me. But he never shows it. He always saves me. Then puts the reward in my ex's name. He's always there. Then goes away when I wake up. He believes that I still love his best friend. Still goes through humiliation just to save me. How can I not love him? Pari is a sensible girl born to rich parents. She's had many heartbreaks in life including how she broke it off with her ex. What happens when the guy her father chose to marry her off to is best friends with her ex? Will she go back to her ex? Or will she fall in love with her future husband? And even after marriage... Can she love him the way she loved her ex? Or will she never get over the guy who left her...?

Lankshan · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


I went out with Aayu that day... I mean, my marriage was just 1 month away and there was still so much to do! Plus, my work was getting affected and so were my nerves. Besides, whenever Suha was around me, she'd always only want to talk about her brother and I really didn't want to talk about that. Besides, he was on his own bachelor party and I needed a break from everyone and everything. So, I decided to go out with Aayu because, she was free.

" Pari... You need to chill," and currently she was trying to calm my nerves as she freaked out about something related to the Sangeet function... I don't even remember what it was that I was freaking out about but I remember being breathless as I held shopping bags in my hands and sat in a corner of a Cafe.

" Everything will be ok,"

" How?! Even bhai is not here to take care of anything! How is anything going to be ok?!" I shouted at her and she sighed as she held my hand. Honestly, Suha was a great friend but just that in those situations, she wasn't that great. I understand that she was able to calm bhai after mom died but... It's not the same with me. She'd try to make fun out of everything and just that everything wasn't funny. So, I was hanging out with Aayu for the time being.

" Your baba is there. Right? And Deepa Bua is also looking at the situation. You really don't need to be so worried about the flowers. The wedding planner will take care of it. You just take a deep breath, drink that coffee and tell me if you've seen business proposal yet," hush. And that is called comforting because 2 minutes into her talking, I had already sighed and was currently drinking coffee with a cool heart. Nothing to bother me.

" I saw the trailer..."

" And?"

" I just didn't have the time to watch it yet. Let the marriage get over then I'll watch it," and we were just having a small talk about the latest kdrama that had hit the floors. Just, a very small talk and I was already even feeling better...

When it happened.

You know how I said that I was over him...?


I saw him there, kissing a random woman who was playing with them. He was into it, I could guess. No, it wasn't my fiance. No, it wasn't my brother either. It wasn't even my ex. It was that man. That stupid man that I should've stopped feeling for a long time ago. But that scene, him kissing her... It just struck me. Like a bullet out of nowhere. Why? I didn't understand. But I didn't like the scene at all.

It was filling my head, eating all my peace away, stomping all over my heart, knocking a hammer over my head, reminding me that yes, I once kissed him exactly like that. I was continuously reminded that I was the one who asked for closure and it had really felt so damn right at that moment. That feeling I had got of confidence, just went away. Seeing him there, holding her was killing me and I didn't want to show it at all. But who can even help it when tears come out of your eyes right? I kept wiping them off, scolding myself that no. It was wrong. I could no longer feel for him at all. I shouldn't. I was getting married. Still, it hurt like hell, and rather than a rose, my heart felt like it was gifted thorns that pricked it so damn hard.

" What the fuck is that man doing here?!" And I guess she hadn't seen my face before she said that because the moment she saw me, her face turned full of worry

" Hey... Is everything ok?" she asked me but I shook my head and looked away from her, wiping my tears hard. It even hurt my cheeks and eyes now. She was worried. I knew that she was worried because she held my hand and kept trying to get me to stop. She had that look on her face, one full of worry and tension since I didn't really say anything to her.

Although, I stopped feeling bad for myself when I got a call. It wasn't something wrong or different that I received a call from him but, as I looked at his name on my screen, I knew that this was different.

" Should I pick up?" She asked softly and I just sniffed, picking up my phone. I shook my head and just stared at the caller ID for a long time.

Now, I remembered why I didn't have to feel bad after seeing that man move on...

I was getting married and those old feelings... There was no place for them in my life anymore.

" Hello?" I tried my best to not let my voice crack but it did

" What happened?" He immediately got worried and I sniffed

" Nothing. I just saw Naruto," I lied because I had gotten used to it by now. Lying to bhai, lying to suha, lying to dad... Lying to him too seemed easy

" What's sad in that?" He asked me and I wiped my tears

" Itachi died," I answered and kept my head back to take support of the seat while Aayu kept glancing at me. I don't know what she felt, except telling me that that man wasn't worth it...

" He died?" He asked me

" Do you even know what Naruto is?" Was a better question and I heard a chuckle to it

" I guess I'll have to watch it now," came the answer, " but seriously. What kind of a name is that? Naruto. Itachi," I almost laughed at that, no idea why. I just felt light after talking to him...

" It's Japanese,"

" Spelled fish bowl," he told me and I giggled. I no more felt bad for now I remembered why I even got that closure.

" What's up? You called?" I cut it a little short

" Nothing. Your brother just declared that he wanted to take a detour so, we're just roaming. I got free time so... You free?" He sounded pretty unsure and I smiled

" Yeah," I told him and we got to talk. Small chat that went on for too long. He asked me stuff, about what I wanted from there and my answer like always was - " anything," because honestly, I just wanted to see what he bought back for me.

I never thought that he would call during his boys trip but he did and I was glad, really happy about it.

" Just one call from Sohit and you're literally glowing," she commented after I finally cut the call because we reached the airport and all I could do was push her away, shyly.

" That's not how it was actually," I tried to argue but we both knew better than that

" Liar. I don't get how you can even lie so easily to my face," she came back and all I did was blush slightly, look at the trolley I was carrying and blink before framing the sentence properly

" So what?" I asked back, a little boldly, " I'm just happy. You got any problems? Besides. When are you going out with Kitty? It's been so long since my engagement now," she blushed but never answered. Only dismissed the topic. But I knew... She had to go on a date with him now, no matter what. I knew...

And why could I remember all that?

It was all because of that one phone call that wasn't even productive or full of love. Just one, mind clearing, bringing back to reality and funny phone call from the right guy was all I needed.

I just hope that keeps lifting my mood when I'm sad just like this even after marriage...