
Oh love! Goodbye to you

Love happened to be in the air but for him no love existed. He was in his late 30s but was totally engulfed in his work. It took time but destiny surely has never left anyone alone. He happened to be arrogant with a desperate heart dyeing for love. That one day in valley along borders totally took him out of what he was and spent his years in her love. She was an innocent teacher. Betrayals never let her hopes die for true love. Her belief and love for God made her meet him. The girl gave him tough time during the unexpected tour arranged by the destination for them. Sometimes in the valley and sometimes up the hills, she seemed him annoying and a caring one too. She was simple but colourful for him. The unexpected love in the valley arose in his heart for her. Finally they met but the hatred and rivalry among the two nations couldn't let her stay with him. He did his best to keep his love with him. The hurdles and misunderstandings couldn't apart them from eachother. They were meant for eachother. This was clearly written in God's destination book. Finally they lived their fantasy life in real but together. Love is not just making memories together and leaving eachother. Love is making memories but living together with pure heart and innocent care.

HinaTaj_1176 · Urban
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100 Chs

19. Engagement preparations and him again

The very next day Zabi arrived at Mrs Shaiqa place to pick up Feeha for selection of engagement dress.

The girl was nervous going alone, so she asked Aanaye to accompany her.

Aanaye reluctantly accepted the request as she was thinking about Zabi..."What he will think Feeha? You are totally a dumbo. He is here for you to go with him alone. He want to develop understanding with you."

Aanaye got rude and annoyed at her sister's stupid request.

"If you love me you will join me." Feeha warned her and emotionally blackmailed her. " In future we will have long gatherings and chit chats for developing understandings but right now, I can't manage the situation and my nervousness."

So, finally request was accepted by Aanaye for sake of her soon being departed bride sister.

"I am coming but you will tell Zabi that why I am between you people, Aanaye clearly asked her sister about telling him her story of nervousness."

Like an obedient student Feeha nodded her head.

The horn rang out at the door. Ibrahim ran to open the gate for his brother-in-law. Mrs. Shaiqa welcomed the boy at the main door with smile and asked him about his family.

"Hello Zabi, I hope everyone is fine at your home." Said Mrs. Shaiqa and headed him towards the living room.

"Yes aunty, they are all fine, replied Zabi while walking beside her to the living room.

She made the guest sit comfortably.

Let me get you tea dear till the girls are ready to go along, said Mrs. Shaiqa while getting up and going out of room.

"No aunty, Don't bother yourself. I am not a big fan of tea. Just here to pick Feeha as you know alot of arrangements have to be prepared and the time is short, replied Zabi."

Okay son, let me call them.While leaving the room she asked Ibrahim to accompany his brother-in-law.

"Ibrahim replied, Sure mommy."

Zabi was feeling a little shy and awkward but showed that he is a confident man.

Mrs. Shaiqa entered the girls' room to called them.

Are you not ready yet? The boy is sitting in the living room. Hurry up! This is really bad making someone wait. Get out now you both. Said Mrs. Shaiqa.

"Okay Mom, we are ready. Said Aanaye and directed Feeha to go out and tell him that why I was there with you."

"Okay, Okay." Replied Feeha.

Hey, Feeha greeted Zabi while entering the room.

Zabi replied back in greetings of hey and asked her if we can leave now.

Feeha stopped and told her that Aanaye is also coming with us because I have asked her to join me. And that she is feeling a little nervous while going out with anyone.

Zabi comforted her by saying that he donot have any objections with her decision.

Meanwhile Aanaye was there too, to join the couple.

Aanaye greeted happily to her brother-in-law and felt really awkward while sitting in the car with the couple.

Silently Zabi drove the car to the shopping mall. No one talked with eachother in the way.

While reaching at the mall the girls walk out of the car while Zabi went to park the car.

Aanaye asked her sister to talk something with him and donot behave as dumb. Atleast ask him about his song collection and liking disliking. Further guided her to ask his dress choice and colour as we see the girls doing in T.V serials. Moreover give him a chance to talk with you.

Aanaye asked her sister that you both can shop together till then she can see something for herself and Keeha for an engagement.

"Feeha said, Okay I will try."

Annoying and mad girl! don't just try do it with heart to develop good communication, guided an elder sister Aanaye.

"Hmmmm...Fine. He is coming." Said Feeha.

"Feeha you both can go and choose something for your day. And I am off to my way to find something good for your day." Said Aanaye.

Okay Aanaye, with a smile she took a break or we can say she gave them break.

Aanaye was a choosey girl. She picks thing after a long over thinking and after complete checks of new arrivals. Everyone in her family roam behind her in the mall for hours until she finds something of worth spending. It was her thinking that it takes your hard work for earning a penny so buy something with worth value with less expense that is why Aanaye could spend time and time while shopping. She never think of anyone who has accompanied her during shopping.

Aanaye was just looking up for something extraordinary with less budget right then she felt the presence of someone at her back.

She turned to see that who was it... but no one. she continued with her work.

Right when she was out of the shop, some one holded her hand.

Aanaye got angry and turned to see who was it.

YOU? surprisingly Aanaye said.

YES, it was Tabi who replied.

Can we talk for a while? He said.

NO WAY, rudely replied Aanaye.

Tabi said, " I want to talk to you for more then a year. Please give me a while. I want to explain things."

Listen Mr. Is there any need of your explanations? Or tell me, Will your explanations return me my time? Or tell me what you want to prove? That you were fair in love and a loyal and that I was one who created hurdles? Or what Mr. Tabi?

You must leave. I don't want anyone to see you with me. So respect atleast this. Said Aanaye and walked while behind Tabi called her.

"Aanaye Aanaye please just for a second, let me see you. He said."

Go and see your wife and don't create drama for me.

Said Aanaye and went.

She went to the rest room and stood alone with fast beating heart. After few minutes she was back in her conscious and thought to call Feeha to return home back. But she din't want to ruin her happiness and what answer she will make infront of her to be brother-in-law. So she waited for a while there and then went out.

She looked around and wore her goggles. She gathered her courage and went to the food court to have coffee. After an hour Feeha called her to ask her location and Aanaye told her.

The couple joined her with a glass of fresh lime juice.

Aanaye seemed a little disturbed to Feeha. She wanted to ask her reason but Aanaye smiled her that she got tired of her own wandering in the mall today.

Feeha felt something but remained quiet because of Zabi.

The girls reached home. Feeha was blushing.