


sunansakti7 · Fantasy
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Chapter 15 : Anomalies Because Of Fernand

Fernand's heart

Now it's my turn!

"G-my turn!!"

"H-Hello!!! S-Salaam, everyone..., My name is Fernand Jouglass, 21 years old and currently studying at Dwisakti University near here"

"In AGD itself, my username is Ortegris, Ranker order 42.For the job itself, it's a bit bad for Ranker...Only the Arch Warden and then the Human Race.Sorry, it's reversed!

*In Fernand's Heart

I'm so embarrassed!!! If the PML is lying about the same job location!!!

"S-now in Padmaloka well.... My username is Gavinox, for the Race I took Dwarf and the Job chose Arithmetician"

"That's it, greetings!" Fernand said groggily.


"Hmmmm!..... Me again!"

"Introducing all of you, my name is Budian Horris, my age is now 35 years old. I now work as a tronton driver in one of Banjarmasin's companies!!!"

"When I was in AGD, my username was Budi Hornet, my rank was 299, my character race was Human and my job was Omega Duelist.

"For today's Beta test, I chose the race of the strange creature Human again, and the job is Warrior and was sent to MIG Hezakh. It may seem monotonous but I like it!"

"That's it! If there are other locations, let's party together!" replied the mustachioed man with authority.


"Now it's my turn to introduce myself!"

"Maybe you are familiar with me because in AGD I am a streamer who has popularity!.My name is Astrid Fellas and I am 24 years old and my occupation was mentioned earlier.

"Maybe you guys know this already!,My username is 'Cellistikh'.My rank yesterday was 3 with a Human Race form and Job is 'Elder bard'."

"For this game, I named the character 'Pashmanikh' with the Elf Race!!! Then I paired it with the archer job!!, As for my location in Hius Roman"

"That's all! If anyone asks for party help, just go there!" said the woman with glasses and black braided hair a little haughty.


The turmoil started between them when the last man said something surprising during the introduction.

"Alright now it's my turn, but I apologize in advance if you're surprised!"

"First of all, my name is Sentanu Gilbert, 28 years old. I'm not working now because I have Financial freedom thanks to my investments from the money I made selling items."

"In AGD, my username is Paragonald! My rank is ..." Sentanu said.

but in the middle of his introduction he was interrupted by the noise caused by the others.

"Eh.....!!!!!" answered four of them.

"Rank 1 cuy...." said Riffano.

"Geeeelaaaaa!!!" said Astrid.

While Fernand and Budian acted casually by answering curtly


Some of them immediately approached him to ask for an autograph and made the tankers who were in different places to eat distractedly staring at Fernand's group. Fortunately there was Budian who firmly stopped them.

"You guys.... Sit down! Don't interrupt people talking"

Hearing that, suddenly Rifanno and Astrid, who were the most excited, immediately jumped out and were stunned and finally returned to their seats with wry faces.

"Okay mas bud!" they both replied

"Continue Mas Sen!" Budian answered

"Okay mas!!! So...My username is Paragonald Rank 1 server indonesia!!! My character race is Elf and the job I used yesterday was Sengoku."

"For PML itself, I named my character Lameduckers with the Satyr Race. But there was something that surprised me because there appeared options in the Rare class and Hidden class job selection categories"

"Eh.....!!!!"8 others were surprised besides Fernand

*In Fernand's heart

This must be the Satyr's doing!!!

"I-that's crazy!!! I was only given 5 options for normal class by that hybrid kangaroo and horse creature!!!"Said Budian

"Yes, the same" said Rifanno, Lopez, & nippona

"What luck!!!"said Astrid

"That's everything!!! I was flabbergasted by that!!! And unlike you I was blessed by a female satyr!" said Sentanu.

"S-satyr!" said the two people who hadn't been introduced in unison.

"You guys know that too?" Sentanu said.

"Heh! It looks like you guys are in luck too!" Juni said.

"Then I'll speed it up!!! I then chose the Apache job!!! My character is now in Hius Patana!!! Please continue you two!!!"Said Sentanu who had long black hair tied up.


"Me first!!!" said the one who hadn't been introduced yet.

"I'm Joko Tansilo, 25 years old, and a mechanic at a well-known Padang workshop!"

"In AGD my nickname is Tuthmusra Rank 206, Human Race and job sting master."

"During the beta testing, I also experienced the same thing as bro sentanu!!! My nickname is now Arcanomancer and chose the Centaur race!!! Then the job I took was of course hidden class Taekwon master!!, I was sent by that selfish Satyr to MIG Sin way" said joko.

Joko immediately tapped the shoulder of the person next to him signaling him to immediately start the final introduction while sitting back down.


"Okay, I'm the last one!"

"My name is Anisa Collosehan, I am 23 years old from Medan and currently work as a salesperson!!!"

"In AGD yesterday my nickname was Conniekitty Rank 219 then Elf Race and job Ascension zealot!!!"

"In the beta testing, I also experienced the same anomaly as Mas joko and mas Sentanu!"

"Nickname is Connieyuppa, the race I chose was Human and the job I took was Rebel. I was sent by that strange Satyr to MIG Horanz. Thank you for listening!"


They finally finished their introductions and started discussing this nonsensical anomaly!!!

"So...among the ten of us, there are three anomalies!!!" Sentanu began.

"This is fucking cheating! How could there be a bug at the stopover!" Rifanno said.

"Yep!" said Rifanno, Fernand, Astrid, Juni & Lopez.

"If it's like this, how can we be blunt? After all, this is also still a beta test!" said Budian.

"I agree!" said Anisa, Joko, Nippona, and Juni.

"Alright!!! What happened was that during my stopover at La Priarki, I met a half-horse and kangaroo creature who carried rubiks!, He gave me 5 Main job Normal class and 5 Secondary job Villager class options! And then a worm hole opened up and was chosen for me by the cosmo lobos! At this point, what's different about you guys? "Budian explained and asked the three of them

"Me first!!! In the beta test I met a female Satyr with long hair. She gave me the option of 4 Hidden class jobs, 8 Rare class jobs, & 24 Normal class jobs...." Joko and then interupted by others people

"What?" Reaction of Rifanno, Juni, Lopez, Astrid, Nippona

"That's so lame!!!" said Budian.

*In Fernand's Heart

Damn Silenosa! How could he be addicted to being a Bless sender!!! If I knew this, I would have taken the Rubik earlier!!!

"I continue!!! and 24 Vilager class jobs for secondary jobs!!, then he selfishly kicked my ass until it was thrown when the worm hole opened. At this point between Bro Sentanu and Mba Anisa, is there anything different from me?" Joko continued.

"Exactly the same" said Anisa

"Nothing" said Sentanu

"Even a second job?" said Riffano.

"Cih!" Astrid's reaction

"Hmmm" Budian's reaction

*In Fernand's Heart

It's a good thing I use the legendary class job!!!

"While there, did you guys encounter anything else?" asked Nippona

"I'll answer! I found the corpse of the creature that Pak Budian said!! only bigger and scarier!!"Sentanu said.

"You two are the same?" asked Budian.

Joko and Anisa nodded their heads

Astid also said

"I don't know if you think the same as me or not!!! But we weren't in the room together with the activation!!! What could it be...!"

"This is just my assumption but I was late arriving so it could all be because of the activation time!" Sentanu said.

"I was late too!!!" said Joko.

"Yep, so was I!!!" Anisa said.

"So this is different from AGD!!! The time in this game still runs even if we don't play it!!! No wonder my character still lives there. It doesn't disappear like in AGD!!!"Said Budian

"Huwah....!!! If you know this, it's better to wake up at noon!!!"Rifanno complained.

"It's useless to come early?!" said Lopez.

"You're right Lopez!!!"Said Juni

"Calm down!!! It's still the first day of the beta test!!!" Budian said.

*In Fernand's Heart

So what Monolith said was right!!!

Rifanno, Astrid, Juni, Nippona, & Lopez were not excited anymore and were surly, while Anisa, Joko, & Sentanu were only plain-faced because they felt guilty.

"You five don't do that!!! This is still a beta test!! Don't be childish!!!" Budian said.

"That's it!" ..... The anomaly is really detrimental Mr. Bud!!!"Nippona said

"That's right, that's right!" said Rifanno.

Fernand finally spoke

"M-sorry to interrupt but....Mr. Joko, Mr. Sentanu & Mrs. Anisa themselves are late by how many minutes!"

"If I'm half an hour," Sentanu replied.

"If I'm an hour!!!" Joko replied

"For me, it's only 15 minutes when you guys start" Anisa replied.

*Fernand Inside

I was in La Priarki for about 4-5 hours, no wonder!!!

"A-um.....What's the situation there if you're deeplayed!!!" Fernand asked.

"The place is a mess!!!" said Sentanu.

"That's right, it's like a broken ship!" said Anisa.

"It's like someone fought!!!" said Joko.

Nippona said.

"Sentanu said earlier that there was a Cosmo lobos corpse blessing the seven of us!!! So maybe the Satyr you met and the creature fought it out!!!"

"But it's weird!!! La Priarki is a place in the middle of nowhere from the visuals, it's impossible for the Pangea Race to be there!!!"Upload Juni

"You're right Mba jun!!!..... Is there anything else besides the chaotic place and the corpse of the bless sender?" Said Mr. Budian

"There is!!!"Answer joko,Anisa,&Sentanu

"Let me do it!!! I saw the entrance to the basement and the ruined altar!!! But when I asked Satyr about it, he didn't want to answer!" Anisa said.

"Basement?" Fernand asked.

The three of them shook their heads

"There must be answers to our questions!" said Rifanno.

"We can only go there once, so there's no hope!" said Nippona.

"Mas Sentanu, and you two!!! You said 24 Villager class options, what are they?" asked Budian

"I kinda forgot too! I chose Fisherman!.... and saw that there was a choice of Construction worker,Farmer,Scavenger,Painter,Singer,Dancer!... I think!" Joko replied.

"Eeee..... I wanted Dancer!!!" said Astrid.

"For me, I chose Chef....then I saw the options of Busker, Tailor, Carpenter, Tanner, Shepperd, and Jester....those are the ones I remember. What about you guys?!!!"

"Wow!!! Even Jester and Busker!" said Rifanno.

"I'll answer that! In the Villager class we are only given the options of Farmer, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Fisherman and Miner," replied Nippona.

Suddenly Budian stood up and kicked the table

*Bruakkk (The sound of pounding the table)

"Since it's like this, should we report it to Mr. Samuel? What do you guys think?" said Mr. Budian.

"Agreed!" Rifanno, Nippona, Juni, Astrid, & Lopez answered while raising their hands.

While the 3 lucky ones simultaneously answered "no", Fernand just listened

"What's wrong with you three? Isn't it our job to report anomalies and bugs?" Budian asked.

"I'm too lazy to repeat myself!" said Joko.

"After all, in the end it will be confiscated too" said Anisa

"I just don't want to waste an opportunity!!! That's all. "Sentanu replied

"You guys are opportunists, aren't you?" said Astrid.

"That's not fair! You're hilarious!" said Lopez.

"That's right! How could you!" said Juni

While Nippona, Rifanno, and Fernand only listened, tension ensued between the six of them who were talking earlier.

"You guys are jealous, aren't you?" said Sentanu.

"You're the ones who aren't jealous enough to blame us!" Joko replied.

Anisa just stayed silent with a sour face and looked away

"Eee...Mas!!! Mba!!! Calm down first!! We haven't eaten yet!" Rifanno said.

"We're not jealous, why do beta tests have to be so competitive!" said Astrid.

"The rank 1 also participated, no wonder you are strong in AGD!!! This is how you do it!!!"Juni replied curtly

"Say that again! Bitch!!!"Sentanu was upset.

"Hey hey you guys don't get so emotional!!! That's right, Dek Rifanno said, let's eat first!"Said Budian intervened.

"Gak ah!! I have no appetite!!"Lopez replied

"Right!!! Especially with those who want to win themselves!!"Astrid replied

"Who also wants to eat with the three of you" said Joko

*Fernand's heart

Oh my God!! I feel so guilty! But if it's repeated it could be bad!!.I have to take the initiative

Fernand stood up and kicked the table like Mr. Budian to get attention.

*Brakk!!!(Sound of table banging)

"Sorry to interrupt your quarrel but....if we report it will be useless in my opinion!!!"Fernand explained

"So what? You like it when the three of them or the one who came in late take advantage of this anomaly, huh?" said Astrid annoyed.

"You too, you're just following them!" said Juni.

"Let me answer first!! Mr. Budian please sit down! I'll take over!!"Fernand asked.

"Yes" replied Budian while sitting back down

"Heleh...!!! What do you know?" said Lopez.

"Listen to what I'm saying!" Fernand said.

Doesn't it look normal!!"Explained Fernand

"Maybe he doesn't know yet!!!"Anisa said.

"That's impossible mba nisa!! do you realize when we finished the beta test there was a similar uproar as we are doing now!!!"Said Fernand

"The officers didn't tell us the most!" said Rifanno.

"That doesn't make sense Rifanno, plus do you still remember the time before the deeplayed process precisely the time in the all-blue background before starting the game!!" said Fernand.

"I don't remember that" said Joko

"Same bro" said Sentanu

"Then I'll remind you again! When before starting the game we are shown the UI window and there are several setting options!" said Fernand.

"Aaaa....!!! You're right mas Fer" said Budian

"Yes, I just remembered too" Anisa said

"In the UI window, the 'Privacy & Security Services' option is displayed with a locked padlock symbol behind it!!! Do you know what that means!?" said Fernand.

"You're a meticulous person!!!"Sentanu said.

"Oh my God! That's right, there's a padlock symbol!" said Lopez.

"From that I assume it means that all of us here have been closely watched by the developers!!!"Said Fernand.

"It's only natural that we're beta testing!" said Astrid.

"That's the problem!" said Anisa.

"That's right!" said Joko, agreeing with Anisa.

"That's exactly it...If we are being monitored, how could the developers not know about this anomaly! They should have immediately forcibly removed all of us, especially the three of you who were affected by the anomaly!!! Isn't that right?" Fernand explained

"That's right, it's not a bug!" said Sentanu.

"Ha ha ha we won Lopez!!! Astrid!" said Joko

"Thank goodness!" Anisa said.

"Wow!" Astrid, Juni and Lopez reacted.

"If that's true, then this beta testing is lame! It's only the first day, so it doesn't make sense?" Rifanno said.

"Rifanno's deck is right mas fer. This is social jealousy!" said Budian.

"It's not fair!" said Nippona

"Those who are hockey or vice versa, don't be happy or disappointed yet!!!,You realize that the character's time in AGD is not the same as the character's time in AGD.

And the PML that we are beta testing now is very different! Especially the condition of our characters when we log out," explained Fernand.

"I realize! In PML our characters don't disappear when we log out like AGD!!!"Budian replied

"Well!!! This means that if we all leave our characters in a random place then if we log back in we find our characters in a miserable state right!!! After all, the time there is also still running even though it's not played!!!"Fernand replied

"What the hell do you mean!!! If that's what we all know too!!"Said Joko

"I thought it was useless talk!" Astrid reacted.

"Calm down! Not only that, I found out that our characters can get hungry and thirsty and tired. That means if we leave PML for 3 hours to rest or the same three days there, what happens?" explained Fernand.

"Get to the point Mas Fer! I'm curious!" Rifanno said.

"Just answer it! Don't beat around the bush!" said Sentanu.

"That's right!" Anisa said in agreement.

"That means our characters won't eat and drink for 3 days!!! Plus some of us must have left our characters standing!!! Doesn't that drain their endurance? Then what happens after that! Our characters will die silly unless we eat and drink a lot and make them lie down when we log out!"Fernand said.

"Eh?!"The nine of them were shocked to hear that!

~To be Continued~