


sunansakti7 · Fantasy
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Chapter 14 : Back To Real Life For A Break

"Have you changed your mind?!" Petranus said loudly.

Fernand was distracted by Petranus' chirp making him turn his head with a small, embarrassed grin

"E-e-not really! It's just a shock! Don't overdo it!" said Fernand.

Petranus got up from the ground and wanted to leave.

"Now it's up to you! My business is now done!" said Petranus.

Fernand suddenly ran towards him

"E-e-eee!!!Wait a minute!" intercepted Fernand.

"Hmm?" Petranus replied

"Eng! By the way! How can you be confined to a crate when you're so strong!!! Well....I didn't mean it as a compliment... "Fernand replied.

Hearing that, Petranus also approached Fernand with a glance and then began to whisper near the ear something to him

*Wushh.... (Wind roar due to Petranus' speed)

Injecting me with Zombossa Serum and locking me up in that crate just to prepare for the 10th Ragnarok!!! What's so bad just to fight the "Second Maitreya" that is predicted to appear!!! "Kik kik kik" Petranus answered flatly.

*In Fernand's Heart

Again, the Zombossa Serum made by Loki.... I didn't pay much attention to his passive in clairvoyant!!!

"Eh?!" snapped Fernand in surprise.

Petranus immediately moved a dozen meters away from Fernand and turned back towards the exit hole.

"If you want to know more, ask that stupid Asvatam!!!!" Petranus replied loudly.

He paused for a moment to say that and then left like a teleportation but it wasn't.

"So fast!!!"Fernand muttered

Fernand stared blankly for a while

*Fernand inwardly

Wait a minute! If he can be trapped there then...??? No disarmament like the Silenosa case!!! I have to find....

Fernand then searched for the object he suspected from corner to corner up and down back and forth for half but never got it. All he found was mithril mining waste, jade chest shards, and adamantium padlocks only. Fernand was astonished

"Shit!!! It can't be there!!! Both of their seals seem to be invisible!!! K*mp*ettt!!!"Fernand complained.

He who was already desperate turned his attention to the jade shards and the adamantium padlock to look for clues.But who would have thought....

"Congratulations on earning the title of "First Player who can receive R Usable items""

"Congratulations on getting the "Adamantium Almighty Synthetic Padlock""

~First Player who can Receive R- Usable item~

Description: Usable Item Grade R- is only made by trancendental beings. Since you are the first to get this, your path will be easier to the peak of Magical or Martial power in the World of Pangea.

Bonus status: +45 DEX + 32 AGI +16 STR +12 HPR (Bonuses remain even if the title is not attached)

~Adamantium Almighty Synthetic Padlock~

Description: A padlock made of synthetic adamantium forged by Hepaestus with a blend of Hexaroth Dragon's blood and Jakos Sapphire, not to mention strengthened with the "Almighty Trinity Durance" spell by the three Abyssal Aesir, Loki, Kagutsuchi, and Sobek.Hooking and locking this using the talismandour key will make any object invisible, untouchable and unable to feel the air of its existence except from creatures that are not from the world of Pangea, the Constellators, & the Aesir. Any chest padlocked with this will make the trapped unable to destroy it from the inside if the trapped creature is even Aesir.

Item Type: Usable

Grade : R-

Terms of use:

At least have a main job in the Myth class category

Minimum level above 300

How to use: Find the Talimandour key, hook the padlock on any chest then lock it.

Disadvantages: The chest existence remover does not apply to Constellator, Aesir, & Padma Hunter.

"WTF!!! This adamantium padlock is as special as the chest!!!" Fernand reacted.

"This is great!!! But there has to be a key! I'll save it first!" said Fernand.

After storing it in the inventory, Fernand was confused about what else to do. Because he was tired of doing nothing he looked at the status window

"Status Window! Open!!!"Fernand said

~Character Status~

Username: Gavinox (Can't be seen by NPCs)

Nameblessing: Fat Baldy🔽(Cannot be seen by Players)

Stronghold: Divine Aesir

Title : None

Character Race : Dwarf (Not yet Evolved)🔽

Main Job : Warlord (Hidden class)🔽

Secondary Job : Potter🔽(only you can see this job)

Level : 1🔽(You can't level up in 5 annum)

Health Point🔽 : 2540

Mana Point🔽 : 2020

Physichal Resistance : 320

Magical Resistance : 162

HP Regen🔽 : 328/10s

MP Regen🔽 : 491/10s

Vitality : 254

Strength🔽 : 209

Intelligence🔽 : 303

Dexterity🔽 : 285

Endurance🔽 : 152 (Only you can see this status)

Durability🔽 : 158 (Only you can see this status)

Wisdom🔽: 392

Ceramics Ingenuity 🔽: 198 (Only you can see this status)

Agility🔽: 254

Luck🔽 : 232

Divinity🔽 : 115 (Only you can see this status)

Attack Speed🔽 :16.63

Caster Speed🔽 : 25.24

Bonus status points🔽 : 0


Commander authority🔽

Fits grip precision🔽

Dice of moon shaker🔽

Iron fist🔽

Re aether rune meditation🔽

Stronger wanderer🔽


Uncharted Darts Bolt🔽



"My passive is now 5 huh?!

[Ceramic ingenuity]

Ceramic ingenuity is the development of techniques, manufacturing, in-depth understanding of the properties of materials, and the application of innovative ideas in the design and product of various glassware objects that are used as objects of 3-dimensional works of art. Every 3 points of Ceramics ingenuity will increase the WSD and INT attributes by 1 point, increase Mana Points by 20 and increase MP Regen by 5. Also increase your pottery making skills by 1 inspiration of experience and 1 imaginary inspiration.

"Nice attribute!!! If this is the case, it can be a bit durable to use skills a little!!" Fernand uploaded.

"Oh yeah!!! Oh my.... ....!!! Isn't dh going to take a break?! If so..... Since 1 hour in real life is equal to 24 hours, it means that I will leave this character here for 3 days...." Fernand said.

After doing everything, Fernand then began to eat all the food supplies he stored in the inventory to prevent his character "Fat Baldy" from dying of starvation.

This important information, he got from Monolith because of what he told him that the complexity in the game is really crazy unlike AGD. Time here runs according to the real world on a scale of 24: Which means that if you don't log in for a day it will make the game character here really displaced for almost 1 month.

After that he was now just getting ready to log out of Padmaloka.

After a few hours of waiting...

"Notification! The developer said that 120 minutes / 5 minutes in the real world your beta testing time will run out due to the break time. It is recommended to log out!!!"

"You can extend it to 24 minutes /1 minute in the real world."

"Hoammm...Ya.....!!! It's time now, isn't it?" Fernand yawned and then made small talk while stretching his body.

"Game Setting Opened!!!"Fernand said loudly

*Display Window

[Configuration Setting]

[UI Display & AI Assistant Setting]

[Privacy & Security Services]

[Log Out]


*In Fernand's Heart

I have to return it back to the original, I have to be careful in case it is checked during break time.

Fernand also restored the settings in the "Privacy & Security Services" section to the way they were before he "Exited".

"Alright, it's done!" Fernand said flatly.

"Close lock Marlyn!" Fernand said with authority.

"The system locks the "Privacy & Security Services" section]

*Display Window

[Configuration Setting]

[UI Display & AI Assistant Setting]

[Privacy & Security Services]🔒

[Log Out]


"Log out" Fernand said out loud.

"System confirms Log out request, Will exit in 10 seconds"


"You will be logged out of the Game! Exiting you from Neuron deep state!"

"You have successfully exited the Neuron Deep state"

As soon as the system was turned off, the augmented reality audiovisual was gone and now only darkness was visible to Fernand indicating that the Beta testing had been paused for a break.

When the time was 11:00, Fernand removed the 2 sets of DVR equipment, but what he saw was beyond his expectations. .....

"Ah shit!"

"It's so hard"

"Crazy complex!!!"

"I don't have a brain!"

That's the boisterous voice of dozens of beta testers that caused noise throughout the hall.

"Please calm down! Calm down!" The voice of the officers

The officers swiftly approached and asked them one by one, looking for the reason for the beta tester's frustration.

What the hell is going on?" Fernand muttered

Apparently the beta testers complained about how difficult it was to survive in Padmaloka, some of them died and had to wait 48 hours in the real world, while others complained about the behavior of NPCs and monsters that were not patterned, too emotional, unpredictable, and their actions were almost similar to real human behavior.

But not all of them are like that, there are also among hundreds of other people who are relaxed and happy to respond to their gameplay there, including Fernand.

After a few moments of silence, Mr. Samuel and his men entered the room in more casual attire. As an instructor, he gave directions.

*Tap tap tap (Sound of footsteps)

Mr. Samuel and several employees walked to the center in front of the Beta testers. He also brought an Admin headset to tighten the sound.

"Good afternoon everyone!!!"He said loudly and energetically.

"Afternoon!!!" The beta tester greeted in unison

"Here I will convey 2 things, first for consumption we have prepared healthy and delicious dishes that we have provided in the canteen. Then secondly we temporarily prohibit you all from leaving the building during break time for the next 3 days for technical reasons."

"Alright! That's it, please all of you who are still sitting on the beds to get up from there and follow the officers who will direct you to the company canteen!" said Mr. Samuel casually.

"Yes sir!!!" roared the beta testers.

"Officer!!! Direct them!!!"Mr. Samuel ordered

"Yes, sir!!!"Simultaneously 25 officers were there

The beta testers stood up and left Felipe-2 to wait for the officer's direction while Mr. Samuel and his subordinates left the Hall.

"Make 30 lines with 10 people each" said the chief officer.

"Everyone line up!!!" he said.

Fernand got the corner row near the exit. From the officer's directions, it seems that each row will be at one table in the cafeteria on the second floor.

The 300 people who were divided into 30 lines were walking in order with Fernand at the front of the line.Approximately 30 minutes lasted, finally the officers managed to mobilize them to the canteen.They found that the interior of the canteen there was fairly luxurious like a real estate restaurant, the catering officer was almost like a chef in a 5-star hotel judging by his clothes.

The chief officer continued to give directions to all of them.

"In this canteen you will all get snacks, appetizers, main dishes, desserts, and drinks prepared by our caterers! You will be given a time limit of 12:45 and I emphasize not to bring anything from the canteen to the Beta testing room to maintain cleanliness. You must all be lined up neatly when it is 1:00 a.m. Got it?" he said firmly.

"Understood sir!!!"Beta testers answered in unison.

They all queued according to the direction of the line earlier, the canteen there was indeed devoted to Beta testers judging from the existence of 2 canteens in this building where the other one was downstairs for employees.

Fernand was the one with the frontmost queue and his line chose a table near the canteen stand.

Fernand found 4 men including himself and 6 women sitting at the same table with him.

Before starting the meal, the 10 of them introduced themselves. They also included their rank order, race, AGD job, and current location in Padmaloka. The woman who was Fernand's age started first.

"Hello everyone!!! Eeee...Anuu...!!! I'm Lopez, age.... 19 years old. I'm a forestry student at UJP in Jogja.

In AGD my own username is 'Inclusion', Ranker 4, wearing the Elf Race and the last job... 'Bahamut'!

While in PML this username is 'Pinkopiy', Human Race and Magus job!!! currently my character is in MIG kozakh!!! Hello," replied the blonde woman slowly.

Note: AGD = Armageddonia

PML = Padmaloka


"I'm me!" A teenage boy offered himself

"My name is Rifanno, 15 years old, I'm in 3rd grade at Karya Buana Junior High School in Blora!"

"For AGD, Username Thalcoz Mudgard, Last Rank .....39! with the Dwarf Race because I think it's cool! If it's a job anyway."

"In this beta test, I named my character Danger Hanger!!!!, took the Minotaur Race because I like bulls!!! For the job, Wrestler because my favorite is smackdown!!! I'm currently trying my luck at Hius Mancu picca," said the gray-haired fat man excitedly.

"Greetings!!, Hopefully we can meet ya!!!"He continued excitedly


"Okay, I'll continue!" said the short woman.

"My name is Nippona, I'm 26 and I'm in the furniture business in Makassar!" she said.

"In AGD, the username is....Flawless nino, who if I'm not mistaken, yesterday 114 Race is elf because he looks really beautiful!!! And his job is Supreme Ronin!!!"

"If this new one is.... I give the name Geyastri then...His race is Elf again and plays the Ronin job again too....

"Thank you for listening ...!!!"She replied The plump blue-eyed bitch was cheerful


"Well it looks like it's my turn...!"

"In short, introduce my name is Fana, age 23, working as a salesman for a heavy equipment company in Palembang.

"In AGD Username June Mostin, Rank 98, Human Race, Sengoku job"

"The current player name is Ekitarus, Rank 15, Lizardman Race, hoplite job. MIG Muegola's current location. That's all! Thank you!!!" Mortal replied without intention and hurriedly

~To Be Continued~