
Offspring Of Evil

Sixteen years after the "Chrysanthemum Killer" was finally put down by Kim Yeon-Hee and everything went back to normal, a new killer suddenly appeared, embodying gruesome yet elegant murders as they hunt. Will Yeon-Hee be able to find and end the dredger of her past? Or will the killer succeed in their carnage?

Hutch_Kins · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The Brother. [8]

Inside of the cold interrogation room was Oh Nam-Jun who was handcuffed to a small half-circle bar in the middle of the table.

In front of him was Kang In-Hyuk who was questioning him for the past ten minutes but to no avail as Oh Nam-Jun had chosen to remain silent.

"Oh Nam-Jun! Where did you get this picture?" Kang In-Hyuk pointed to the picture of Jin-Ah, who was unconscious and tied up in a cramped space that looked to be the trunk of a car.

Sun-Jae was in the observation room, nervously watching the interrogation with a tense look on his face as he leaned on the wall behind him.

He stared at Oh Nam-Jun who looked at the reflective glass of the observation room that did not show Sun-Jae on the other side with a smirk as he remained silent.

Lee Jae-Sik, a man with a defined jawline who was a member of the violent crimes unit team three and Sun-Jae's former team member, patted him on his shoulder as he saw how tense Sun-Jae was from his heavy breathing and recurring pacing in circles around the room.

"It's okay, we'll find her, alright?" He attempted to comfort Sun-Jae who looked at him like he was about to cry as he nodded.

"Yes." Sun-jae replied, taking a deep breath and walking directly to the glass as he stared at Oh Nam-Jun who still was handcuffed and silent.


Three hours had passed and Sun-Jae stood still outside as he took in the fresh air.

The APB on Jin-Ah's brother was out as he hoped it would help find him soon.

Kang In-Hyuk walked out of the exit door and walked straight to Sun-Jae with two A4 papers in his hands that had information written on them.

"Did he speak?" Sun-jae asked immediately after he arrived, only to receive a negative reply as Kang In-Hyuk shook his head.

He lifted the papers and gave them to Sun-Jae as he took a lighter and a cigarette and lit it in his mouth. He took a long pull and blew out smoke as he spoke.

"I ask Jae-Sik to run a background check on both of these to see if we find anything important," He paused and took another pull of the cigarette and blew out smoke, "And we found out that they're employed at the same place, a scrapyard. So we requested that they provide us with the pictures of their workers to see if that guy but they said that they can't do anything without a warrant," He paused yet again, pulled and blew out smoke, "So go with Jae-Sik and some other cops to the scrapyard and see if you can find anything." Kang In-Hyuk finished his cigarette as he left Sun-Jae to look at the address of the scrapyard before he caught up with Kang In-Hyuk.


After joining with Lee Jae-Sik and the other cops that consisted of Kim Dae-Bom and Jang Tae-Seok from team one along with two others from team three, they took the van and drove to the scrapyard.

They arrived and decided to park outside the walls of the scrapyard in order to have the element of surprise.

They decided to be split up into teams of two with Kim Dae-Bom with Jang Tae-Seok being the first team, Ryu Sun-Jae and Kim Dae-Bom being the second, and the last two being the third.

The teams were set and everyone decided to walk in and take different areas.

The first team was in charge of investigating the owner of the scrapyard to see if any information could be found and if they were involved.

The second team was in charge of searching the warehouse on the far right of the scrapyard for anything suspicious.

The third was in charge of questioning workers of the scrapyard about the wanted man.

Immediately after everyone was paired and assigned their duties, they immediately entered through the open gate and into the large, dirt ground scrapyard filled with crushed cars stacked upon each other accompanied by the loud sound of heavy machinery and strong smell of fuel and cigarettes.

Sun-Jae and Dae-Bom split off from the others and went straight to their destination, passing through the maze of stacked cars and unwelcoming gazes of the workers of all sizes who were riddled with tattoos and scars on their bodies.

"It's strange." Dae-Bom said warily, watching the rough-looking workers slowly tailing them from a distance from the corner of his peripheral vision.

"What is?" Sun-jae asked curiously, stepping over a black puddle of water.

"Are there supposed to be so many people working here? Especially ones that look like gang members?" Dae-Bom replied.

Sun-Jae was confused and then became wary as well before he indiscreetly made it look like he was curiously observing everything and snuck a peak at the suspicious men following them.

"Should I call for reinforcements?" Sun-jae asked like he was having a normal conversation.

"No, they might not do anything so let's just do what we came to do." Dae-Bom replied, thinking about it before he added, "But be prepared just in case."

After navigating through the maze, they arrived at the metal warehouse that was huge and had rusting walls and dirty windows not revealing the inside.

Sun-Jae went forward and grabbed the iron handle of the small door before he heard a pack of heavy footsteps and metal pipes clanging on the dirt ground.

They turned and saw a dozen gangster-looking workers carrying thick wooden pieces broken off to have sharp edges and thin, long metal pipes. A few were holding something in their hands behind them and some inside their pants that were hidden by their white T-shirts and vests. They all had a dangerous look in their eyes to the two intruders.

"What are you doing?" A well-built, bald man with tattoos asked in a deep voice.

Dae-Bom took a step forward and took out his police I.D card and held it up to the workers. "Police, we're investigating a case so we ask for your cooperation."

"Do you have a warrant?" The bald man asked with a hint of malice.

"No, but if you-" Dae-Bom was cut off by the loud scoff of the man as the other workers took out long and sharp sashimi knives wrapped with a rag on the handles and slowly walked before the man nonchalantly ordered.

"Kill them."

And just like that, all hell broke loose.