
Ch. 3: Unknown Land. [OLD]

"Did you see them?" Someone whispered.

"There the ones…"

"The portal…?"

"It's probably fake…" People whispered, as Greyson and Scarlet stood to get ice cream.

"People have already seen the second video." Scarlet whisper to Greyson.

"I just uploaded it though." He whispered back through gritted teeth, as he put a fake smile on, while people looked and whispered.

"What are you going to do?"

"The only thing we can do.  Make the next video right now.  Tell them it isn't fake. This happened.  And it's a threat today. If the Mas-" Greyson got cut off.

"You're Greyson Tyler, right?" A girl told him, completely ignoring Scarlet.

"Erm… yes… who are you…?" He asked her (Greyson wasn't good with social interactions).

"How old are you?  I love your hair, and your eyes!  They're…" The girl kept going as Greyson stammered things out like, "..15… oh… my hair…"

Greyson had blond hair that didn't like staying neat.  It was always messy. He had grey eyes, which were very uncommon.  It's how he got his name. 'The grey eyed son.' turned into Greyson.  In the light, his eyes looked hazel, with a hint of grey in them.

"That's enough." Scarlet finally said, Greyson looking thankful at her, then immediately turning away.

"And what are you,"  The girl said snarky, "his girlfriend?"

Scarlet turned as red as the girl's hair.  "No, you little-" She caught herself. "What are you, a drama queen?"

Her friends laughed.  "Also, I think you're kinda cutting people." Scarlet told her.

She looked at the line, and turned back to Scarlet.  "I'll have you know, my dad-"

"Look," Scarlet said, cutting her off. "I don't really care who your dad is, because, he isn't here.  Go away now, or you'll have another thing coming." Scarlet cracked her knuckles.

The girl glared at her, and then walked away.  The cashier called "Cassandra" and the club of girls went to get their ice cream cones.

"You realize that would have been assault, right?"  Greyson told her.

"I wasn't actually gonna hit her, just wanted to scare her."  Scarlet said.

"You didn't have to do that."  Greyson said, with no emotion.

"I know.  I don't have to do a lot of things but I do them anyway."

After they got their cones, they headed back to Greyson's house.


"Hey, two videos in one day.  But let me tell you something before I continue.  This is real. This happened. Okay, well, where were we… Right.  So the portal pulled us in…"

The portal pulled the three of them in.  Greyson felt the air pushed out of him. He couldn't breathe.  It was too difficult. His eyes were shut, so he couldn't see Scarlet or Sunshine. His insides burned. Then as quickly as it came, it was gone.

He took deep breaths, his eyes still closed.  He was on his hands and knees on the floor. In his hands he felt… he felt grass?  He opened his eyes and looked around.  They weren't in his basement anymore. They were in a meadow surrounded by trees.  "Where are we?" He heard Scarlet call. He knew it was Scarlet because Sunshine had a higher pitched voice than her.

"I have no idea…" He turned to them, and saw Sunshine waving around her phone.  "What are you-"

"Omg! No! No! No, no, no, no!  There's no service here?  How am I going to call for help!"  Sunshine said, cutting Greyson off.  

"Calm down, drama queen."  Scarlet told her. "We're probably in a different part of Colorado."

"But how-"

"I don't think we're in Colorado anymore.  Look around. There isn't a building in sight.  Or a cell tower." Greyson said, glaring at Sunshine and she did it back.

"You're not in Call-or-ah-doh anymore, whatever that is." A high pitched voice said.

The three of them turned around. Standing behind them were 3 very strange looking girls.