
Ch. 2: The Mystery [OLD]


  "Wow. A thousand views since yesterday.  Well, let's get to it. Where did we leave off?  Oh yeah, right. Okay. The end of the school day.  The bell…"

  The bell rang signaling the school day over.  Scarlet ran up to him. "Hi, again."

  "What now?"

   "I can't just walk with you? We live right next to each other."

   "No, you can't. Bye." He said, speeding away.

   "Greyson!  Greyson!" Scarlet called, sounding scared.

   "What?" He turned around, annoyed.

   He saw Scarlet pointing in the direction of their houses.  The sky above their street was a violent shade of purple. "What the…?" Greyson said, awestruck.

   Greyson and Scarlet looked at each other, and then started running to Greyson's house. (Scarlet's parents worked late, so after school, Scarlet stayed at Greyson's house until her parents came home.)  As they got closer, they saw that whatever was making the sky purple was coming directly from Greyson's house. They ran into Greyson's house, and threw their backpacks down and started looking for the source of the "purple stuff."

   They searched the whole house, Greyson's parent nowhere to be seen.  They stopped in front of a door. Greyson looked at Scarlet. "No Greyson… you're not allowed to… to go into the basement…"

  "Because my parents probably kept something in there they didn't want me me to see. But what if they're down there?" Greyson reached for the doorknob and turned it pulling the door open.

  "Greyson, no-"

  "Come on!"  He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her down the stairs.

"Woah."  They said together when they reached the last step.

"What is that?"  Scarlet said to him.

"I don't know…"  He was at a loss for words.

In front them was a mirror, with a portal glowing purple, the same color as the sky.  A wind from nowhere was blowing so strongly it was hard to hear.

They heard a crash from upstairs.  "Greyson! Scarlet! Where are you guys?"  A voice cried.

"Great."  Scarlet said gritting her teeth.

Scarlet's twin sister was upstairs.  They were nothing alike. Scarlet was the nerdiest person you could ever meet.  Her sister, Sunshine, was a "celebrity" on social media. Seriously addicted. Scarlet liked to say her twin would die if she didn't post something every hour.

"Are you guys in the basement?  You guys left me at the school."  Sunshine called.

They heard her walked down the basement steps.  "She's coming down here."  Scarlet looked like a ghost.  Her sister was clueless. She'd probably scream.  Scarlet and Sunshine were nothing alike, besides maybe looks.  Caramel brown hair, sparkling hazel-blue eyes. Tiny freckles. Sunshine always had her hair down and curled.  Scarlet always had her hair up.

"Oh-my-god.  What is that purple swirly thingy."  Sunshine had reached the bottom step.  "Wait… Greyson, you're not allowed down here.  What-"

She was cut off by the 'purple swirly thingy' swirling faster than it had been before and glowing brighter.  Then the wind stopped blowing. Something gold popped up at the rim of the mirror. And then the air in the room started being pulled into the portal. Greyson, Scarlet, and Sunshine were suddenly being pulled closer to the mirror. The force was so strong, they couldn't stop themselves, and before they knew it, they were being sucked into the portal.

"And that's all for today. Bye." Greyson said, stopping the video. The screen flashed:


  "And that's that." Greyson said, pushing the upload button.

"Wanna get ice cream?"  Scarlet asked.

  "Sure."  Greyson told her.  They both got up, and walked out of the house.