
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Wrong Choice

Facing this unforeseen challenge, especially in a tense situation, it would be natural for me to say, 'I looked into the eyes of danger, my undeveloped chest bursting with courage, and with a calm and composed mindset I wrestled with this opponent fearlessly. For what else could defeat offer, other than Death? Something which I had already experienced, it no longer held fear from me.'

Now that would be sick AF, but also a big fat lie.

I'm not proud of it, but what really happened was: I squealed like a little girl, tripped over my own feet and fell flat on my ass ending up half wet in cold, cold water.

That's when the owner of those intense emerald eyes left the guise of shadows- their appearance leaving me both placated and outraged.

A cute little face framed with silver, messy locks; intense groggy emerald eyes previously unnerving, but now filled with clearly visible confusion; a tear streaked face and pouting lips which slowly turned into a small grin, one which showed her canines. Dressed in a black oversized hoodie and holding tight the metal bat, she was the literal Loli who could get otakus screaming 'Kawaii!' and make them start a 'Protect the Loli' campaign with just a glance. She held a presence of a small animal, and raised a distinct feeling of somebody to protect.

This rapidly diffused the tension and calmed my beating heart, though I did feel my cheeks heat up.

Even I was mesmerized, though only for two brief seconds. Two seconds were enough for me to feel the cold seep through my skin, to know the whispering had stopped, and I was wasting time, as the water kept rising.

My anger and embarrassment returned with a vengeance, embarrassed to be seen in such a state; anger directed both at me and her, at her for she was laughing at me, and at myself, for is this all for my second chance? Scared by a little lass?

Agitated, I got up and took another look at her, with her still looking at me. 'Young, probably 5 year old like me'- I thought, making me wonder how I should deal with her.

If this had happened in a novel, manga or anime, as a viewer I would probably have bookmarked it and followed it religiously. I mean, who doesn't need cuteness and fluff in their lives? But the situation here was different. This is a real world, filled with wars and conspiracies, littered with conflict and death, and without power one would always remain a pawn in this game of life. This was not the time to play hero.

Walking closer, I held out my hand towards her-" Gimme the bat!" I spoke, harsher than intended.

"No." Came the simple reply, with her clutching the bat even closer, if that was possible.

Looking at this impasse, I had a headache. She was still on the shelf, in the wardrobe, and held a metal bat. That was neither easy to climb, nor was I strong enough to snatch the bat by force. Plus, the girl seemed unhinged enough to be able to use the bat she had.

Ultimately deciding to ignore her, I checked the remaining wardrobes for anything usable.

'Clothes, Torches, More Clothes, Shoes, and A Knife!' Picking the knife and torches, I started bundling them up in a t-shirt.

"What'cha doin'?"-A small soft voice interrupted my though, and looking back I saw a small silver head peeking out of the open wardrobe, full of curiosty and wonder.

"Preparing"- I concisely replied, making me realize something. My 5 year old body was affecting my mind and behavior; I as a past adult know I should behave in a soft manner, especially when I want that bat from her, yet I found myself impulsively acting out.

Looking at her pout, trying to calm my annoyance, I started over, and with a pure smile, or atleast my best impression, asked, "Who are you? What's your name?"

Curiosity overcame annoyance, and with child like naivety and innocence, she excitedly spoke- "Emily! I am Emily, and Emily is a smart girl!"- what followed was a vigorous nodding, as if agreeing with her own statement, and a smug smile spreading across her face.

Normally, if somebody spoke in 3rd person about themselves, he is either a chunni or a retard. But if the same thing is done by a girl, it may be deemed to be cute or sweet, depending on how attractive the girl is or how much of a simp you are. Keeping aside the whole Sigma part, one universal thing everyone can agree on, is a cute little girl talking in 3rd person is kawaii, and holds a certain charm which automatically invokes a feeling of indulgence and protectiveness. Hence the whole charm of having daughters whom you can spoil rotten.

Even I wanted a daughter before. No relationship or girl serious enough for me, yet I already wanted a daughter.

But this was before.

When separated by a screen, it's a rosy picture; but here, it's a grimdark reality.

My own life was not in my hands,so how could I dare to even think about helping others grasp their own?

This monologue in mind, I simply nodded with a smile, continuing the conversation- "But Emily is so smart, so why she needs bat?" I asked in a pondering tone, with one arm folded and another with a finger on my chin.

Tired and weary, she still held the stick close to her, before looking around as if hiding from someone, and leaned in towards me; as if whispering a secret - "To pwotect me from bad man. Mama said, when bad mans come for me, hit them in the head with big stick!" and made a show of swinging the bat, close to more than half the size of her own body, in an arguably stable, too wobbly to be called threatening, manner.

If I wanted to, I could have grabbed the bat when she did that, but I didn't. I was too distracted by her reason of needing the bat and THE FACT SHE HAD A LISP!!

Damn my heart!!

You know, in life, one always has to make decisions. On your path, you will have to choose the best option between what you want, what you need, and what you can get.

Life is not easy, and similarly, neither would most decisions be. But there are times, when faced with given options, you know which is the correct choice; cold logic and your brain point you towards the most rational option, yet you ignore it. Passion triumphs Rationale, Emotions beat Logic and Heart defeats Brain.

Finding myself at such a crossroads, I swallowed my saliva in an effort to deal with my suddenly parched throat, making a decision which I knew would possibly come back bite me in the ass; a wrong choice I could smell from a mile away, a flag I would raise.

"Give me the bat. I'll protect you. From all bad men who come for you. You have my word." - I said with seriousness and maturity which didn't match my current age.

Surprise, suspicion and happiness. I could see her struggle reflect in her eyes, her innocence making her face an open book. Slowly crawling forward, a hand crept forward, with a single finger raised.

Accompanied by a trembling voice filled with suspicion and relief- "Pwomise?"

With a deep breath to calm my whimsical heart, I made a promise I had no guarantee or logical reason to fulfill, yet was willing to bet my new life on- "Pinky Promise. You have my word."

Looking at our entwined fingers, Emily gave me a brilliant smile, one which lighted up her whole face.

Then, I realized, while it wasn't the rational choice, it wasn't a wrong choice at all.


Certain fluff to make MC human and attached. Keep reading and do give stones.