
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · Book&Literature
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This looked something straight out of some game or fanfiction. This message from my World Will was the sole confirmation I needed to to make my mind.

Though from reading between the lines it looked like my WW was my backer. From all the emphasis this System placed on 'your World Will' and how they denied responsibility about the primary powers, it looked more like a competition between the backers who acted through their champions.

Especially the last limitation; while the others looked suitable for the power I choose, the last one looks more like a rant and a thinly veiled threat than a limitation.

Still, who am I to complain, for I am a champion at best or a pawn at worst. Too weak to matter or ask questions.

Keeping all these thoughts and theories in a corner of my mind, I focused on what I could control, and returned to the System screen floating before me.

'Stat Screen' I though with a certain bit of anticipation. And boy, it did not disappoint me.


[Stat Screen

Name: Alexander Aadi Walters

Alignment: Chaotic Evil


>Innate: None

>Gained: Super Genius IQ (Dormant), X- Gene (Dormant), PFH Gene (Dormant)

Points: None

Rank: 6th

Condition: As perfect as a 5 year old who was kidnapped after his parents' death can be, though shit is about to get real real soon. Prepare yourself to be in a world of pain.]


To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. No matter what I say or how I act, there is always a cynical part of me whispering in my mind that this is either all an elaborate prank or a wild dream, and when I give in is when this beautiful dream would shatter. But then again, this is the beauty of life; and the unpredictability is what makes it an exciting gamble.

But still, this is insane. I had achieved my wish, my CCC ability was hidden like I wanted; my parents though absent for most of my new life, had given me two things which meant a lot- Super Genius IQ, possibly heritable; and PFH Gene, which I was willing to bet was some experiment I was an unwitting part of. Though the X Gene raised a lot of unwanted questions, covering everything from a smart wordplay, a prank, or a sick attempt to bring a comic book to life. Still, nothing I could actually do something about, so keeping that aside for a moment.

Name's the same, powers good, alignment understandable, potential great, and surprise factor immeasurable.

Though if there is anything which bothers me is the Condition, which sounds ominous, and obviously the ranking, which simply doesn't sit well with me.

Ignoring the Ranking, which would obviously be seeing a change pretty soon, I turned my attention to the Condition, or to be more specific, the last part.

'Prepare yourself to be in a world of pain'? That hardly seems believable, especially when I had gained knowledge of three known and one hidden power.

However, I curbed this dangerous thought process before it had time to germinate into overconfidence. This was literally a dream come true, a book or fiction brought to life, and I have lost count of how many times there has been a plot or interaction of 'Tempting Fate', where the Protagonist or some character says or acts like he is safe, or say something along the lines of -"This is the safest place" , or talking in Absolutes, and the World itself decides to fuck over the characters. 

Murphy's Law at its very best. The World itself gives you the finger.

To stop myself from falling into the same pit, I calmed myself and gave myself a reality check. I had potential, not power. There were thousands of ways this could go wrong. Humility would let me go a long way, Overconfidence would get me either dead or captured. Still, it received the same treatment as everything else beyond my control did. Written on my 'To Deal With' list and placed in the back of my mind.

Done with this, I focused on the next thing on my 'To Do Register' - Deal with the System. 

Next I focused on the Stat Screen, back to its original state displaying four options, and focused on 'Objective'. The Screen once again rippled, displaying new information, one which raised a chill up my spine and goosebumps on my skin.



 Primary Objective: Survive the Snap/Blip

 Reward: Return Function Unlocked

 Secondary Objectives:

 Evil: Double or Nothing

A simp clamoring for a Goddess' affection swears to sacrifice half of all life. Pfft, weaking. The Goddess deserves somone much better. You. One up him by sacrificing all of life.

 Neutral: Do Not Disturb

What others do is their business, until it affects you. Take steps such that you are unaffected by all the shit going down.

 Good: Inter-Planetary Hero

A madman is out to kill half of all life. Now that you know it, it is your moral responsibility to stop it from happening.

 Reward: Unlocks the respective Shop

 Tertiary Objectives:

 Chaotic: Light the World on Fire

Calamity is approaching, with half the population about to die. So how can you miss this opportunity to spread Chaos. Change Alignment of atleast 10 individuals. This may be achieved via them experiencing traumatic moments.

If you are willing to play with matches, you may very well burn the World.

 Neutral: Watch the World Burn

Calamity approaches, threatening half the universe. But you are unbothered, as you have take certain precautions for your continued survival. In these uncertain times, you live free.

If someone lights the World on Fire, you may very well watch it burn. 

 Lawful: Save the World

Calamitous times have approached, casting the World in darkness. People are scared and World in dismay. Waiting for you to step in and save the World. Be the Messiah you were meant to be.

If the World is in danger, you will stake everything to save it.

 Reward: Unlocks the respective Trading Market

Note: Achieving Milestones shall win Points to be used in the Shop unique to each World.]



I was in honest-to-God, filled-to-the-brim-with-Super-Powered-Individuals, where-the-World-is-destroyed-too-many-times-to-count, Mind Reading, Reality Bending Clusterfuck named Marvel Comic Universe.