
Odyssey! A Fantasy Turned Reality[LitRPG]

Luck played its part initially. Follow along to see how hard work plays it's part as Vikram explores the world of Odyssey. Would he achieve his goal of becoming rich? Obviously he will. Follow along if you're interested in how he will achieve this and how this one goal stems into several with time. EDIT: You can find my works on Royal Road aswell. Edit date: 30/12/2022 For Advance Chapters and more: Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/Horny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: Village Head’s Worry

After logging back into the game Vikram went inside the depths of the village and finally reached a big building that seemed to be the office of the village head. The building was the one that was built much better than the rest of the buildings. It was something obvious because the building of the village head represents the whole village.

Looking at the long building for a while Vikram moved forward towards its entrance. Two guards donned in armour were standing guard on both sides of the building's entrance.

"Name your purpose traveller." One of the guards said.

Vikram observed the guard whose uniform was slightly different than the ones that were guarding the village entrance and said after removing the letter given by Timmy's mother in his inventory. "I was told to give this to Sergeant Ronald by his wife."

"Oh, Sergeant Ronald, Alright wait for me here." The guard said and went inside the large building leaving Vikram standing there under the stare of the other guard who after staring at him for a couple of seconds held back his eyes and proceeded to do his duty.

Feeling the inspecting gaze moving away from him Vikram took a sigh of relief as he waited for the other guard. A few minutes later a robust man slammed open the door hurriedly and stopped in his steps when he met eyes with Vikram as he asked, "Are you the person who saved my wife and son?"

Hearing his words Vikram slowly nodded. Seeing Vikram affirming it Ronald rushed to give him a tight hug as he thanked him continuously. Due to his strength, Vikram couldn't avoid it and almost got crushed by it. Fortunately, Ronald didn't hold him for long and released his grip on Vikram after a while.

After releasing Vikram Ronald realized that his conduct was a bit inappropriate and coughed two times to release his embarrassment before continuing. "As you would already know from my wife, I'm Ronald Fredrick, one of the personal guards of the village head. Here, take this, it's my insignia. It will help you move around in this village."

Ronald passed Vikram a badge and after Vikram accepted it, he soon found that his fame in the village had increased to 90. It was the maximum fame that anyone could have in a particular place normally.

The amount of fame a player had for a particular place determined the way the citizens of that place treated them, each village/city had its own fame points so one had to earn it all over again once they changed their place. This meant they had to do more quests from that place.

The fame points had many benefits. It not only improved one's relationship with the NPCs but also allowed them to get quests that people with low fame points won't be given. Quests that require higher fame points obviously gave more EXP to the players.

While Vikram was admiring his fame points Ronald continued "If you need anything else you are free to meet me anytime and I'll do my best to help you."

Hearing Ronald's words Vikram thanked him for it and just about then he saw a small figure exiting the entrance of the building.

"Who's this Ronald?" The figure said.

"Village Head, this person is a young swordsman, he saved my family from the attacks of the Dark Golems therefore I rushed out to thank him, my apologies," Ronald said after saluting to the Village head.

Vikram looked at the old man whose height was even smaller than his but his presence gave out an aura of dependability. Hearing Ronald's words the village head nodded as he shifted his gaze towards Vikram and looked at him admiringly.

"Young man, thank you for helping one of my people. As a village head, I'm truly grateful for it." The old man said and continued after taking a sigh, "I need to do something about those wretched Dark Golems quickly. We've sent most of our battle-trained soldiers on a quest outside. If not for that we would have directly dealt with the Dark Archmage responsible for summoning those Dark Golems in our village…that wretched man….Would you, Young Swordsman be willing to give us a hand?"

The Village leader wants your help in dealing with the Dark Golems till the time the main fighting troops of the village return. Will you accept the quest? (Y/N)

Seeing the words appearing in front of him Vikram without thinking much pressed on 'yes' and accepted the mission.

Quest Accepted: Deal with all the Dark Golems that would be appearing in the village for the next 30 days.

Quest Completion Reward: 10,000 EXP (Minimum), Village Fame becomes equal to 100.

Seeing the quest details Vikram was first a bit disappointed seeing that he would be needing to spend so much time in the village doing the quest but after seeing the EXP reward and also the 100 points of fame he would have after completing the mission he became happy again.

Fame beyond 90 could only be achieved after doing certain unique quests and most of the time it's very difficult to find such quests as a result very few people in Odyssey have 100 points of Fame in a particular place.

Having 100 points of Fame the player can freely player kill (PK) anyone in the village and the village guards won't do a thing. Also! He'll get a 50% discount on all items that he would be buying from any place in the village.

After bidding farewell to the village head with full vigour Vikram started patrolling the Village in search of the Dark Golems that could spawn anywhere. Not much time passed and soon 3 red dots appeared in front of his eyes. Vikram was smart enough to realize that these dots were guiding him towards his targets.

Vikram soon reached the Dark Golems who just like before were dealt by him after a few minutes of battle. Being familiar with the battle strategy this time, it was much easier for Vikram to deal with them.

+3600 EXP

Another reason the battle went faster than the earlier one was because the three golems were only LVL 12. After dealing with them Vikram once again got back to his job of patrolling the village.


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