
Odyssey! A Fantasy Turned Reality[LitRPG]

Luck played its part initially. Follow along to see how hard work plays it's part as Vikram explores the world of Odyssey. Would he achieve his goal of becoming rich? Obviously he will. Follow along if you're interested in how he will achieve this and how this one goal stems into several with time. EDIT: You can find my works on Royal Road aswell. Edit date: 30/12/2022 For Advance Chapters and more: Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/Horny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Letter

A/N: Changed the EXP of the quests in the previous chapter. Escorting Timmy - 100 EXP and the Protect Timmy's Family - 1000 EXP

The rock monsters had a name in red colour displayed over their head along with their levels. They were called Dark Golems and all three of them were at level 13 which was two levels higher than Vikram's. Tightening his grip on his sword's hilt with both of his hands he attacked the golem that was closest to him only to have his attack repelled.

His sword bounced back after hitting the golem's body which was made of stone. Vikram could see only a small mark on the golem's body from his attack but before he could observe it further, he was met with a counterattack from the golem who swung its arms towards Vikram intending to slam him in a given direction.

Fortunately, Vikram was not dazed seeing his attack doing almost no damage on the golem and quickly stepped to the side to dodge the attacks. He was just testing the waters initially. Now that he knew that hitting the golem's body directly won't do much damage to it, he decided to target the gaps in its body.

The golem's body was made up of rocks combined together and the place where they were combined had a gap. These gaps were going to be the places Vikram planned to attack from now on. After dodging the golem's attack Vikram swiftly stepped forward and attack the golem's weak point.

The attack was directed at the gap joining the golem's upper arm with its lower arm so the moment Vikram's attack strikes the gap it was met with a bit of resistance but Vikram successfully pushed through it leading to the golem losing its lower arm.

The moment the lower arm of the golem got separated Vikram saw the earlier quick movements of the golem become a little sluggish. Taking advantage of this sluggishness he aimed another attack on the other side of his arm which too dropped making the golem even more sluggish.

Seeing their fellow golem being attacked by Vikram the other two golems rushed towards Vikram wanting to crush him but Vikram was fast on his foot and successfully dodged their attack without getting even a scratch. Even though these rock golems were much higher in level than the hounds he had fought with earlier he wasn't scared of them even a bit.

In fact, Vikram was enjoying his current fight with these golems because he wanted to improve his sword skills and the level 10 and below monsters, he was encountering earlier weren't helping him at all in this.

As a result, even though his current task couldn't be considered as easy, he was having the time of his life. After dodging the attacks from the golems that could smash him in a single strike Vikram just like how he did with the first golem attacked the gaps in their structures and soon made them immobile. Now that he was familiar with their weak points taking them all down was like a piece of cake for him.

After taking care of the two golems and getting Vikram went back to the first golem and quickly took care of it. The moment he put an end to the golem the message for mission completion popped up in front of him. It was worth noting that each of the golems gave him 1300 EXP each. So instead of calculating the amount of EXP he had received in his mind, Vikram decided to directly open his stat window.



LVL – 11(5000/11,000EXP) [1300*3=3900, quest reward = 1000, Escorting Timmy = 100]

CLASS – Swordsman

STR – 12 [+80 (Baleful Sword Bonus)]

END - 11

DEX - 12

INT– 11

DFN – 2.2

HP – 11 [ +2.2]

Seeing that he had gained 5000 EXP Vikram couldn't help but be happy. Levelling up was considered very hard in Odyssey so Vikram could only link his quick EXP gain to him being the first person to explore the Demon Kingdom.

Timmy's mother soon came forward and thanked Vikram hurriedly. She was almost in tears because if not for Vikram's help, she and her child would have ended up dead by the attacks of these Dark golems.

Vikram told her that it was alright and was about to go back to the main village when he was stopped by Timmy's mother who told him to wait as she ran back inside the house. After waiting for a while Timmy's mother came back with a letter in an envelope.

She passed it to Vikram and said "My husband is one of the village head's trusted guards, you can hand him this letter and he'll help you in any way he can in the future."

Vikram accepted the letter happily thinking that this might be linked to some quest. Vikram nodded at Timmy's mother before bidding her and Timmy goodbye. The journey back to the main village was quite tranquil as he didn't meet with any danger.

After entering the main village Vikram at first wanted to rush straight to the village head's place but his body told him that he was too tired. Vikram soon found a secluded corner and decided to log out of the game.

During these days Vikram had been working out daily and he had already changed his diet to a healthy one. His previous unhealthy appearance was slowly and gradually changing for the better which helped in improving Vikram's self-image.

Vikram soon put the VR gear aside and after emptying his bladder went to sleep. The next day Vikram woke up energetic and went out for a run which was in his daily schedule. In order to not overtax his body he was limiting his run to around 2.5 kilometres daily and would slowly increase it in the future as his body gets comfortable with it.

After coming back home he performed a few sets of body weight exercises and then went to freshen up. Vikram had initially thought that working out would leave him exhausted all day but it was quite the opposite. It was true that a few minutes after the workout he was all exhausted but after taking a bath and then eating his breakfast his energy level was much more than usual.

This was also one of the things that helped him in sticking with his routine. After filling up his tummy with a delicious omelette he had prepared for himself Vikram took a huge burp and logged back into the game.

A New Chapter along with a new Cover. Hope you enjoyed the read.

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