
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Put the cookie down

When walking out of smithy, Johnathan can be seen holding his newest creations. One is an onyx black with a metallic sheen, a 10 inch long barrel, and on it is an white feather. Writing can be seen on the barrel, it reads "Vampire's Kiss" While the other gun has a 17 inch long barrel, and a metallic silver color, with a black feather on it, and the writing at the front of the barrel reads "Dragon's Sigh"

He was very satisfied with the way his first forging went, because these were not meant to work out so well, just a test run until he got better materials, but he couldn't be happier. As they were literally perfect for him right now

[Vampire's Kiss]

Date of Creation [5/25/500]

Materials Used in Creation [Adamantite, Mithril, Chlorophyte]

Creator [Johnathan Reed]

Special effects [When used in tandem with "Dragon's Sigh" bullets will do 40% more damage, and recoil will be decreased by 20%] [Vampire's Kiss can only fire hardened blood, otherwise the gun will not shoot]

[Dragon's Sigh]

Date of Creation [5/25/500]

Materials Used in Creation [Adamantite, Mithril, Chlorophyte]

Creator [Johnathan Reed]

Special effects [When used in tandem with "Vampire's Kiss" the guns will instantly reload if the user has space magic, and has the [Parallel Processing] Skill or something similar, as the instant reload requires total concentration] [The bullets Dragon's Sigh shoots must have an elemental property, otherwise it will not shoot.]

Johnathan had also made 100 bullets for each gun, since the blacksmith didn't really have much Druynite. It was something of a shame, but he had other things to do. Such as getting the new nobles to agree to follow him as king. He needs this done for the quest, but after that he has no plans on keeping a monarchy running, he's supposed to become the strongest being, not stuck on a throne dealing with petty complaints from nobles.

He puts the guns inside his pocket dimension, and he then starts walking around town, trying to find Ruby. They never really set up a meeting spot, he was way to excited trying to make his first creations. So he just walks inside the adventures guild, to go take a quest.

He looks inside the guild and finds it's more spacious than before, having two floors and a bar. He looks for a few quests that require monster hunting, or just asking around for a good hunting ground. After asking around for a bit, he finds out that there's a mountain range crawling with monsters. No one goes there because it's a death sentence to go, so everyone tells the newbie in town.

After hearing this, Johnathan chats with some adventures before leaving. He then goes to find a Ruby. After wandering around the town square, he finds her sitting on a bench, eating what he assumes is an oatmeal cookie. He then walks over to her.

"Hate to interrupt, but we have some businesses to attend to, so the cookie's going to have to wait 20 minutes."

Ruby groans "What is it now?"

"Getting the nobles left here to follow us as there new leaders."

"Great, that can wait a minute, let me finish my cookie." She then starts devouring the rest of her cookie. Johnathan then proceeds to pick her up over his shoulder, and then starts walking into an alleyway. Ruby is startled at the fact she was picked up, and them tries to break free. He then makes a portal and throws her inside, she lands on a couch inside, while he walks in.

As soon as Johnathan emerges from the portal Ruby starts yelling at him, she then suddenly stops after hearing some moaning in the background.

"Where the hell did you bring me this time?" She asks, somewhat apprehensively.

"This is why the cookie couldn't wait, were at the Kyanstone manor. To convince them to follow me as the new emperor of the Ragnian empire." Johnathan says this while he's making more blood bullets.

"Okay sure, but why exactly is that your goal? Explain your thought process to me." Ruby just looks at him funny. She's well aware with his rate of growth, special powers, and his ability to get stronger when he kills, but she feels he's jumping the gun a bit here.

"First off, more battles meaning I get stronger faster, Second, there is no way there just going to let some random nobody replace and take over a Barony. It's basically asking for trouble to not deal with me, so they would come after me until the world ends. Third, you said your brother was ruling right? Just want to kick his ass. He did try to sell you into slavery, and I am not going to let that slide. Were friends now, there no way I wouldn't do this eventually. Speaking of, by the time the news reaches them, I should have evolved again."

"Okay, so when should we talk with the new Kyanstones?"

"The morning, just sleep on this bed. I'll be back by sunrise, I'm going hunting" He then takes a bed out of his pocket dimension and outs it in the middle of the room. After that he opens another portal to outside the gate and walks inside, closing it behind him.

He then goes to his Four Eyed Devil form, and starts flying towards the east, where the mountains are supposed to be.

He's seeing the stat windows through Aprasial, as a reminder. The reason the insatnt reload says "Or something similar" is because other people beside him can use it, so if they have a similar skillset, it would work.

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