
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Blood stained snow

After flying for around half an hour, Johnathan finally sees the mountain. He could have done his teleport trick over, but he felt the need to practice flying, so he flew over. He lands at the base of the mountain. He looks up to the peak and higher parts of the mountain, there coated in snow. After looking around for a while he starts to ascend when he hears a notification.

[The user has located a monster rich area, kill them to grow your strength. But you have things to do, your a busy man. The quest fails if the user fails to kill at least 2000 monsters before sunrise. The user must kill everything on the mountain in 3 days or the quest will result in failure. exp from monsters will only be claimed at the end of the quest]


[1000 different weapons] [500000 exp] [300000 Credits] [150 Skill points] [Permanent 2x exp boost] [King of the Mountain Title]

[Monsters left on the mountains]


[Penalty for Failure]

[-100000 Credits] [exp from monsters killed will be set to 0]


Johnathan then starts making blood clones in his demon form, with all of his blood used, he gets 9 clones that could easily sherd a goblin encampment. One takes his Buster sword, one the rapier while the others make feather weapons. They then all speed off to different areas of the mountain. But oddly enough, there sense are linked, sort of like a hive mind.

While flying to some smoke in the distance, Johnathan is suddenly attacked by a group of 5 harpies, he decides to try out his new guns. He pulls out Vampire's Kiss and shoots at one of them, hitting them in the head. The harpies head explodes, causing blood to fly everywhere. Johnathan quickly turns the blood into a spike, impaling the rest of the harpies. He then takes out Dragon's Sigh, and starts blasting anything he sees moving down below.

His clones are flying around the mountain. After 3 hours or so, they had taken care of an visible encampment, and the rest of the flying monsters, which included rocs, harpies, griffins and lighting birds. The moon was halfway up and starting to set, meaning he had about 6 hours before he should head over to Ruby.

He then starts flying around the mountain, and numerous golems start throwing rocks at him. He nimbly dodges some while smashing though others, but in the end, all the golems get a bullet to the head from Vampire's Kiss, as he was saving his Dragon's Sigh bullets. While wandering around he finds an encampment of giants, they stand 10 feet tall with bulging muscles. He decides to practice his martial arts.

When he enters the encampment, all the giants instantly lunge at him, but he has his blood rib cage to block there attacks. He then dashes towards a giants face and knees it, he then wraps his legs around it's neck and crushes it. He then lands back down, and back kicks one of the giants. One giant then punches him from behind, but he just grabs his arm and throws him over his back, before putting his full force into smashing his skull with a kick. He then picks up the corpse and throws it at a group of 3 giants, who are killed from falling on their necks. He then feels bored and uses the blood from the corpses to impale the remaining giants with blood spikes.

When the sun starts to rise, the Johnathan leaves his blood clones to continue the massacre, while he goes to look at the amount reaming monsters.


He's extremely satisfied with these results, because the blood clones will be going all day, he can easily complete this quest. He felt that this was not intended to be done with blood clones, but whatever get's the job done. He then open a portal to where he last left Ruby.

He walks in on the conversation between Ruby and the Kyanstones. It seems to have gotten pretty heated.

"Why should we follow some lunatic who wants to get us all killed?' Fredrick is bellowing this at the top of his lungs.

"This is why" Fredrick and Rebecca turn their heads to see a Johnathan standing there, with all his elements surrounding him, guns in hand. He then shoots the wall nearby, leaving an 2 foot indent.

Everyone stops for a few seconds. It's dead silent, Johnathan then shoots 5 more bullets from Vampire's Kiss towards the sky. After a minute, Fredrick looks at Rebecca. They then start muttering between themselves.

"Alright, were in, but what's in it for us?"

"Dukedom, so long as you actually stick with us, and don't think I won't notice. Loyalty to us and it's dukedom, I see you've betrayed us, and your heads go rolling"

"Yes, Your majesty."

"Alright then, nice to be working with you, Fredrick and Rebecca."

After that little mishap, Johnathan takes the bed back inside his pocket dimension. He then opens a portal to the town square and walks through, waiting for Ruby. After she enters the town square, Johnathan tries starting up a conversation.

"Get any sleep last night?"

"Nope, they were doing it the whole damn night." Shes grumbling and glaring daggers at Johnathan.

"Yeah... sorry about that, I thought they would stop after an hour, they were doing during the day so..." He looks apologetically at Ruby. "Anyways, do we have any lodging that isn't with those guys."

"Nope, nothing. Anyways, you have to go hunting again right? I'll just wait here for an hour after the sun sets."

"Thanks, and make sure you get me a cookie too!"

He then teleports away.

Gonna have more dialouge, comedy and other charter stuff, so imma have to read other works, so like maybe one chap tomorow.

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