
Finally Killing The Fish.

Snakes were cunning back on earth, but even more, cunning in Oceania.

For a moment, Sebastian could not help but think if the person who made the quote about the cunning snake also once stayed in Oceania. This was because, at this moment, the Cobra's terrifying skill exhibited too much cunningness.

Though Sebastian was sure that the Devouring Cobra's mana points were currently draining at the speed of a running tap, it was also frighteningly effective.

With this skill alone, the Devouring Cobra firmly held the upper hand.

When he was still a Great White, Sebastian once encountered a Devouring Cobra but compared to this fellow, that fella was indeed a teenage Cobra.

The Cobra singlehandedly suppressed the old toad and the terrifying Praying Mantis despite them all being at the same tier, showing the difference in the quality of bloodlines, and the cunning of a snake.

While doing this, the Cobra also kept on chipping at the fish's life.