
OCDB Lore: Ultimate Edition

Before there was anything, there was darkness. And before there was darkness, there was God. God went by many names, but most know him simply as Demiurge. Demiurge or god, then created the first beings in creation: the administrators. these included, The Knight, Bravery and Skibidemon. After this, god created many, many more beings....before disappearing. Or atleast that's how the story goes, afterall, history is forged by those who remain.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · Action
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5 Chs

The end of the duel

"Injustice Technique: White."

"Justice Technique: Yellow."

As those words were uttered, a massive wave of energy washed over the cosmos. To enormous blasts, powered by beings more beyond what mortal beings could comprehend collided with one another. One field by pure Injustice and Racism, the other by Justice and Fairness.

The white and yellow blast encompassed all that could be seen, devouring everything and everyone in its wake. Reality quaked and trembled. Intergalactic Filaments that bound the universe itself began to shatter and disappear, the very foundations of the universe: the laws of physics, breaking down infront of the massive blast.

Death and Destruction was certain, it was as if the apocalypse itself had descended into the cosmos, and yet even still, no winner was decided. The massive yellow and white blast appeared to be clashing in perfect harmony, no energy overpowering the other. For a split second, reality came together, before breaking apart as the blasts ended.

White and Yellow light cascaded down the surrounding, as the blasts of the two god-like beings dissipated into seemingly nothingness, but the battle was far from over.

As the light subsided, Timmaes and Ladi were revealed to be unharmed.

"Hah...not even that worked. Why won't you just accept defeat!"

Timmaes yelled as he rushed forward and tried to punch Ladi's face, only for his fist to be dodged.

"I will never accept defeat."

Ladi said before punching Timmaes' gut. A massive explosion of yellow rocks Timmaes back, sending him through a planet, and a star, and many several light years back before he finally stopped himself.

"You are a fool."

Timmaes said as he dusted himself off, unharmed. Ladi suddenly and instantaneously appeared infront of him and tried to punch his gut, however Timmaes deflected her fist using his right hand. Using his left hand, he charged up a Red energy blast, and struck Ladi with it.

Ladi herself was sent flying back through several planets, but she too quickly caught herself. This time Timmaes appeared infront of her, but instead of punching, he held a small sphere of red energy.

"Timmaes technique: Red."

He said as the sphere rushed towards Ladi. She didn't have time to dodge it so all she could do was block. The blast collides with her, producing an explosion larger than an entire galaxy, eclipsing entire galaxy superclusters in brigtness.

As the blast subsided, Ladi was revealed to have sustained minor injuries. A bruise here and there, maybe a scratch.

Timmaes grinned. Progress was progress. Ladi meanwhile took a deep breath, before wordlessly rushing forward and throwing a barrage of punches. Timmaes could block most of them but some of them slipped through.

One of the punches landed in his gut, temporarily stunning him, then and uppercut to his head, then a right hook to his face, before Ladi finished off the combo with a yellow blast of her own.

"Justice Blast."

The blast rivalled Timmaes' Red, causing a massive amount of light and a huge explosion. But the battle was far, far from over.

As the light dissipated, Timmaes was revealed to have the same minor damages. However he held a massive grin.

"Most excellent."

A blue aura began to surround his body, a crazed look in his face. Ladi prowared herself, raising her hands forward in a combat stance. Timmaes meanwhile leaned forward, his stance loose.

The blue and red aura around Timmaes expanded heavily. Ladi countered as her own aura of gold and yellow increased to match Timmaes'. The two were equal in every sense of the word.

Timmaes than yelled, his aura crackling.


He yelled before rushing forward and blitzing Ladi, grabbing her face and throwing her. He then followed it up by appeared behind her and slamming his elbow on her back. Ladi was sent flying, however mid flight she turned around and launched herself at Timmaes.

Timmaes grinned, rushing forward as well. The two otherworldly beings collided, and reality fully broke. The essense of reality shattered as the fundamental laws that governed the universe fell apart.

The empty void they were fighting in was replaced by a crystalline environment that spanned on for eternity. They had broken through dimensions, however the two showed little care.

Timmaes launched a Red in point blank range engulfing both of them. However the very next instance Ladi powered through the blast and caught Timmaes throat, only to be kicked in the chest and thrown away.

Timmaes then raised his hand, a blue blast beings charged.

"Injustice technique: Blue."

Just as those words were uttered, the blast rushed forward and hit Ladi, expanding rapidly before contracting and exploring in a concentrated area. The concentrated explosion definitely did more damage than Red due to its nature, but it wasn't enough.

Both of them appeared to be getting exhausted. Ladi and Timmaes both had taken moderate amounts of damage, small bits of blood seeping through Ladi's cheek and Timmaes' mouth.

Both of them however grinned. They were enjoying this. They rushed forward once more, noticeably slower than before.

Timmaes tried to punch Ladi's face, only for her to duck under his punch. She spun around, sweeping his legs and causing him to fall. He tried to kick him mid fall, however Timmaes using a bit of energy stopped his fall and punched her face. Ladi blocked it and countered by grabbing his arm and slamming him into the ground. As Timmaes was slammed, did the same technique Ladi used and sweeped her leg, before punching her stomach. Ladi anticipated this and jumped just in time to avoid the leg sweep, however the punch did connec, however she was able to block it to reduce most of the damage.

The two of them jumped back to create some spacing. Both of them were clearly tired and on the brink of exhaustion. Both of them were panting heavily yet even still they smiled. This fight was the best they've had in a long, long while.

No words were exchanged, but the feeling of mutual respect didn't need it. Ladi and Timmaes nodded briefly, before rushing forward and throwing a punch one last time. Both of them connected as the two hit each other in the jaw. Nothing happened for a short bit, before the both of them toppled over and fainted.

Another draw, just like always.

Reality began to mend it's broken wounds as the shattered dimensions repaired themselves, leaving them floating in the pitch blackness of space.