
OCDB Lore: Ultimate Edition

Before there was anything, there was darkness. And before there was darkness, there was God. God went by many names, but most know him simply as Demiurge. Demiurge or god, then created the first beings in creation: the administrators. these included, The Knight, Bravery and Skibidemon. After this, god created many, many more beings....before disappearing. Or atleast that's how the story goes, afterall, history is forged by those who remain.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · Action
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A new day, a new criminal

A few days had passed since he duel with Ladi. Both of them woke up at the same time, shook hands and left.

No words were shared because there were no words to be shared.

After the long and brutal fight with Ladi that threatened nearly the entirety of cosmos, Timmaes was just laying around with nothing much to do. There wasn't anything crazy to do and the only person he even knew was Ladi, and even still the only thing they did was fight.

Sure fighting was extremely fun for him but there had to be something else he could do right?

The environment he was in was pitch black, like the void of space. Nothing could be seen anywhere save for Timmaes himself.

Timmaes himself was currently sitting on throne of sorts. His white robes were splayed all over the throne. The man wasn't even sitting properly, both of his legs were ontop of the throne. He was the king of Curses alongside the aspect of Racism and Injustice afterall, it made sense for him to have a throne.

He was definitely bored with nothing to do, that's when he sensed something. Even from his realm he could sense them conversing. A few beings...perhaps they were curses, were talking about how there was a new being that came into existence. Clever was his name.

'Thats a stupid name.'

Timmaes thought to himself. Who would name their child Clever?..well that was if he had a parent. Timmaes didn't remember his own parents, he just named himself Timmaes. Maybe this Cleverbot was the same deal? If that was, the name was even more stupid because he named himself that. Timmaes didn't consider that his own name was a bit ridiculous by regular standards.

Regardless, he didn't find the new being TOO interesting before he learnt that it was currently being held in court for some reason.

'What? Didn't he just spawn into existence? Being thrown into the court of hell this fast...not even I've been thrown into the court of hell and I'm literally the aspect of injustice!'

Timmaes thought. He definitely was interested now. He got up from his throne and grinned. His unnatural smiled stretched from ear to ear.

"Interesting...I'll go pay them a visit."

Timmaes said before a blue aura surrounded his body, warping space and time as he teleported.


Timmaes teleported into the courtroom, directly at the jury section. He dusted himself and took a seat without speaking. It seems he was the only one in the jury seat. He turned to look at the criminal in question: Clever.

The being didn't look too interesting. He wore a brown and white half sleeved shirt, his skin colour was blue. The most interesting part about him was that he didn't have a head but just a blue floating brain.

He turned to see the prosecution side and to his surprise, it was none other than Ladi. The latter was also surprised to see Timmaes sitting at the Jury section. The two acknowledged eachothers existence, before Timmaes began looking elsewhere.

He turned to see the side of the defence. It was a man he hadn't seen before. He wore a straw hat, a red shirt that left his chest and stomach bare, and blue pants and flipflops. He also had a giant X-shaped scar on his chest. His hair was black and he had a grin. Overall he didn't look too professional.

Timmaes didn't know who he was but he could care less. Finally he turned to the judge. The man had blue hair and appeared rather feminine. He wore a traditional judge uniform. The judge turned to Timmaes and spoke.

"I assume you are here as Jury?"

Timmaes nodded.

"Indeed I am. I'm curious as too what this new guy did exactly. There's no problem right?"

Timmaes said with his signature grin. The judge nodded, before hammering his gavel a few times.

"The court session of Clever, begins."