
Occupation: Psychopath

This is a dangerous psychiatric hospital ...... First we get out of here, then we do what we need to do to make up for six years of missing out, as well as meet a dear "family member", and finally ......

wangyuweijue · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Run for one's life

[Occupational mission four: self-defense]

Find the psychopathic killer hiding in the hospital disguised as a psychopath, who at some point without realizing it has targeted you as his next target.

  Task Requirement: Kill the maniac before he kills you, no time limit.

  Mission Reward: Occupational perfection increased by twenty percent, two random occupational attribute points.

  [Current Occupation Perfection Degree of fifty percent.]

  Walking slowly through the shadowy aisles, Su Yi stopped in his tracks and suddenly received the mission release information from his mind.

  When he was informed of the contents of mission four, his eyebrows could not help but jump slightly.

  The two white coats had initially mentioned that a homicidal maniac had appeared in the hospital, and the identity of the other party was unknown, and then when coupled with the surveillance in the corridor that Su Yi had seen along the way, which had been deliberately destroyed by someone, everything seemed to be more than clear.

  Everything seems to be clearer than ever.

  And just now, that homicidal maniac hiding in the hospital had already set his eyes on himself, taking himself as his next prey.

  For a while, the dimly lit corridors all around seemed even more depressing, and those areas covered in shadows seemed as if a perverted homicidal maniac with a murder weapon could spring out at any moment!

  The originally fairly safe second basement level was no longer safe.

  The other party is most likely to be in the dark silently spying on himself, looking for the best time to strike!

  Thinking of this, Su Yi unconsciously clenched the throwing stick in his hand a little tighter.

  The other party could continuously kill people in the hospital without being discovered, just this point is sufficient to illustrate the danger of the other party.

  Even though his physical quality had been greatly improved, Su Yi did not feel that he could definitely deal with that guy.

  His footsteps became more and more cautious, and his nerves were also tensed up in order to deal with any situation that might arise at any time.

  "Ta-da-da-da ..."

  The sound of shoes treading on the floor echoed in the corridor.

  The originally noisy mental hospital, with the power supply of each ward being automatically cut off late at night all plunged into darkness, there were still a few chandeliers flickering brightly in the corridor.

  Su Yi did not know whether it was because he was too nervous, he always felt that the sound of footsteps in the corridor sounded like two people walking at the same time, but as soon as he stopped the sound of footsteps would completely disappear.

  He tried to take two more steps, but he still had the same feeling.

  Suddenly, Su Yi violently turned back to look behind him, only to see a black shadow flashing away at the end of the dark corridor behind him.


  It was that perverted murderer hiding in the shadows! He had been keeping a certain distance to follow himself!

  "Should I chase after him?"

  This was Su Yi's thought at this moment.

  After hesitating for a moment, in the end, Su Yi still brought up his throwing stick and chased after him in the direction where that dark shadow had disappeared.

  Although this may cause himself to encounter greater danger, but it is better than "the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light", being stared at all the time in the dark, and now since he has discovered the other party, then he should seize this opportunity!

  Su Yi's body moved quickly in the corridor, his speed was almost comparable to those professional sports students.

  Within a few seconds, the long corridor ran to the head.

  However, even so Su Yi's action has been fast enough, but when Su Yi ran to the corner of the corridor, that black shadow has long disappeared, obviously, the other party's speed is not much worse than their own!

  Looking at the dark corridor in front of him, Su can only helplessly dispel the idea of chasing up.

  In situ surveyed the surrounding area, confirmed the position he was in.

  At the moment, the most important thing is to get the diary and flash drive left behind by the old dean, the matter of the mission can be put aside first, and it is not a must to complete.

  So, Su Yi turned around sharply and walked quickly in the direction he came from.

  Soon he returned to the position he had just stayed in, seeking the memories in his mind, he continued to move in the direction of the stairway on the third basement level.

  The time spent in the archive room was relatively long, and it was now almost almost zero hour.

  Just as Su Yi was about to walk through a corner of the corridor, abruptly, a silhouette wearing a white coat suddenly emerged from the corner, holding a bloodied knife in his hand and stabbed straight towards Su Yi's abdomen!

  This white coat was obviously a fake!

  "It's that perverted murderer! He made a big detour to hide here and wait for me!"

  Su Yi truly did not expect the homicidal maniac to be so insidious.

  Because the situation happened so suddenly, it barely left him much time to react. Instinctively, Su Yi tilted his body back to avoid the incoming sharp knife, and then without even thinking about it, the club in his hand swept towards the side of the head of the figure in front of him.

  The fierce face of the murderous maniac with scruffy beard, flashed a trace of surprise, as if he didn't expect the "doctor" in front of him to actually be able to avoid his own knife.

  But soon, his face was replaced by uncontrollable excitement, and his face became twisted and fierce, which was a strong desire to kill!

  The bloodshot eyes glared, the man's strong arm poked out, his palm was like an iron hoop firmly grasping the throwing stick that Su Yi threw at him, while the sharp knife held in his other hand changed angles and continued to stab towards Su Yi.

  When Su Yi saw that the stick was being held, he wanted to pull the stick back, but he didn't realize that the strength of the maniac in front of him was surprisingly large, even with Su Yi's current physical quality, he couldn't shake the other party.

  Seeing that the bloodied knife was getting closer and closer to his chest, there was no way, Su Yi gritted his teeth and had to give up the idea of retrieving the stick.

  In the next moment, Su Yi's hand loosened, and without hesitation, he turned around and ran.

  This was the most rational decision at the moment.

  Defensive weapons are gone, do not run can only wait to be killed by the other party, so a short moment of contact, Su Yi heart is already clear that the other party is not at all able to deal with their own.

  The other party is ultimately a murder experienced homicidal maniac!

  As for the task "over-defense"?

  Heh, there is no chance of "overdoing it".

  Looking at Su Yi's fleeing figure, the homicidal maniac followed closely behind, as if he had already seen the fear and pain that surfaced on the other's face when he killed that person.

  True homicidal maniacs never kill for a certain purpose, they only kill because they like to kill, they love to kill!

  Su Yi was very clear about this, and also understood that a kind of mental illness was called homicidal maniac syndrome, so he didn't try to reason with the other party.

  At this time, he couldn't care less if he would make too much noise, it was still most important to save his life.

  Looking back at his back, he could clearly notice that the distance between the two was gradually being drawn closer! Perhaps it won't be long before he will be caught up by the homicidal maniac behind him and be killed.

  Su Yi couldn't help but curse in his heart, how could this perverted homicidal maniac that came out of nowhere be so difficult to deal with.

  Those who could become homicidal maniacs were indeed not simple!

  Silently calculating the currently existing professional abilities, Su Yi helplessly realized that apart from the Spirit Boy's active ability, there was not a single ability that could play any role at this moment.

  The subway judge's ability was to reduce his own presence, but not to make himself invisible to others.

  The Spirit Boy's active ability, "Ultimate Rage", was an explosive ability that could not be maintained for long, and afterward, he would fall into extreme exhaustion.

  The point is, even if Su Yi uses the extreme anger, he is not sure that he can win against that murderous maniac. ...

  In the dimly lit corridor, the overhead chandelier flickered, two figures in white coats ran furiously one after the other, their speed was comparable to that of a professional gymnast, and the long corridor almost reached the head in the twinkling of an eye.

  Su Yi was running fast while controlling the rhythm of his breathing.

  He wanted to directly find a room to hide in, but he also knew that it would be easy to be caught in a jar.

  Behind him came the man's malicious laughter, "Don't struggle, and don't expect anyone to be able to save you, before you there have already been four people stabbed to death by me, including three white coats in the hospital, and you'll be the fifth person I'll kill tonight!"

  Hearing this, Su Yi's face did not move, but his heart slowly sank.

  There were already three white coats who died under that homicidal maniac's sharp knife, counting the two white coats in charge of checking the rooms that were solved by himself plus one Sun Laihuru, then that's six people...

  There wouldn't be too many doctors in charge of staying at the hospital at night, and there were usually just six or seven of them.

  No wonder they circled around the second basement for so long, but they couldn't even see the shadow of a white coat, it turns out that there are no more white coats, and the white coats that stayed in the hospital tonight have basically been taken care of by Su Yi and Homicide Maniac.

  Originally, Su also expected to attract a few white coats to distract the attention of the homicidal maniac, but now it seems to be impossible to do so.

  On the empty corridor, Su Yi and the homicidal maniac were still staging the scene of running for their lives.

  At this moment in the second underground floor, they were the only ones who could walk in the corridor.

  "You're the prey with the strongest resistance I've ever seen, really can't wait to see your expression before you die! Hoo hoo hoo! Don't do any fearless resistance, the moment you were targeted by me, you can't escape!"

  Facing the undisguised malice in the homicidal maniac's words, Su Yi still didn't respond to this psychologically twisted pervert with a penchant for killing.

  "If we can't figure out a way, sooner or later, we'll be caught up by this pervert! No one in the second basement floor can deal with this maniac!"

  "... Maybe I can try to lure him to the third basement level's critical care area!"

  Such an idea suddenly popped up in Su Yi's mind.
